NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about Kyrie Irving's suspension from the Brooklyn Nets and the need to condemn antisemitism swiftly. #CNN #News
Hear Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s reaction to Kyrie Irving’s suspension

NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about Kyrie Irving's suspension from the Brooklyn Nets and the need to condemn antisemitism swiftly. #CNN #News
“If we don’t protect everyone we don’t protect anyone”.
Democrats’ll win Senate FiveThirtyEightForecast !!!!!!!!
@Democratsll win Senate byFiveThirtyEight !!!!!!!! oh dear me!! the initial voting count is a red sea of republicans leading by massive margins. You may need a puke bucket while watching this…….
Stop with the globalism please. Everybody is gonna look after their own first
There’s a lot of individuals that shouldn’t have anyone protection. It’s a shame that Kareem is sitting there knowing what the black “community” are allowing and purposely putting themselves in these precarious situations and how these “Juicez” are capitalizing off of being part of the further downfall of this “community” with the entire media industry, taking out insurance policies on the death of these “rappers”, influencing this degeneracy, etc.
These “Juicez” are not protecting anything/anyone but themselves.
These jew-wish people cannot stop the awakening of GOD’S PEOPLE…….A NEW NATION IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!!!!!!!!!!! RISE MY PEOPLE…RISE UP!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE COMING FORTH IN THESE LAST DAYS.
“Awake dry bones and come forth” sayeth the LORD ABOVE
If they truly do not know what they are doing it is up to them to educate themselves. They are grown men for God sakes!
I guess you education stops at adulthood.
Those who think they know, don’t know. Those who know they don’t know, know! We must continue to educate and better ourselves throughout our lives.
Problem is a lot of the people confuse conspiracytheories with actual reasurch.
I don’t watch basketball much, but when I see Kareem, I am reminded of the legendary fight between Bruce Lee and Kareem in Tower of Death movie.
democrats are evil! And they don’t care about the black community!
@Terrence Alexander we welcome you vote for Trump and for freedom! I’m independent myself.
That was a lifetime ago for me:-) can’t believe I lived through it
I love Bruce Lee, but Master Wong on YouTube is the new king of Wing Chun.
These jew-wish people cannot stop the awakening of GOD’S PEOPLE…….A NEW NATION IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!!!!!!!!!!! RISE MY PEOPLE…RISE UP!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE COMING FORTH IN THESE LAST DAYS.
“Awake dry bones and come forth” sayeth the LORD ABOVE
Shaq promoted and made money off the movie as well as Amazon
So what, black people kill black people an they make money off that
@4ever Young that what ye was saying jews make more money off black repper
@Trey Anderson black people the people support it tho. If it’s that big of a issue why support it
@4ever Young it play off our community trauma
@Trey Anderson oh well rappers talk about killing all the time an black people still support it. Black people support they own trauma
The nba and media has promoted this movie way more than kyrie ever could. I wouldn’t have ever known about the movie if it wasn’t for them frfr
@Sarfaraz M. Hosseini No it doesn’t. Stop repeating narratives
It’s making money for Jewish owned Amazon
These jew-wish people cannot stop the awakening of GOD’S PEOPLE…….A NEW NATION IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!!!!!!!!!!! RISE MY PEOPLE…RISE UP!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE COMING FORTH IN THESE LAST DAYS.
“Awake dry bones and come forth” sayeth the LORD ABOVE
Me to
This comment section solidifies to me that the sheep NEED the media to teach them what and how to think. Truth coming to the surface
@Daniel Bond

Fun fact – your vote is nullified by a corrupt two-party system that only serves itself
Ironic because you sound like a Fox News sheep yourself.
Bru, you’re such a sheep. You just use the word sheep to try and sound smart. The sentiment that you espouse is COMPLETE SHEEP TALK.
These jew-wish people cannot stop the awakening of GOD’S PEOPLE…….A NEW NATION IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!!!!!!!!!!! RISE MY PEOPLE…RISE UP!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE COMING FORTH IN THESE LAST DAYS.
“Awake dry bones and come forth” sayeth the LORD ABOVE
@Great Pyrenees If you don’t vote, don’t bit*h!
This man doesn’t have to go through this bullsh*t. That’s how he feels and he’s not the only one. You can say anything about blacks and Mexicans but don’t talk about Jews because they’re sacred!!!
Bruh Kyrie is a good spirit, good brother, seeking truth in this world and just wanted to be left alone. We hate to see good people torn apart by these devils. Lebron could’ve said ANYTHING but bash Kyrie. I thought Lebron comments were disgusting as hell, and it changed how I look at him, we been fighting these devils for hundreds of years and seeking truth ourselves, and Lebron, Charles and Shaq showed who’s side their on.
You’re racist.
Likewise, We must protect us we are the ones the elites will come after and have been for years. I can’t stand liars and people don’t stand on truth, Christ said Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free St. John 8vs32, The truth is exactly what our people needs, The
knows who the real jews are that’s what’s up setting There is no such thing as being Antisemitism because there word is shemetic and to be anti shemetic you have to be againts the Nations with in Shem, Remember Noah had three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth So am really not understanding this nonsense to the degree of apologizing? Who gonna apologies to our ancestors and what they went through, This country gives the state of Israel 4b dollars a year seems liberal and biases to me.
People being called devils/monkeys, is there a difference?
Tweeting out a defamatory URL is not “wanting to be left alone”. It is the opposite.
@Daniel Bond oh God, another lame trying to sound intelligent
@chriswaters10 So just call names without making an argument.
He said nothing wrong and should be playing! He is just a dude that speaks his mind. Canceling free speech is going to end the Democratic Party.
@RedFury03 quote to me what he said that was racist. Bet you have not read it. And if anyone speaks their mind with respect and not calling for actual violence either way. Right or left you should not be fired. The people that kneel outside of work. The people that scream Black Lives Matter outside of work. Anything people do outside of work that is not breaking the law should never be fired for. So when you say “you” you need to check first. Because you have no clue how I feel if you don’t ask.
@C T My point stands you follow your jobs rules or you get fired. Racism was and example of discrimination. There are rules and regs at any job. I’m not arguing about politics. It’s a yes or no question and they have every right to. Is it fair, I’d say no. Is it their right? Your damn right it is until there is a massive paradigm shift in work culture and worker rights.
They should end this corrupt party
He did something wrong. Just because your mother failed to raise a decent person doesn’t mean Kyrie was right.
Bipartisan plutocracy is a fake democracy. Your belief in free speech is just a tool to hold you down by getting caught up in your emotions.
If someone posted white supremacist support you wouldn’t question it.
Get out of your emotions and your internal bias against Jewish people.
What about Brett Favre stealing millions shouldn’t that be a bigger story than listening to Lew Alcindor trying to become relevant again
You’ll never hear a word about amazon making money out of this documentary. Holy journalism
@Smelly Waffels ???
Or shall we say holy Judaism?
These jew-wish people cannot stop the awakening of GOD’S PEOPLE…….A NEW NATION IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!!!!!!!!!!! RISE MY PEOPLE…RISE UP!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE COMING FORTH IN THESE LAST DAYS.
“Awake dry bones and come forth” sayeth the LORD ABOVE
@Frank Crozier The Media did this buy question him? crazy right
Why do they think this is a one-way street? Kyrie Irving needs to understand what they think he has done, but they do not need to understand anything about where Kyrie Irving is coming from. They should be coming at him from the angle of why he watched and shared the link, not just screaming antisemitism. If this movie was so bad, it would be on a blacklist for all NBA players and in a lot of other places. Bet if he shared a link to DW Griffiths “Birth of a nation” there would not be a word said. The owners, The Jews and the NBA also have a responsibility to explain where they are coming from and why they are doing what they are doing. Nobody could have been offended and hurt by just seeing the cover of the video, they must have watched it, if they say they were offended. How is that Kyrie Irving’s fault? How does that make him antisemitic? He did not produce the movie and it is not antisemitic. It has at worse some questionable references to Jewish people or the Holocaust in the movie, so say, but that does not mean that the entire production or someone who views it or someone who shares a link to it is antisemitic. When a Black person protests, they say you are too sensitive, get over it. When a Jewish person screams antisemitism, justifiably or not, the whole world is in an uproar. Go figure.
I can’t believe I read this guy’s books while I was incarcerated and felt inspired
He’s a beautiful author including articles that I read many years ago.
He flipped. This guy used to stand with Ali during the Civil Rights movement and now look at him. Just like John Lewis, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. They all were bought off with money and told to follow the damn script.

We, the people (OVERWHELMINGLY), stand with you Kyrie despite the media’s efforts to skew that perspective!
PERIOD. kareem trippin and has sold out. Kyrie said nothing wrong. Its true thats who we are the children of abraham, issac, and jacob, the true hebrews. THEY KNO IT!!
If my people who are called by my name shall turn from their wicked ways and seek God, then he shall heal their land. Thats you black man black woman, GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE, THEY NOW IT. DO YOU? THEY KEEP SHOWING US THAT THEY DONT WANT THIS MESSAGE OUT.

TOO MANY SALE OUTS among my peps
I agree , I support Kyrie & Ye
I’m a German Irish American
I agree. NOBODY like Kareem. NOBODY
Nobody knows who you are online. You could be a KKK member whos just so thrilled Kyrie posted your favorite antisemitic documentary.
These jew-wish people cannot stop the awakening of GOD’S PEOPLE…….A NEW NATION IS ABOUT TO BE BORN!!!!!!!!!!! RISE MY PEOPLE…RISE UP!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE COMING FORTH IN THESE LAST DAYS.
“Awake dry bones and come forth” sayeth the LORD ABOVE
Yeaaaah…. They want him to “demonstrate understanding”?
Why not just say “boy, do what we say, exactly as we say, until we feel satisfied. Then we’ll let you beg for your job.”
We, the people (OVERWHELMINGLY), stand with you Kyrie despite the media’s efforts to skew that perspective!
Speak for yourself, lol
When is the media going to make their arguments against the points made in the film?
I’m starting to understand why they’ve been expelled from so many places.
Look at how they try to lie to us, and we see it the whole time. Yet they keep a straight face
Imagine not seeing the documentary but just taking the media’s word for it. Then finding out you were wrong for not doing your research