Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez has resigned after making racist remarks about the Black child of a fellow council member. CNN National Correspondent Camila Bernal reports. #CNN #News
Hear leaked audio of ex-city council president’s racist remarks

The situation didn’t get the best of her, it bought out who she is.
Sadly, she’s not alone among democrat leaders, who love to virtue signal.
Cruel, ignorant, privileged politicians
Spot on! When the other guy called her out for “Goyard and Louis Vuitton handbags”[cost thousands$$$,] I thought jeez, public service really pays!!
Out of abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It is even worse when racism is directed to a child regardless of racial identity.
@tibetter101 exactly! The fake, insincere apology coming from her is even more insulting.
I think, *_”regardless of racial identity,”_* is an offending fig leaf; if, indeed; an innocuous comment was your intent!
Funny! how plains of existence floats!
She wasn’t sorry she just sorry that she got caught I say I’m glad she stepped down maybe she need to consider moving out of the country and return to her origin since she seems to be so racist

I remember being a kid in the foster care system being treated like scum. I’ve never been treated like that I feel bad for the kid because it’s hard enough to get adopted in the first place but then have people treat you like this is horrible.
20 years later he’ll be a great law abiding citizen
who is treating the kid badly?.
When people speak Listen! They tell you who they really are ! Her Pathetic apology is all nonsense! She has to go ! Immediately!
@Bryan Say it louder
Its crazy how most of these people in these seats have these views and people act blind to it.
Cut the check, homie
Ummm, blind?? It is literally on the most watched network that follows the record pop vote President! This is expected
how do you know that most have the same view?.
True colors of how public officials feel about the public. This was casual conversation for her – NOT a moment of anger
Not a ONE OFF. She has no class
@Jean m remember. Tommy Tuberville is a republican
She sounds as if those words are a normal part of her vocabulary….nothing got the best of her, it is who she is
its a disgrace to talk about kids like that I have black grandkids and it’s unexceptable for a leader to talk about a family like this. How many families did this talk hurt. I love my grandkids all of them the color doesn’t matter to me. This can not happen, this needs to be avoided so we can all live in a happy world.
They always want too Apologize when they get caught up in their lies
Cut the check!!!
It’s more like breaking trust! not that it’s surprising, but imagine smiling and rubbing shoulders with people who you know are indifferent in reality towards not just you, but your identity as a whole. Hmmm, that’s tough.
This lady doesn’t have a moment of lapse judgment. A moment happens once. She seems to just be out right racist. The sad part is her colleagues are not paying the price like she is. They are just as guilty. They’re just as complicit. They all need to go. These people are just as dangerous if not more so then right wing extremists.
They only apologize because they get caught. This is how they really feel. I’ve never understood how people come to America seeking a better life only to adopt the hate of those that don’t even see them as equals.
@John Doe If you want to know how Latinos feel about black people just do some research and read up and watch some documentaries about how Afro-Latinos are treated in Latin America, then you’ll understand that they didn’t learn to be racist in the US.
@Bubbly Bubbles Facts
@Marlon Hester so sty there … pretty easy
Unfortunately this is not the exception but the norm. She just got caught doing wihat a lot of government officials do!
That apology was lip service. You are who you are and you think what you think and it’s in the times when your emotions are heightened that your true thoughts and feelings come out because you’re not guarded. Kids behave like kids. Oh, no!
its so insulting that they do this on top of everything else they have already done.
You didn’t fall short you just showed your true colors
Imagine, all these immigrants that have been so graciously accepted in America, hate the very people who’s back they are riding on! A shame that even a child can be hated like this by an adult, let alone an immigrant!
In her apologies she said “moment of frustration of anger”. Another disgusting statement in itself. What caused her “frustration and anger” in the first place?
I don’t care if she meant “little monkey” in a completely non-racist way, it was still vile and unacceptable