In her first briefing since October 1, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany refused to take a question from CNN's Kaitlan Collins, saying she refused to take questions from "activists."
#CNN #News
In her first briefing since October 1, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany refused to take a question from CNN's Kaitlan Collins, saying she refused to take questions from "activists."
#CNN #News
I wish she would have said what question was she going to ask.
Whatever it was is a fake question.
@James Brown exactly, not a journalist question. An activist question with an already predetermined belief, and nothing more than an accusation followed by a question mark. The saddest thing is that none of these “journalists” have found a single one of the thousands of cases of election irregularities or fraudulent ballots. They’re too busy asking fake news questions.
@James Brown Ha! You and I could answer that question for her. He thinks there was fraud and he thinks won. We have been hearing this since election night. She should consider asking better questions. She should try asking Andrew Cuomo questions. He gave the press a tongue lashing yesterday and their questions seemed very reasonable.
@Reject Woketopia exactly. He was asked a yes or no question. We’re kids going to be allowed to go to school. 4 hours later it was announced they were not allowed to go. How hard is a yes or no question for the governor of New York? I guess we got our answer.
Election related question of course .
Who cares what they said, I want to see these 2 settle this beef physically.
I guarantee how that would go and “WE” would be the winners but make no mistake the little snowflake in this video would get the worst of that exchange I have no doubt!
Hell yeah dude.
Kayleigh would knock her the F out
Placing order now for 4 giant Wrestling Vats…
1/4 ton of wet mud
200 gallons of lime Jello
2500 jars of grape jelly
5000 Jars of vaseline
ok let the games begin!
It looks like Kaitlan won’t be able to get any answers to questions until 2 months from now.
Hahahaha not a chance
At this point, If McAneny was on fire, I probably wouldn’t even offer to piss on her…you know because that would be activism.
Watch Youtube video——-The Lawsuit to Define this Decade
Hahaha you deserve worse news ever.
Kayleigh: “I don’t call on activists.”
Also Kayleigh: “Catch me on Hannity tonight!”
@tubruton Much like EVERY single person on CNN and MSNBC…Lol
@ravins10 Kayleigh McEnany is confused. She’s paid by tax payers but obviously works for Trump, personally. Professional liar following Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
LA Times reporting Every County Sheriff in the L.A. Region Declines to Enforce Gavin Newsom’s Coronavirus Curfew from 10pm to 5am . The Hypocrite Liberal Democrat Governor of California is now facing a mass a voter recall effort as he dined at the French Laundry with 12 others without masks against public gathering coronavirus rules he himself put into place . Another White Liberal Supremacist exposed as the very wise Malcolm X warned us about in 1963.
The best part is how many Democrats will be swinging from the gallows after all of this is said and done, and ALL of you are so arrogant that you don’t even see it coming.
I agree with Kayleigh. Why deal with people who are just hecklers wasting ‘taxpayers money?’
Joe Biden handles all the “tough” questions. Ask him!
@DragonSin YGO which he can barely read. Seriously, I don’t like the guy, but can’t someone get the old man some glasses? He’s been Mr. Magooing his way through this entire thing.
LA Times reporting Every County Sheriff in the L.A. Region Declines to Enforce Gavin Newsom’s Coronavirus Curfew from 10pm to 5am . The Hypocrite Liberal Democrat Governor of California is now facing a mass a voter recall effort as he dined at the French Laundry with 12 others without masks against public gathering coronavirus rules he himself put into place . Another White Liberal Supremacist exposed as the very wise Malcolm X warned us about in 1963.
@Cøyøte nice of you to assume I’m a republican. I’m actually a independent. I only care about small government and being able to keep the insurance I have through my employer, I don’t care about anything else but go off
Lmaoooo that lady shaded the heck out of her. ‘I don’t call on activists’. hahahahaha American politics yes. Am from the Caribbean but y’all politics is so entertaining especially from Trump. Before I didn’t even care about politics or even focusing on Trump. But becuz of the media bad portrayal of him, I started to research on my own why he’s a bad man. To my surprise……… Anyways, sometimes for hrs at night I would watch Trump vids of him being savage and not really caring what ppl think about him. That’s sooo funny. And that’s billionaires for u. They don’t try to please anyone
CNN, are activist against Trump.
I wouldn’t speak to the fake media
I remember all those hard-hitting questions during the Obama administration … oh, wait …
Well, that’s what happens when press only conducts monologue!
“Your tax payer funded job…”

Love it!
Kaity not gonna have a job when Trump leaves lmao cnn activists are scared they know they’re about to lose their job
Even if she took questions; she would lie to the American who cares jan 20 can’t come soon enough when she will be jobless.
I thought we were silencing these people, How’s side is CNN on
Just remember “I was just following orders” is not an acceptable defense
The fake news media in 2020 will go down as the worst in the history of journalism.
Trump 2020! All Emperor Trump has to do is get the states to refuse certification and he wins!
So basically turn America into Nazi Germany. Ok trumptards
So by cheating??? Right?!
McEnany is like the stormy daniels of the white house except that she sells her soul everyday. She must be so relieved to know that it will all end in a few weeks, and we will never hear from her again.
Good that Keighley McEnany didn’t take a question, which indicates that she’s probably running out of her lies.
Yeah she really “owned” them by walking away like a coward. The whole administration is doing alot of “owning”.
The most disturbing things from Kayleigh is her Cross necklace.