House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) responds to leaked audio obtained by the New York Times in which McCarthy said he was considering asking then-President Trump to resign over the Capitol insurrection. #CNN #News
Hear McCarthy’s response to leaked audio about Trump

I don’t know why these reporters don’t pin him when they asked him the question because he’s answering a question no one’s asking nobody asked him if he spoke to the president we’re asking why are you lying about recommending that the president’s step down because we clearly heard you
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Exactly the point here!
Shame on this cult follower republicans
Sad sad!!
It’s funny that they want to illustrate a problem yet in typical fashion make no attempt to solve it!
“… Go see the World cause it s also brand new …” sang in 2012 by Owl City .
“… it s just … before we learn how to fly , wellcome To the of ….. it s been … …. but before i gooo , … tell me when can we do this again …. you have to tell me … when can i see you again … ?”
Ya know, I’ve heard about all this border talk but it’s the same policies that have been in place for years. I’d like to know what their answer is for the border
Lying is a full time job in the GOP.
@A. B. look over here everybody I’ve got to say CNN I’ve got dis acnn it’s what I’m told to do CNN CNN CNN
@Pam Jones baaa baaa aaaa aaa
poor tater, his ‘sister’ Jill couldn’t soothe him when the big bunny spooked him.
Little Kevin’s culture war trip is just another transparent distraction from his monumental duplicity.
And EVERYBODY is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…
@Joe Smith and no one is paying attention to you.. LOL
This McCarthy guy would be HILARIOUS , if he wasn’t so PATHETIC.
…………Everybody is paying
attention to Elon Musk’s
recent “buy”…..

What does McCarthy has to say about Trump calling the Russian army being peace keepers.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.
And EVERYBODY is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…

McCarthy’s not even a good liar . One more thing he doesn’t do well.
…–Everybody is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…

Bravo! Well said
@Vynida Lopes “Mister DeWorf ! Bravo ! …” Axel Foolley yelled in Beverlly Hills Cop III … … … sadlli DeWorf Killed Axel s Friend …. in the movie …. “Beverlly Hills Cop III” .
@Vynida Lopes “You lasted Too long for all the Good you ve done , … , for gooness sake , Go !” a UK politicien To Chamberlaine .
He’s looking everyone in the eyes means he LIES
A republican telling another lie shocking
No one should defend this …now let me go defend it …we really need to see if we can find the gene for politicians and maybe prevent this horrible outcome
,,,,,,,Everybody is paying
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So Kevin didn’t follow through with what he said he was going to do? Shocker.
Mccarthy always has that ” Deer in the Headlight ” look when asked questions
@Douglas Swails I kinda see that however would it be better if he had a pre-scripted answer? Either way, the whole recording mess is just another distraction from the crap job Joe is doing. I find it hard to believe anyone thinks he’s doing even a remotely good job, he won’t even visit the dang border because his handlers won’t let him and he’s weak. I find it crazy that there have been over 10 incidents involving major food processing establishments in less then 4 months and around the time Joe says there will be shortages. Of course no mention of all the fires, destroyed food processing places or anything. It’s crazy that the vast majority of major news outlets aren’t interested in something so vital to survival as our food processing and now there are warnings of cyber attacks too. Maybe when people can’t find food, they’ll wake up and realize the enemy was never fellow citizens.
Do you know what’s sad ? When a politician like Kevin McCarthy lies, with all the skill of an accomplished actor, it’s not even “slightly” surprising. Politicians lie with impunity, and we not only aren’t surprised, we expect it. It’s a sad state of affairs. What’s confusing is why he couldn’t say something to the effect of “Yes. I said it. I may have spoken a little rashly, but with a little time to reflect, and learn more about the situation, I had to change my position”.
It’s much easier and far more convenient to just blame the media. That’s been the GOP’s go-to for decades now.
@kinlika Cheers.

@Seymour Butts
Joe Smith is yesterday’s news.
The question he should be asked is “Kevin, did you ever have the courage to ask Trump to resign?”
@Jerry Brown Grow up, grow a couple and move on! The whining has gotten old!
I think he did answer it by saying ‘no.’
@Jerry Brown HE must Stick to the DEBT scoelling NOT raise it no no no !!!
Why is a Congressman from
California in Texas wasting our tax dollars? Kevin cannot do anything in that state! This kind of money wasting needs to be eliminated! Way to go Kevin!
— Everybody is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…

And EVERYBODY is paying
attention to Elon Musk’s
recent “buy”…..

Wow !!!…
EVERYBODY is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…

@Joe Smith what?
So, he talked big to his peeps, but was too scared to actually confront Trump. That sounds legit and fits with McCarthy’s M.O. of being a sniveling, back-biting coward.
And EVERYBODY is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…
— Sorry….

right what a coward
A man died one day and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, “What are all those clocks?”
St. Peter replied, “Those are lie clocks. Everyone on earth has a lie-clock. Every time you lie the hands on the clock will move.”
“Oh,” said the man as he pointed at one of them, “Whose clock is that?”
St. Peter replied, “That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.”
“That’s incredible, ” said the man.
St. Peter pointed to another clock, “That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe only told two lies in his entire life.”
The man was impressed, and then asked, “Where’s Donald Trump’s clock?”
St. Peter said, “His clock is in Jesus’ office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan.”
…… >>> Everybody is paying
attention to Elon Musk’s
recent “buy”…..

The government needs a private HR department for senators and representatives so they can be fired like any other employee on the planet. These govtards vote in raises and every guideline they are supposed to follow and don’t. Their employees and should be treated as such
Nice, agreed.
,,,,…..Everybody is paying
attention to Elon Musk’s
recent “buy”…..

Wow !!!…
EVERYBODY is paying
attention to Ron Klain’s e-mails…

It does have one- it is called the voting public.
Seriously! These are lawmakers. They write the laws that the rest of us are expected to live by. It is obviously a “Do as I say, not as I do” situation.
Kevin: “Quick, I need something to distract the fools from my latest lie! Wait, I’ve got it – the border!”
….Everybody is paying
attention to Elon Musk’s
recent “buy”…..

Republicans: We have a crisis at the border
Also Republicans: Let’s storm the Capitol Building to stop democracy
look here not there!
He deserves some sort of award for being able to stand up straight without a spine…..
@Bob Bobby, why would a corporate democrat be my hero? I’m a communist….duh
“He is finished” a quote by Madellaine Albright in late 2000 before Congress ….
@The Reality check same thing
Planning an insurrection means your “private” communications are no longer private, it is OUR business as patriotic citizens.