1. So many things wrong here. Veteran homeless. Veteran swindled by Santos. Veteran’s dog died. Veteran contemplated and almost committed suicide.
    This is a man who gave his life to serve his country. šŸ™

    1. @The Day Family His ā€œhomeā€ might be merely where he is stayingā€¦.where his tent/camper/other/shelter is located.

    2. Just a truly heartless thing Santos the psychopath did. Knowing that this American Military Veteran was struggling with PTSD and his beloved dog kept him together and sane while struggling with PTSD, homelessness, etc. Knowing how sick with cancer his dog was and how desperately he needed to save her – for her and himself. Just a sickening, heartless con man, is George/Anthony Santos/Devolder/Zebrovski. He set up a GoFundMe page/account using this Veteran and his dog’s story, soley to steal the money raised and put in his own pocket. Instead of the surgery and treatment the dog needed and she died and this man (US Military Veteran) was devastated, again!

  2. They cared not who he was and is. šŸ˜ They cared what side he stands for. Integrity has been lost in every way. No Experience needed anymore. Just do you know how to Lie Correctly šŸ’Æ

  3. Santos’ old roommate has evidence about these events as well. From everything I’ve seen its clear that Santos is guilty. I don’t think he stands a chance. Which is great. He deserves to be charged. He needs to be removed from Congress asap.

    1. Omg šŸ˜‚ of course heā€™s guilty! 1:12 most of these politicians donā€™t have hearts or souls! Thatā€™s why they can grift and lie and cheat all of us out of universal healthcare and feel no remorse for it!

    1. @RodĀ  then why didn’t he run as a Democrat? Why did he choose the republican party? Looking forward to your thoughtful explanation. No whataboutisms please.

  4. The only American president to ever play in the NFL, George Santos. Look at him, so inspirational. šŸ„²šŸ™šŸ¾

    1. There is one thing authentic about him…he resembles a very huge rat. Maybe his name once was Ben? šŸ€

  5. Simple: He chose the party that possess a lack of decency, a moral compass, intelligence, common sense, truth, facts, respect etc. and started living in an alternate reality…

    1. andre mcDonald * There is no way McCarthy and some other republican Congress members did not know about Santos infamous history. If they deny it, they are just like him.

    2. Repent. Have faith in Jesus Christ. John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Mark 1:15 KJV And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      John 3:3 KJV – ā€œJesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.ā€

  6. ā€œ I have 3 degrees and graduated top of my class, then drove an 18 wheeler through South Africa and got arrested with my friend Nelson Mandela, then awarded my father a Purple Heart for bravery during WW2, while being raised by a Jewish Puerto Rican familyā€ – George Santos

    1. @Trump is going to prisonĀ  this coming from someone who is clearly programed to hate Trump time and time again you get egg on your face with false claims and you still clinge to the propaganda lies, Joe Biden is everything you wish Trump was corrupt criminal politician compromised by foreign countries with a crackhead son you hypocrite

    2. @Soylentgreen two of your comments to me are missing. One the last sentence said I was a nut. I donā€™t remember what the other one said but also calling me a name. I just donā€™t remember what it was. Something worse than a nut. So the reporting works. Iā€™m surprised.

    3. Repent. Have faith in Jesus Christ. John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Mark 1:15 KJV And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      John 3:3 KJV – ā€œJesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.ā€

    1. @Steve Bee the fact democrats have pushed gender crap for years and went after our children proves itā€™s only excepted if your a demonrat but I donā€™t believe people are born gay in first place God made man and woman and telling God heā€™s wrong well good luck heā€™ll is forever

  7. Its a damning statement on our country that this conman is still in power, and seemingly cannot or will not be removed.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. I hope and pray the FBI is keeping close eye to this Guy and his prior and current contacts, financial supporters and contacts! Even Russia was involved, as reported, on his campaign.

  8. Every Federal employee is required to complete a “security clearance form” provided by the Office of Personnel Management. IT CLEARLY states on the form, just above the signature, that all information is correct. If not,immediate termination, including prosecution for lying. These are rules that ALL Federal employees abide by.

    1. Except Santos is not an employee. He is an elected official and lawmaker. He can only be expelled from Congress by two-thirds of the Representatives in the House.

  9. I just loved the screenshot of him calling AOC illiterate, then continuing to call her a “lier”…. Absolutely precious!

  10. Oh my goodnessā€¦I need trauma counselling hearing how this veteranā€™s heart is broken.
    Curses to Santos deceptive ways. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

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