1. @This Guy Bro 😂I have no affiliation with CNN, but my Atlantic piece has been in top 5 trending all day.

  1. They seem very happy to be in debt. They must have the parents paying for their education. Must be nice.

  2. I find it appalling that most older people complain about young teens being hypersensitive and anxious. When they where young and building their self esteem they did not have the entire world to compare themselves with.
    Now days a young teen can find with one click someone who is smarter, nicer, better looking, stronger, better artist, etc. Someone who might as well be a regular person like them and not an extraordinary case. Can you imagine building a life with the feeling that nothing about you is extraordinary?

    1. ​@Semechki for Putin Indonesia our country also our allies thailand vietnam is the one that funding the I SIS Group and not Qatar Because is our brother on religion. Indonesia our country is the biggest country in southeast Asia and our allies thailand vietnam is strong because our nation indonesia was the leader of southeast Asia. And indonesia thailand vietnam as are three countries is the one that funding the I SIS Group which EU and US doesn’t know it. And being Indonesian we are confident to disclose it here because only less people are seeing this disclosure.

    2. ​@Choo Choo Indonesia our country also our allies thailand vietnam is the one that funding the I SIS Group and not Qatar Because is our brother on religion. Indonesia our country is the biggest country in southeast Asia and our allies thailand vietnam is strong because our nation indonesia was the leader of southeast Asia. And indonesia thailand vietnam as are three countries is the one that funding the I SIS Group which EU and US doesn’t know it. And being Indonesian we are confident to disclose it here because only less people are seeing this disclosure.

    3. ​@Semechki for Putin Indonesia our country also our allies thailand vietnam is the one that funding the I SIS Group and not Qatar Because is our brother on religion. Indonesia our country is the biggest country in southeast Asia and our allies thailand vietnam is strong because our nation indonesia was the leader of southeast Asia. And indonesia thailand vietnam as are three countries is the one that funding the I SIS Group which EU and US doesn’t know it and being indonesian we are confident to disclose it here because only less people are seeing this disclosure.

    4. ​@Choo Choo Indonesia our country also our allies thailand vietnam is the one that funding the I SIS Group and not Qatar Because is our brother on religion. Indonesia our country is the biggest country in southeast Asia and our allies thailand vietnam is strong because our nation indonesia was the leader of southeast Asia. And indonesia thailand vietnam as are three countries is the one that funding the I SIS Group which EU and US doesn’t know it. And being Indonesian we are confident to disclose it here because only less people are seeing this disclosure.

  3. Seeing others win while you didn’t get that offer would certainly have a negative effect with some using that effect positively and some getting depressed. Plus what’s to celebrate giving 50-250k usd to a School over next 3-4 years? schools getting rich off you so it’s their strategy to promote such trends!

  4. Perhaps the most interesting part of all this
    is having to explain to a TV host
    that you don’t have to make a show of everything.

  5. Love it and it puts a big smile on my face
    But come on to say don’t show the excitement because others missed out is like telling the winning team in sports and spectators not to go crazy with excitement because of a win because there has to be a loser

  6. We received a letter in the mail. If you applied to and were accepted into more than one school, you sat down with your parents & discussed it.
    If you didn’t get accepted, then you went to community college.
    This overhype is silly.

  7. We didn’t have social media back then, but we also didn’t brag to others about our accomplishments. Quite the opposite, we would say something like “I didn’t do that great either” even if we did.

    1. Alabildiğiniz kadar fiziki altın alın ytd yada ons altın almaya çalışın! ortalık karışık, (Everyone should buy as much physical gold as they can. or an ounce of gold must be bought! the world sucks),,,,,,,,,,,

    2. ​@Ferhat Kayaf Indonesia our country also our allies thailand vietnam is the one that funding the I SIS Group and not Qatar Because is our brother on religion. Indonesia our country is the biggest country in southeast Asia and our allies thailand vietnam is strong because our nation indonesia was the leader of southeast Asia. And indonesia thailand vietnam as are three countries is the one that funding the I SIS Group which EU and US doesn’t know it. And being Indonesian we are confident to disclose it here because only less people are seeing this disclosure.

  8. But looking so much happiness guys have been the most louder🔊against CNN taking the lead in my heart more ABC Australia in live AFL Premiership bro every Thursday and Sunday on ABC Australia

  9. It’s not just what you made it in, but it is what you made it out that will determine your future. Making it in is just the first step.

  10. Zach is right, but the virally “accepted” senior will, within a day, be on to worrying about weight, money, classes, dormmates, car, then in 4 month, the calc test, the guy who doesn’t text back, the fraternity/ sorority, XC team trials, eating disorder, dorm noise, lack of sleep, more status anxiety, ….. Is this kid any happier than the plumber’s apprentice or young sheep farmer? It’s all who/what one is on the inside.

  11. Zach is a brilliant young man and he was right about this. It is a semiotic problematic thing.
    Life is hard. Dancing around like cheerleaders doesn’t help. College is a hard place and it should be. Showing off immediate gratification on being accepted someplace is not being rational. It is a myth created that doesn’t help. Young people need to be level-headed and serious.

  12. If you agree with this sentiment, people would have to stop communicating their successes and good fortune online. Everyone needs to learn to deal with their own and others’ successes and failures for the rest of their lives. Put it into perspective. May as will start early in learning how to deal with this.

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