CNN's Alisyn Camerota speaks to a panel of voters about which issues are most influencing their voting decisions in the 2020 US election. #CNN #News
Hear from voters on what key issues are influencing their decision

CNN's Alisyn Camerota speaks to a panel of voters about which issues are most influencing their voting decisions in the 2020 US election. #CNN #News
Jimmy is our typical trumpster! And now we see why we need to improve our educational systems! Maybe teach more critical thinking and how to use google!
Awwww the obese, Trumpster is angry. Gasp

Never vote for a lifelong politician that work with China Chief spy. Biden’s corruption confirmed.
Hunter’s confession on tape that his father was calling him and they work with China Spy Chief.
Better get on the Trump Train. On GDP Growth: “That Is An American Record.
@Chris St Clair the Libs cannot back anything so try concrete evidence lol. The left honestly don’t even know who Biden is, it’s just this herd mentality like drive to be apart of something let by fake news media. I mean, it’s practically trump vs anti trump for president. Joe Biden said he was running for senate so I dunno lmao
“The man does what he says”
All break out in to laughter
I voted for Trump and red down the line today
It’s a question of “control”.
Biden: If I’m elected, everyone must wear masks (MASK MANDATE)
– Trump put a stop to that by taking Hydroxychloroquine. He rarely uses a mask.
Obama then: Under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), everyone had to purchase high-cost government insurance or be fined by the IRS ( called the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE).
– Trump put s stop to that one by dismantling Obamacare.
BIDEN NOW: China/Russia’s last hope …
(Everything else has failed against Trump)
“… Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic State? There are 8 levels of control; read the following recipe.
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor
Sounds just like today’s Democrat socialist agenda!!!!! …”
I did too
This country is only 250 years old , there’s no guarantee of survival.
Founders wrote…
No taxation without representation… But 240 or so years later… Your elected president is a Tax fiddler n more…irony doesn’t come closer…
Yeah and its kind of worse. Germany and Japan went fascist and it took us and the rest of the world to stop them. Who is going to challenge the most powerful military in the world if we go down that dark road? The other 2 super powers (Russia and China) will be delighted if we join their authoritarian club.
Its guaranteed by the United States Military and the Banks, so just relax.
Only if we receive God’s blessings.
Only one person of color on that so called panel wtf
_”Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”_ — *George Carlin: Genius.*
Yeah, at Yankee games.
@Gary Newcomb The stupid people on the left can be educated out of it to a far greater extent than the stupid people of the right though.
George Carlin for Trump
And SO true.
Poor Jimmy. He’s wishing hard. Jimmy is living on another planet.
@Mike L I gave before, but I will not be for 2020. My state will. E Red again.
@Pam Deshane 1,030 Americans died from the virus yesterday. 1,055 the day before.
@The Insane Shecklador Do U know that 2.8 Million people die each year in America BEFORE COVID arrived from China. That is 7600 people/day die in America! Only 6% of hospital beds in America have CV patients right now. WAKE UP, we need to LIVE with this virus. A doom & gloom dark winter is the wrong strategy! 99.9% of people under 70 years old will not die, that is better odds than most other cause of death, Are you sure they died FROM the virus. Did U see the death certificates? Did the death certificates say they had 2 or 3 “other” medical issues that may have caused their death too? How many of these supposed CV deaths were above the LIFE EXPECTANCY AGE? JEEZ!
Not for long at that weight.
How many Trump supporters like Jimmy does it take to screw in a Light bulb? None, Trump just says it’s screwed in, and Jimmy stand in the dark and cheer.
I would have more respect for this guy if he said he believed in Santa Claus over Trump
Wait, when this this air? Because in the last debate, he flat out said he was going to get rid of the pre-existing conditions…
He actually didn’t say that
He actually did. Watch it again. Good luck
Let’s be real. He could keep the preexisting conditions. But end the life time cap, still end up not pay for the preexisting condition. And the state lines thing is about every state has there own minimum standards for health insurance the companys will all move to the least regulated state and sell you the new sub par insurance. Slick f’ers
Poor Jimmy. Being stupid is like being dead; it is only painful for others.
That’s so true .
Do you know why we call MSM Fake News. Watch what the Australians are saying…
All media lies to push its own agenda. Even Sky News. Luckily, it doesn’t matter what any of the MSM (or fringe) media says – voters have already been long decided whether they admit it or not.
Dems r not trust worthy. 401k is bug deal. People who will get sick will get sick .Jesus will take them to heaven
Bubba Jimmy got the GOP (goons of Putin) Kool-aid bad.
I think Jimmy’s been dippin’ into the Qool-Aid…
Fat orange listens to fat orange too much.
We’re going back into lock down because trump failed at containing the virus. And being ignorant to the safety of ALL AMERICANS.
I’d rather have a frightened bunny for our national leader too.
@Arithia …I don’t want an orange roaring toothless lion.
Jimmy Doesn’t know anything about politics he only know that Trump is the president and he’s going to vote for him no matter what it’s crazy
Never vote for a lifelong politician that work with China Chief spy. Biden’s corruption confirmed.
Hunter’s confession on tape that his father was calling him and they work with China Spy Chief.
Viva Boriqua!
Better get on the Trump Train. On GDP Growth: “That Is An American Record.
Jimmy doesn’t like dark people. He just won’t say it.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!”
In this case the comment section, and jimmy.
Exactly how I feel about the left, antifa and democrat party
The FBI is considering most of Trump’s base a terror threat
I wonder why, huh?
And the democrat protests riot and looting. Totally cool huh.
@R R don’t forget that the protests don’t spread the big bad coronavirus.
@Kyle Gross no lol trumps “super spreader” crowds of support do apparently
Me too since the left are the violent people looting and destroying cities across America. Supporting antifa like old Joe by saying that antifa is an idea rather than the violent terrorizing cult that they are….shame on Joe Biden!
Breaking News: FBI has active investigation against Bidens:
Remember we wake up daily to find out who donnie wants us to hate that day and I’m sick and tired of his hate
Jimmy: they’re both professionals, they’re both good men.
hmmm Sounds like Trump: There are good people on both sides…
Lol 1
Right, Maria. All of Trump cult members repeat his rhetoric and words as if they have been brainwashed and made into zombies. Wtf…

Trump–white Sup.
“He does what he says.” Jimmy, go back to sleep because you are lost.
“Well, I’m not here to defend his CHARACTER, I just look at the things he’s accomplished” . . . which are????????????????
I bet jimmy could name a long list that tRump spouted out. But we know they are lies.
@Logical Thinker because you watch censored news on this channel
You may think he is crass but he is not sprinting towards socializiam like Kamala/joe. Don’t let your TDS cloud your judgment and vote against your children’s interest. You may want to be a slave but your children may not want that.
Hi American
Did you ever notice the cult are loud bullies?
Trump professional?!
Cooking of Survival its about the economy.
Do you know why we call MSM Fake News. Watch what the Australians are saying…
It’s true I’m Canadian