Hear heartbreaking pleas from families of Iranians facing execution

Witness testimonies and official documents, reviewed by CNN and 1500Tasvir, provide evidence that suggests a rushed judicial process in Iran; charges which could carry the death sentence, often handed down in a single sitting. CNN's Nima Elbagir reports. #CNN #News

Hear heartbreaking pleas from families of Iranians facing execution


  1. I feel for these people…sadly, it’s the people of Iran that need to rise up against the Government there. As Jim Morrison greatly said, “They’ve got the guns. We’ve got the numbers.” They need to use the numbers to overthrow their government.

    1. bro we’re trying our maximum might and giving our life to free our motherland, but you cant imagine how brutal and roughless this regime is.. they kill children ,rape teenage girls in the name of god then even murder some of them .. we need help from western countries

    2. That’s what they’re trying to do for the last 3 months. It’s resulted in around 700 CONFIRMED deaths so far and thousands of injured.

    3. Anyone who is reading this! anyone who cares! pls, ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from torturing, raping, and killing them.

  2. ❤There is no peace in Iran and Afghanistan, Hamas, Yamen, Iraq because Iran hates Israel very badly

    I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you, and by you all the peoples of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:3

  3. Many blessings to all those opposed to WAR-MONGERING & murderous and tortuous tyrants Putin, Iran’s Mullah Ali Khamenei, Syria’s Bashar Al Assad, the Military Junta in Burma and Kim Un Jong!

    1. Anyone who is reading this! anyone who cares! pls, ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from torturing, raping, and killing them.

    2. @Andrew Gocken

      That’s a disgusting comment. NATO doesn’t murder people for not wearing a head scarf. NATO is just a group of countries that protect each other if attacked.
      It’s a defensive organization. It doesn’t murder people.

  4. How the hell do you punish people with death for standing up for freedom, This should be a lesson for people around the world, do not accept an Islamic statement as a government, do not live under Sharia Law or any one group, migrate towards a democracy and select leaders that believe in freedom, peace, and a constitution that protects everyone,.

  5. “Those who can make you believe absurdities (Iranian Mullah Ali Khamenei) can make you commit atrocities.”


  6. Zelenskyy- Great world symbol of FREEDOM. Courage to fight & die, unlike Afghan, N. Korea, China, Vietnam, Russia, Iran, Texas police . . .

  7. Damn if that’s what’s happening now I have no hope that the soccer team is going to be okay or maybe they already executed them too🤔

  8. Pure heartbreaking news stories families down around the southern border being robbed , killed , sex trafficking drugs guns.

  9. It’s hard to comprehend this.
    It just shows though how politics gets infiltrated by lunatics with no respect or duty of care to their people.
    If the people want you out…then get out.

    1. Well… it’s because the current government in charge aren’t Iranian, so it’s easy for them to kill the Pars people or other ethnic groups in Iran… the supreme leader was born and raised in Iraq, he was 13 when he went to Iran with his family… the president Raisi hardly speaks Persian lol…he studied up until 6th grade and he has people call him Dr. Raisi…🤣..yup.. that’s the type of government these people are dealing with…

  10. Thank You, #CNN for covering just one of many heartbreaking unjust penalties handed down by the Repugnant Regime of Iran!

  11. My thoughts and prayers for the individuals who are desperate for their loves ones and those who are facing execution in Iran 😞😔

  12. “Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world – millions of despairing men, women, and little children – victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people
    To those who can hear me, I say – do not despair
    The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed – the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress
    The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people” Charles Chaplin

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