Hear how her abortion clinic is handling trigger laws taking effect

Trigger laws in three states — Idaho, Tennessee and Texas — took effect, banning abortions in their respective states with few exceptions, though litigation continues around certain aspects of some of those states' bans. Jennifer Pepper, the CEO of a Memphis center for reproductive health, talks to CNN about what her clinic is doing amid the changes. #CNN #News


    1. ​@Mr Reyheheheheh Seems the majority of Americans have the same “narrow-minded, cute” political views showing they don’t like others dictating their life choices. Watch the mid terms, Mr. Rey, to find out.

    2. @Panda Bear yes, let doctors save lives like their Oath requires. Especially, helpless innocent victims.

    1. @Shawna P.
      Hit subscribe & go through them go to the gun Community..Look what’s going on here..Do you really believe the dems are following the constitution..lol

    2. @Colonel Angus When human rights are involved, like the right to control one’s own body, or an end to slavery, leaving it up to the states is a heinous idea.

    3. @Word Forever What child? We are talking about an unwanted parasite, not a human being. The pregnant human has the right to determine what is in her body, not you.

  1. I have an idea, what if we just stay out of people’s private lives, and leave it up to the woman to decide for herself. I mean it is HER body, and her business after all. Just a thought.

    1. @Killed The Cat You sound so confident I am wrong in my prediction. You’ll be fine. Now that I think of it, I am wrong!

  2. Religious freedom should be about one’s personal practicing of their religion, not the imposition of one’s religious practices onto others

    1. @The Copper Broom I don’t need to do that. You haven’t been able to disprove anything that I’ve said. At conception, the fertilized egg gets its own distinct set of DNA, different from any other human who has, is, or will live. It is a human being, and just because it is a less developed human being, does not make it any less of a human being.

    2. @The Copper Broom using consistency in your logic, then no one should bother to investigate if you were murdered or anyone else you love who dies. People should just stay out your business, right?

    3. @MARK LUCCA well you came up with nothing. Typical complainer but no real alternative. Was hoping you were bigger than this. Sadly that’s the problem with people like you. It would have been Interesting to hear a legitimate alternative.

    1. It’s so good, especially that congressman in SC weeping because he mad a bad decision when he voted with his party. He’s really weeping because democrats are gaining a major momentum! #VoteBlueRoevember

    2. They won the Roe battle. That is going to tide over a lot of them for the next 10 years.

  3. My wife and I just had our first baby two weeks ago. So happy she was born healthy. I would say that as someone with high education, there are things I learned new about women, their health, and reproduction that I had no idea took place during the past year. What pregnacy does to women’s body is mind boggling, not much choice in what happens to their body. If we can give women any more choice in the process, it is completely necessary. I was already pro choice and walking with my wife through pregnancy made me even more pro choice. She is not a baby making machine, she is a person that deserves dignity in what happens to her body. So many people gave us their advice based on their experience with pregnancy and 99% of them were wrong. Pregnancy is so different for everyone and to make a law that just blankets them all into one moral lump is just stupid and not understanding its complexity. I say this as a Christian and pastor. I am so sorry that women have explain why they need to be have basic rights to their own body to society. Also, when you are allowing something like pregnancy to happen to your body where you are relinquishing so much control already and people want to take more control away.

    1. @Su Kn how low can you go…comparing and calling your self a breeding animal…if you do not want to have children it is your choice…use birth control……abortion is not a birth control or right…

    2. @Christine Andersson 1. Your assumption is that a fetus IS life. That is a huge assumption to make. To some, unless the baby is born, it is not consider living yet. And then if you are arguing “potential life” then how far are you willing to take that? Every time, women have a period, that is “potential life.” Every time men pee that is “potential life.” Let not make assumption and consider that fact. 2. Let’s assume the fetus is “life” you think that the life of the fetus is the only life that needs to be considered? You aren’t thinking about pregnancy as a whole. A woman’s life is always in danger in pregnancy, more so when they have health issues. 3. The Bible never once directly prohibits abortions. The verse people usually use to defend anti choice is ones that talk about God knowing us before we are born. That comes out of words written as a poem. I don’t take poems literally. Those are not commands, they are meant to be beautiful and artistic expression of God’s love. These verse need to be stretch to mean what you want it to mean. However, there is a passage that actually commands abortions. It seems strange to me that people will twist some verses to connect to some moral issues of today yet completely ignore verse that don’t need to be stretched to connect to the moral issues of today. Read Numbers 5:11–15. It is plain as day. I dare you to give me a verse that says, “do not abort babies…” I am a pastor. I take the Bible very literately and seriously. I don’t just read the words, I read the context. This is also why even when the Bible says to stone adulterers, I do not stone them. Yes, I am against the death penalty and even guns. Therefore, the way I understand abortions is that it is not about killing babies but caring for the women who carry them. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to have abortions but at the end of the day, that decision is ultimately best left to the person that is carrying said fetus bc pregnancies are complicated. No one solution for all.

    3. @Guy Anding I am not going to debate whether people should keep it in their pants. First of all, who are you to be the pants police? Also, no one wants people to have irresponsibly sex and have abortions willy hilly. We are talking about people concerned with their health. People don’t know how pregnancy will affect them until they are pregnant. Stop arguing your imagination and listen to the people you are arguing. This is a seriously problem in our country, people dont listen and just want to argue their own talking points.

  4. Absolutely insane. Just save yourself the trouble of living in these backward states. Move now! My brother is moving back to NYC from TN. Has a daughter going off to college this week.

    1. Christians be like “no one has the right to kill their own child” and then forget the god they worship did exactly that

    2. @Get Real WRONG!
      John 10:17-18
      For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.”

    3. @Be Still Great, so you believe (according to John which scholars agree was written 90-100CE, and depicts Jesus in a totally different way than the other 3 gospels) that your god’s son committed suicide and then survived that suicide to become god’s right hand dude. I don’t see how that is any less ridiculous.

  5. That’s ridiculous a person should be able to get whatever Healthcare they need and be between them and their doctor and not the legal system. and before you start in on me I’m a Christian I’m from Tennessee I don’t agree with this though. I’ve always been pro-choice I’m a guy who grew up in a house with six sisters. I’ve witnessed a bunch of things with pregnancy and everything else and I don’t get why these clowns want to get in between someone and their doctor. I think this is a dangerous game they’re playing.

    1. Thank you! You’re message is educational. I wish more people would understand this topic instead of just repeating politically motivated one sentence.

  6. I don’t like the term “triggered” it makes me nervous and anxiety thinking someone is pulling the trigger my way.

  7. As a victim of rape , I have to live with that violation and memory for the rest of my life . Being forced to give birth would be torture , I wouldn’t be able to live through it ..

    1. Thank you Joy for sharing that very personal part of your life story for that is very brave of you. And, I myself would not be able to give birth to a child that was the result of rape. I just could not do it especially if that child looked just like the attacker.

    2. @MARK LUCCA For me that feeling only lasted for a few months after my abortion. It was the best decision I made for myself and I do not regret it.

    3. @MARK LUCCA she never consented to it, that’s what pro-forced birthers don’t get, a person was violated and now they’re going to be violated again, aborting it gives them a chance to heal instead of be forced to look at the constant painful reminder of the trauma and assault that was forced onto them against their will. Why are you supporting violating them again?

  8. Well said Mr. Lee below. Women should have a choice as to when or if they want babies. You put it very well in your comments. Congratulations on your new baby. I’m sure your child will be raised well. These men that want to prosecute women for their choices are nothing but animals.

    1. @Bryan H look up the definition of murder. You’ll see that it doesn’t apply to a medical procedure.

  9. After all these years, why don’t you just say what you mean. At this point, it really is the very least You can do….

    You primarily view, and will always view women as been nothing more then walking, talking human incubators, bc recognising their ability past that point makes you feel smaller and less important. 🙄

    Basically, you need women to feel small, so you can feel big. 🙄

    1. I don’t think women would have the majority of household economic power, be leaders in politics, the judicial system, the most educated group if those things were all they were seen as

  10. “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.

    1. Yes! This should be shown to people who think there is a contradiction or simple ignorance behind being “pro-life” but anti-welfare. In fact they go together quite well because fetuses are convenient, undemanding objects for anxieties.

  11. Women and the men who support them on this issue need to VOTE in the midterms so we can increase our majorities in congress and get the Women’s Health Protection Act passed. Otherwise, the other side will pass a FEDERAL BAN on a woman’s right to choose. You can bet on it. That is their end game along with eliminating many other rights and freedoms.

  12. Thankfully I live in an actual free country (Canada). Where we have NO laws or legislation for or against abortions, thankfully. Whether an abortion happens is determined between a Doctor and the lady involved — as it should be worldwide.

    The U.S is sadly regressing with all the right-wing politics and absurd religious ideologies that follow them… Sad, to say the least…

    1. @Of Sàngó Yes, actually Canada is one of the most free countries in the world according to multiple measures.

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