John Dean, former White House Counsel for the Nixon administration, weighs in on the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. #CNN #News
Hear John Dean’s reaction to Trump’s Watergate comparison

John Dean, former White House Counsel for the Nixon administration, weighs in on the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. #CNN #News
Nixon was a saint compared to Trump, what’s worrying is who’s the next Republican to top what Donald did
I think it’s telling that Trump, a lifelong criminal who managed to stay out of prison only because Daddy’s money bought him legal protections, always equates justice and law enforcement to Democratic actions when he himself insists he’s a “law and order” candidate. Trump? Law and order? Does he think everyone’s as stupid as he is? Lock this guy up, PLEASE!!!
@Delmonico Farquhar
That’s why he is so popular in the HillBilly states.
@Bill Zardus Sadly, that’s true. I say that because I live in one of those states….
Dean aptly said it clear as day….48 years to the day that Gerald Ford was sworn in as President following Nixon’s resignation…”Who’d have thought we’d have a President that was MORE troublesome today than Richard Nixon?” John Dean Nailed It.
@Republican Boogeyman ha ha yes he did it was at the capitol on jan 6th
@OG RawDeal they are a cult of personality
Judge: Please raise your left hand. I said raise your left hand.
Donald Trump: It is raised.
Judge: Where is it? I can’t see it.
You are wickedly brutal and funny. Can’t stop laughing
Last fight
It was grabbing at another woman…
WOW…And I was in High School, when all this had happened to Nixon, and I never dreamed that someone could TOP his deeds, but like Mr. DEAN said, here we are today, I’m totally WOWED!!!!
@Barnard Carbajal pretty sure you’re confused….
@1234dannyv And…? What is your point? Oil prices increased when Russia started the war ….
@Nasty Woman 1979 You can fix that.
I remember we were on vacation on an island with no TV. When Nixon resigned we had a radio with about one station…When they announced Nixon had resigned, I was shocked, but I don’t think my parents were. They explained to me that he was a crook.
@Tanya G and how much prison time did nixon do? exactly.
@KM We were on Madeline Island off the South Shore of Lake Superior, off Northern Wisconsin. We got the Ironwood, MI station. We mostly listened to The Shadow.
@Mike S only because he was pardoned. Otherwise he’d have died in prison.
@Sidney Overland Have never had the pleasure of visiting there … but that part of MI is really beautiful in August.
Your Parents were no fools, they were Right.
The archives told him to turn over additional missing records in February. He’s had six months to avoid this.
@Mescy_ as a fellow American, I respect your right to think this. Although I may not agree. We all can use help from time to time. Are you willing to step up to help fellow Americans in need of help? If so, what are your qualifications?
@C12H180-PC then why does one side of the isle keep getting passes while the other side gets the book slammed on them followed by the library.
@Mescy_ NO, it does not have to be something worse than “some classified documents.” Those documents are classified for a reason, and there are strict laws on how they are handled. Hillary Clinton turned her server over to the Justice Department – she didn’t hide it away somewhere in her home, hence they didn’t have to raid her home. There is nothing political about the search at Mar-a-Lago, it was strictly a law and order issue.
I’m not the only one to see the hypocrisy of the MAGA screaming to lock Hillary Clinton up, but turning a blind eye to Trump’s misdeeds.
Treasonous Convict45 needs to be in prison for all of his crimes.
“I am not a crook”

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@Zman 123
Tell that to Putin.
Last fight
The difference is =Nixon resigned like a man should. Trump tried to over throw our government to stay in power

And when Nixon was pardoned I knew we’d be here someday. And here we are! I was 12.
It looks like he has 99 Problems & not only one.
@Mthunzi GQ yeah “no u”
The mirror move technique. Looks like all your talking points are used up. It’s a shame you all have lost your credibility.
Keep donating to Trump, he needs you!!
@Johnny Cheung
Get rid of your iPad *Good Luck* boy!
“Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can’t get away with screwing people over your whole life, I don’t care who you are. What goes around comes around. That’s how it works. Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve.”
I don’t believe in karma, as much as I wish it were true.
But it’s up to all of us to make sure that those who participated, all of them,from podcasters to lawyer’s to politicians and billioneers,get prosecuted and sentenced for the role they played in the attempt to overtake our democracy and destroy our country for their own personal gain.
Last fight
@P Hanna actually no one ‘needs’ followers….(much less thousands of them) to be taken seriously.
The Universe does indeed have a way of leveling the playing field. It may take its own sweet time doing it, but it does get leveled.
Love the line: “I’ve never dreamed that someone would make him (Nixon) look like a choir boy… He looks awfully good today, as opposed to the problems that we got with Trump.” Hopefully we hit rock bottom and it can only get better from here on.
1000% agree
Last fight
Nixon was remorseful and repentant towards the end of the Watergate saga. One would never see that coming from Trump, ever.
Last fight
Added note: we owe the phrase ‘at that point in time’ to John Dean and his televised testimony.
Was a teen while Nixon was Prez and threw a huge party when he resigned , thought it would never get worse in my lifetime but you proved me wrong Donnie .
@gacj2010 yes he can if convicted of a federal crime or in jail. He’s toast anyway as we saw how few of his flock showed up on January sixth and yesterday it was near zero. He has got a new grift though as he sent out donations pleas within hours of the search
@No No I have hated Trump for 35 years. He managed to ruin everyone’s Christmas in Aspen many years ago. This was when Trump brought his mistress Marla Maples & his wife to the resort.
@Adela Maravilla Trump 7 come 11, and snake eyes.
@Jonathan morrison Why not ask Trump that question?
@Jonathan morrison I know how to spot you. I used to tell my troops, take out the purple rank boards first. Soviet units could not move without Party Commissar approval.
“Who would have thought there would be a President more troublesome than Richard Nixon! “
Is an understatement!
@B Bodziak the gas prices going to go back up after midterms and you’re talking about why didn’t it drop to 41 cents lolol that’s a good one I rather have the same price when he left office then what it is now
Back when republicans believed in justice, not supporting a mob boss.
@James I yeah just say No U and keep your eyes and ears closed.
It’s going to get harder to spin the narrative.
@Me Elvis no? doing quite well thanks
@James I ok you are sober now.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” -Albert Einstein
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@randerod r I guess. But the field is not level when the lie is more influential and nobody listens to the proof it is a lie. We have imploded far past a recoverable point.
Don’t vote for them. Period.
@Trina Smith Ecologist yes and term limits
So sad they have to explain to a former president the difference in an illegal break in and a legally served warrant. Bless his heart
@Linda Birdbike did you say the same thing about Hillary?? Or you just bias
Especially when the judge who signed this off was a donater to Obama’s more than once,funny that
It’s not that he doesn’t understand. Everything he does is calculated and self-serving.
Not a nice thing to say about dopey joe
@David Butter
Tasak 14
Tasak 14
I remember when John Dean testified. I was just a kid but he gained my utmost respect at that time. I always appreciate any observations he makes and continue to respect his informed & intelligent opinions.
I wish CNN would give John Dean his own show.
I’m proud of Dean and how he has decency and is willing to share his insight. Thanks Mr. Dean!