1. Fareed didn’t get the answers he was expecting. Netanyahu will be portrayed as supporting Russia after this interview

    1. @Markus Berzborn Facts can be manipulated by dishonest minds. History tells.
      What only counts is ideas. And histor-icity.
      Please tell us when the history of Russian Ukraine and Russian Crimea started .

  2. Doesn’t get more political than “If I get elected, I’ll look into it”.
    In one sentence, you promote your campaign, while also making no actual concrete promise to do anything to resolve the issue. SMFH 🤨

  3. The problem with leadership in politics is that it is presented to newcomers as an arena. You enter and you perform. Your goal is not to collaborate, but to come out on top, to out negotiate, to out perform. Regardless of how altruistic you enter the arena, it is quickly stripped away through a process of survive to thrive or die. You are told from day one, “this is how things work around here. If you want to get anything done, you have to learn how to play the game.” It’s a game, a sport where no one nice survives.

    1. @The Hidden Paw While you make some valid points, I think a lot of what you are saying depends on the lens you are viewing life through. Humanity has many challenges and failings, no doubt. But it also has many examples of beauty, love, compassion and collaborations, from people lifting a car off of a crash victim, to the Underground Railroad in 19th century America helping slaves to flee to the safety of the northern states. I understand that many people feel they were brought into a world of war, death and hate, but people are also brought into nurturing loving homes and experience communities where people live in peace and help one another. I got a call from an elderly neighbor who had a water spigot pipe freeze by his shop. He lost water and was in a real bind. I jumped in my backhoe and headed over. By the time I got there, there were ten neighbors there all ready to work with tools and repair fittings. We had his water back up and running in a few hours. I was raised in a family by parents who told me to be whatever I wanted to be, to do whatever I wanted, and if I chose to do nothing they said that would be ok too. I went on to become a teacher and then an administrator and then a county commissioner and always used my platforms to encourage people to be who they wanted to be, to be ok with who they are and to help others. We are in tough times right now in many places on the earth. That makes it even more important for us to intentionally look for the good and love in life. It’s out there, if we look.

  4. Why is it so important to ask every PM and President’s about their stands with the Russian leader? Insecurity or just finding a way to smear someone. Every country in this world does diplomatic manners, with no regards to anyone but their own interest’s.

    1. That’s not obvious. There is a real tension in international relations between norms and power, or between self-interest and values. Usually democracies would be more principled, but a range of internal and external factors are at work. Not just shrewd external self-interest.

  5. A masterclass in circular logic and wordy non-answers. A consummate politician that Bibi. This is not a compliment.

    1. @Roger Pennel Dude he wasn’t trying to convince USA to go to war w/Iran, he was trying to convince USA (Obama) to get out of the nuclear deal, there is a difference.

    2. @Evan Bradwhat has Isreal done for Ukraine?
      Since 2014?
      You have an answer?
      Ukraine was invaded. Not Israel
      You understand that?

    3. Bibi answered as directly as he possibly could. Unfortunately Israel must maintain a degree of neutrality because of the delicate situation in Syria that requires cooperation between Israel and Russia. It’s not something Israelis are happy about, but it’s a matter of their national security.

    1. Bibi was told before his fee would depend on quantity, not on quality. So Bibi being Bibi, he delivered.

  6. “Foreign Policy is an international game of poker, and everyone is cheating.”

    -Beau of the Fifth Column

    1. That man looks like a redneck (Beau of the Fifth Column) and has the heart of a Saint and a brain of a scholar. Great man and he is right. God bless him .

    1. Seriously? Do you think he spends hours a day, winding and lacquering his hair, like our former president?

  7. what is most worrying is the lack of verticality of today’s politicians and leaders, they prefer to lie to the people than to face the truth, and to tell people directly,

    1. @Deborah Freedman I hope so Israel is a very important country but is not assuming the paper on this crisis and like the humpty dumpty is in the wall and for importance of geopolitical of Israel that is no good to the world

    2. @benson Hahahaha. I had to google the word verticality and check if there was any context related to what the conversation is about, in which the word could be used.

    3. The word “verticality” doesn’t make any sense in this context. They probably meant “uprightness” which is a synonym of verticality and could work in this context unlike the latter.

    1. its very easier. for israel the most important issue is to save jews in israel and all over the world
      giving the iron dome to ukraine would mean to potentially expose the system to the world and therfore to eg iran
      that alone will not make them take the risk

  8. Could spiral out of control??? How the hell can you say that it is currently under control and if so who is controlling it?

    1. It’s obvious to see that he’s saying that it could spiral out of control, such as that it can get far worse… English is hard I know

  9. I liked how the ex 🇮🇱 PM dragging somewhat India’s diplomatic line while answering cumbersome and seemingly discomforting question. Good job.

  10. He avoided the question completely in regard to his personal dealings with Putin. Sadly Israel only cares about Israel. They know all to well about threats by an aggressive neighboring country. You would think they would have more empathy for Ukraine. But for them, Israel thinks not criticizing Putin will serve them. I wonder what Israel would say if other countries took that position in regard to them being invaded by Iran?

    1. I don’t se Obama cared for Israel when he signed the Iran deal, so when u open up about israel caring for isrsel only…the first interest of every country is to put their own country’s security BEFORE anything else, and America is not acting any different

    2. Israel needs to protect itself and that might require cynical moves for survival. And they’re still helping Ukraine with humanitarian aid. They’ve taken many refugees too

  11. It’s good for all leaders around the world to get along with each other if it helps stops conflicts and wars and helps all the countries people to get along cause that’s what humanity is all about faith,love,peace nd the survival of the human race and that requires commitment and cooperation with each other to survive Period.

    1. If the human race lasts another 100 years it will be a miracle. In a hundred years are humans going to be living like the Jetsons or the Flintstones ?

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