CNN's Michael Smerconish speaks former NFL player and Green Beret Nate Boyer, who encouraged Colin Kaepernick to kneel rather than sit during the National Anthem, about whether the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback has been blackballed from the NFL. #CNN #News
Hear from Green Beret who encouraged Kaepernick to kneel during the Anthem

Is Kaep being blackballed? ….
Is the sky blue?
Islam is right about black people
your little black boy “raised by whites” is a team killer, black boys have a hard time wining playoff games, let alone super bowls
6% black boy population needs to stop all that black on white crime
Yet they hire some of these other players that commit crimes but they won’t hire kaepernick for kneeling quietly that’s his right and he’s doing these peacefully Kaepernick I stand with you there is so much injustice and YOU are doing it peacefully
my friend !!!!!
@Tim Scott White people are guilty of Native American genocide African kidnapping African slavery Jim Crow legalized segregation systematic institutional educational judicial racism lenchings Japanese internment camps and etec.
Maurice Lucious You seem upset. It’s alright, you can always go back to the paradise your people built in Africa.

@William H There are many homosexual Republicans as well. They are just the kind that stay in the closet.
@trumpsupporter 00186653 You are gay and a Trump supporter? Really?
@Sean Ewing I am a gay trump supporter.
@Sean Ewing I’m not a Republican…I support Trump.
To whomever reads this I hope you have a lovely day
You as well. Kindness in the comment section is all too rare.
You too!
Don’t tell me what type of day I should have….
Coco Taveras Love and light to you as well Coco. Love your beautiful Siamese Cat

thank you for your service,Nate Boyer.thanks,also for speaking up.
@Cyrus the great everyone has the right to their own opinions.
@Sean Ewing You’re not a Vet. I did 8 years in the Army, and my service is not for loudmouth black athletes to disrespect my country and flag. This guy is a traitor to us all.
@Doc Hammer Yeah, I know Fox News lives in your head. Wonder why they have the highest ratings? Hum
In my high school none of us stood up for the pledge of allegiance and the flag and teachers supported us. Veterans approved so did parents.
@A Team Just the fact that you brought race into this comment shows how pathetic, dejected, & unpatriotic your life is.

Is your high school in Iraq?
The SCOTUS actually ruled that they couldn’t make you stand for the pledge or the anthem because it would be a violation of the First Amendment.
@Kyron Lewis great comeback

So i guess we are not allowed to practice the first amendment
@Nikolai Collushnikov Are you even American?
@Richard Lamoreaux so he was wrong for silently kneeling in protest to injustice? You are full of it. Your problem is he has a brain and a platform to bring attention to a problem. I guess you figure that if a person does not think like you, then they are wrong.
If under a contract .
NO. You cant under a contract.
KKKonservatives are not pro speech or the 1st amendment, that’s just an excuse for them to be racist bigots
So Tim Tebow kneeled for God and snowflakkkes didn’t cry but when Colin Kapernick does it to save Gods children,they explode

Jake MacHine the majority of Americans are sick of y’all white nationalist terrorist killing Americans across the country ya snowflakkke,stop raising racist and problems solved.BTW how is it my fault corrupt cops put false charges on me then I have to spend thousands on lawyers to beat the pigs in court?
Thats a good point. I am not a Christian, but it never offended me when he did it. I might have rolled my eyes or made a slick joke about it every now and then, but nothing compared to these conservative snowflakes.
@Dave Waldon It is the samr thing from a legal perspective. You think one id more honorable than the other because you are a Christian. However. Some of us are not. Or some of us are, but still support Kap. What is more important to you means nothinf ehrn it comes to the first amendment.
When a 5 time deferment from Vietnam president starts spouting patriotism. Question why?
@Titty Twister
Whatever ….mr whispers
@America First
Okay that’s not true at all but good one.
@America First
Yeah that’s not true at all nice try though.
@America First
Let’s see here , how many likes have your peabrained comments recieved, and how many likes have my comments received……# winning
Totally support Kaepernick. Need more willing to speak up and speak out about social injustice.

@brian gardner Yeah, okay. I guess unarmed blacks getting killed doesn’t happen at all in America.
I hope all the NFL players start protesting. The rest of the fans will stop watching the millionaire crybabies
₲ɾɑղԵ more get killed in Chicago in a single night than the police kill in years but nobody is going to protest that
@trainwreck told ya But that doesn’t make it not a problem.
John Edward Jones because you are a ghetto loser we get it
I’m a former Marine! I’d rather see Colin Kaepernick kneel during the national anthem than watch that three hundred pound piece of chewed bubblegum in the White House dry hunch the flag.
@brian gardner and I bet you 1. Didnt serve a day in the military because you don’t know why your there (which is to SERVE the people your currently dissing them with your non spelling a$$) and 2. Bet you Never even read the US flag code which is posted on or you would also go off on EVERY police dept that uses a different colored version of the US flag and all these other entitled ditz and couch potatoes that wears clothing with an american flag symbol on it.
Rick Nash How illiterate are you? There is not one misspelling in his comment. You toopid.
Rqr S You da ugly demons, foo!
Screw the Nationalist Football League. Who needs it? Kap has been white balled. That’s why he was paid to go away.
I hope they all protest so everyone will quit watching the millionaire crybabies
US is a Racist Nation. Don’t Live in Denial. The Entire World knows that…..

@Sherry Tougas Huh? You complain about immigrants but im trying to read your post and realise that you dont speak english. How ironic.
@Anthony Rosalia “Overcome racism”?
That’s a good one. Or were you serious? Nah. You couldn’t be.
Yep. Whitey is to blame for all of your downfalls and failures.
The U.S take in more refugees than any other nation.
The U.S spends more money on impoverished nations around the world than any other country.
There isn’t another country in the world in which blacks have as many rights as they do here. In some aspects, more rights than whites. In every other aspect , black and whites are 100% equals.
There is nothing a black person isn’t allowed to do that a white person is allowed .
You are respected Kaepernick. We kneel with you. Keep going.
FLOWER NFL lost millions as a result of Kapernicks anti american antics. Clearly the majority of america did not agree with him
Who’s this “we” you speak of?
@Dave Waldon What are you talking about? It is a peaceful protest.
@Bryan Halstead Are you an NFL owner? Investor?
@Titty Twister A lot of people excluding the racists who trying to distract from the actual protest. So easy to criticize but you are not risking millions of dollars just trolling on Youtube.
Well me as an Army Vet I don’t understand how can people who never served this country take away what me and so many others freedom of speech I feel like if you never served this country then you don’t deserve to be President especially if you dodged serving this
George Powell It’s possible to benefit this country without being a cook in a glorified jobs program for 4 years.
Kneeling is patriotic.
Standing is more patriotic.
Your username seems appropriate.
Im a veteran, and I prefer to see him take a knee than to go postal and shoot up a walmart the way white people do when they feel politically “frustrated” Dig?
New Notification I don’t believe you
how does that have to do with anything
The first amendment is different for black people. The white supremacist groups can speak at universities. If the black Panthers tried to speak at universities fox news would be outraged and there’s more examples.
Are you joking? Universities would not allow any white supremacist on their campus, much less allow them to speak. Meanwhile those Universities practice racial discrimination in admissions.
c104 ark You’re an idiot.
Why now?? He should of been out there. Or sitting next to Shawn Carter and roger Goodell
No rich old white man want to hire a black man who has went against the grain