Ivanka Trump – who has remained largely silent in political matters concerning her father in the fallout of the 2020 election – reacted in an Instagram post to the former president’s indictment by a Manhattan grand jury. #CNN #News
Hear Ivanka Trump’s reaction to her father’s indictment

Who says crime doesn’t pay? The fact that people will continue to send him money is indicative of just how deeply sick our society is at this moment in time.
@k odu

@Maureen Perez drumpf normalized that
@Rick Bowdich yeah, funny how when you’re criming they gonna come after you. Doesn’t matter who you are. FAFO.
Trump raising money? Isn’t he the one who claimed _”I’m self-funding my own campaign. It’s my money.”_
@Steve Tyeah, how come the poor people giving him money has not figured that out- remember Dump said “I’m really rich”. Giving a rich man money – doesn’t make sense
@G G How did it turn out? It’s ongoing now, but so far in the US 1.55 million dead and globally 6.83 million from Covid-45.
Trump to police: ‘Please don’t be too nice’ to suspects
Yes, when the police place Trump in the car don’t protect his head on his way in.
@dark14life – Like slamming 5 of the little fingers in the police car door, oops?
Karma, baby…….
If the police put Trump in the a police vehicle I hope they remember he said “Don’t worry about people in custody hitting their heads on squad cars.”
Even she didnt declare his innocence, or the unfairness of Bragg, or her undying support…she’s just pained LOL!
Ivana & family are smart enough to stay out of it.
The reason for the difference between Ivanka’s reaction and that of her brothers Eric and Don Jr. is that she knows the true love of her father — a love that made the rest of us all cringe in disgust when he told us about it on live TV — whereas both of her brothers can do nothing more than long for it.
The only thing a narcissist is afraid of: not being in control.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Go away european worry about your own politics.
@Stinky here’s for you Stinky:
@Loretta Nericcio-Bohlman trump doesnt deserve thus its a sham!
You are correct as I was raised by one. Greetings from Guatemala!
“My juror, I call him my juror, came to me with tears in his eyes and said ‘Sir’, he called me Sir, ‘You’ve suffered greatly from bone spurs and the fake news media’, …so true… ‘we’ve never seen someone so innocent been treated so badly in front of every man, woman, camera TV.’ This guy, this really big guy, ….tough guy….cried and cried for your favorite President.”

@Ivor Biggar-Johnson it’s SPAM? Spam is unwanted, this has 1000+ likes. It’s clearly much valued COMEDY. Unlike you’re pointless “contributions”.
@breadnbuns I do not want criminal love. I want criminal justice. To me the dump is lower than a snakes belly
His limits and sense of well-being and comfort or NOT will always include the fact that he is an indicted man who may lose his freedom and could eventually spend time in jail. If he can smile through all of that only time will tell. Alvin Bragg did a huge service to America.
Very nice quote
Then where’s Hunter’s indictment and the indictment for the big guy who gets 10 percent?
@Maria Alomoto What about Hunter and his demented dad?
even Hunter Biden?
@wilzon Saeed Exactly! Hunter, that dregg on society needs to be indicted for the laptop scandal, the dope smoking, the paint-by-numbers paintings peddling, the Ukrainian money grab, etc. etc. In my opinion! Thought no one was above the law??????
Trump. ‘I want to see Biden in jail’
Biden ‘Why would I go visit Trump’
The old ones are the best.
Yes they certainly are.
Hahaha! Brilliant, it have indeed aged very, very well.
Oldie and a goodie
If this was a poor person, the judge would say, “Swear out a warrant for his arrest and waive bale. Next case.” I’ve heard it a hundred times.
That’s only if your a flight risks he wants to be president so he is not a flight risk
Already happend at Maralago
bail* – even Trump can spell that word correctly
@shadows221 that was a search warrant issued after trump was not complying
If justice were real, she would be indicted for financial crimes tomorrow morning.
“I say this to my republican colleagues— there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”- -Liz Cheney.
The irony is she was fired and dishonored.
That why she lost by 40 points
“It’s easier to fool someone, than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”
Mark Twain
Yes, like thinking this is true.
@Burmese Python I’ve listened to everything he’s said and this is NOT even representative!! You’ve been lied to.
Especially if that person is a fool.
Perfect description of CNN audience.
How can a man who can show no decency display any level of shame?
You’re right. What a shameless man!!!
Ask his first two wives.
I think he jumped in early on the campaign because he knew this was coming and knew he could grift from this.
“Sources tell us he does not want to be arrested” has got to be one of the dumbest lines a reporter/anchor was ever made to say
” he’s not going to like this”, but we are!!

What can I say …I LOVE THIS MOMENT!