Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to President Biden, responds to anti-science comments around Covid-19, including Arizona conservative gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake's comments on using ivermectin to treat the virus. #CNN #News
Hear Fauci respond to conservative candidates’ anti-science messages

I love Dr Fauci and I’m so grateful for his tireless work over the span of his career so far! He truly is a God-send, especially during the entire covid crises. Thank you Dr. Fauci
stay safe and well.
I’m amazed that almost all the responses are essentially from brainless trolls.
@g0679 I don’t think that’s true because your relatives are crossing the border right now and they work a lot cheaper and they’ll get your job too if you ever had one
Fauci’s handling of the covid “crisis”? I can’t magine a better result than if Kevin Spacey were to be appointed head of the boy scouts.
Interesting I misspelled Medicine, it came out MEDICIDE! so naturally I looked it up! WOW. It’s a word alright. Now the question is, is MEDICIDE closer to suicide or genocide(they wanted all doctors and blacks to take it first), or omnicide? I’m not gonna try it YOU try it.
So NOW everything has turned around and currently the truth is STARTING to come out. And now they are going to want us to NOT act like the NAZI jerks they where. This Nazi, and the MINIONS that cheered for them are NOT OF GODS MIND. Call yourselves Christian all you want.
But was your heart in it to resist and be brave, or did the fear take you? We forgive you, not just because we have no choice. But because that is how we are, the mind of Christ makes us like that. But you still need to be talking to God about it, in Jesus name because as the father in charge of punishment he is the one determining REPENTANCE!!
Every knows that in Revelations Chapter 6 the WHITE/RED/BLACK/PALE horses will ride. Causing people to take a scorpions tail (needle) (white horse). WARs, and rumors of war (Red horse), Prices of food and Energy and medicine and entertainment to rise(black horse). And death following(pale horse). And they knew that SOMEONE will come on the scene and SAVE THE WORLD from these things.
THIS SOMEONE (PERSON) is the FALSE PROPHET that will cause you to put your trust in the ANTI-Christ. So just keep looking for that person(while refusing Jabs). You will know they are the FALSE PROPHET, because that is what the bible says the false prophet does.
And PLEASE help me spread dumbed down message. Even a less complicated thinker will understand this…. SIDE NOTE: 1st Corinthians 6:19 “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
1st Corinthians 3;16 you yourselves are Gods temple! and that gods spirit dwells in your midst.
You missed the first sign the mark of the beast. Don’t fall for the other signs! Please! You can live in paradise.
Before the Fall Satan made sure there was PRIDE. This is why I said they are having DOCTORs and NURSES dance on TV and the social websites and getting PROMOTED to do so in early 2020 PRIDE.
PRIDE!!! Satan does not JUST need them to be on his side He wants PRIDE to keep them from REPENTING! . This is the way of NOT REPENTING AND BE LIABLE TO HELL. They can’t admit they was wrong, and turn around! Why PRIDE. With all this evidence PRIDE! Sadly it is working on some
Trumpism is fascism repackaged.
Our nation should be deeply grateful for Doctor Fauci.
Interesting I misspelled Medicine, it came out MEDICIDE! so naturally I looked it up! WOW. It’s a word alright. Now the question is, is MEDICIDE closer to suicide or genocide(they wanted all doctors and blacks to take it first), or omnicide? I’m not gonna try it YOU try it.
So NOW everything has turned around and currently the truth is STARTING to come out. And now they are going to want us to NOT act like the NAZI jerks they where. This Nazi, and the MINIONS that cheered for them are NOT OF GODS MIND. Call yourselves Christian all you want.
But was your heart in it to resist and be brave, or did the fear take you? We forgive you, not just because we have no choice. But because that is how we are, the mind of Christ makes us like that. But you still need to be talking to God about it, in Jesus name because as the father in charge of punishment he is the one determining REPENTANCE!!
Every knows that in Revelations Chapter 6 the WHITE/RED/BLACK/PALE horses will ride. Causing people to take a scorpions tail (needle) (white horse). WARs, and rumors of war (Red horse), Prices of food and Energy and medicine and entertainment to rise(black horse). And death following(pale horse). And they knew that SOMEONE will come on the scene and SAVE THE WORLD from these things.
THIS SOMEONE (PERSON) is the FALSE PROPHET that will cause you to put your trust in the ANTI-Christ. So just keep looking for that person(while refusing Jabs). You will know they are the FALSE PROPHET, because that is what the bible says the false prophet does.
And PLEASE help me spread dumbed down message. Even a less complicated thinker will understand this…. SIDE NOTE: 1st Corinthians 6:19 “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
1st Corinthians 3;16 you yourselves are Gods temple! and that gods spirit dwells in your midst.
You missed the first sign the mark of the beast. Don’t fall for the other signs! Please! You can live in paradise.
Before the Fall Satan made sure there was PRIDE. This is why I said they are having DOCTORs and NURSES dance on TV and the social websites and getting PROMOTED to do so in early 2020 PRIDE.
PRIDE!!! Satan does not JUST need them to be on his side He wants PRIDE to keep them from REPENTING! . This is the way of NOT REPENTING AND BE LIABLE TO HELL. They can’t admit they was wrong, and turn around! Why PRIDE. With all this evidence PRIDE! Sadly it is working on some
@blackman listening wow dude you really took the time to write a book that nobody is going to read.
take the vax
@DuceDuce489 Facui did not create covid what are you talking about
@Omotayo Satuyi cool story bro. Never Saif he did but seems like you just want to say nonsense.
The fear of science that was put out out there during the pandemic was insane.
take the vax
@TheU2001 MIA – these people would rather live in their delusion right up to the point that it kills them.
Trumpism is fascism repackaged.
What cuz ppl don’t wanna get vaccinate? What exactly are you referring to?
To many people with free time on there hands that’s the problem in this country today
To many people, it’s an opportunity to practice a hobby.
Too many people…period.
Scary to think people will not strive to educate the public because it will threaten their family- this is what is currently happening
@Fabiola Maldonado here’s a hint for you the death rate was 8% in 2008 now it’s around 7% and has been since 2009
Interesting I misspelled Medicine, it came out MEDICIDE! so naturally I looked it up! WOW. It’s a word alright. Now the question is, is MEDICIDE closer to suicide or genocide(they wanted all doctors and blacks to take it first), or omnicide? I’m not gonna try it YOU try it.
So NOW everything has turned around and currently the truth is STARTING to come out. And now they are going to want us to NOT act like the NAZI jerks they where. This Nazi, and the MINIONS that cheered for them are NOT OF GODS MIND. Call yourselves Christian all you want.
But was your heart in it to resist and be brave, or did the fear take you? We forgive you, not just because we have no choice. But because that is how we are, the mind of Christ makes us like that. But you still need to be talking to God about it, in Jesus name because as the father in charge of punishment he is the one determining REPENTANCE!!
Every knows that in Revelations Chapter 6 the WHITE/RED/BLACK/PALE horses will ride. Causing people to take a scorpions tail (needle) (white horse). WARs, and rumors of war (Red horse), Prices of food and Energy and medicine and entertainment to rise(black horse). And death following(pale horse). And they knew that SOMEONE will come on the scene and SAVE THE WORLD from these things.
THIS SOMEONE (PERSON) is the FALSE PROPHET that will cause you to put your trust in the ANTI-Christ. So just keep looking for that person(while refusing Jabs). You will know they are the FALSE PROPHET, because that is what the bible says the false prophet does.
And PLEASE help me spread dumbed down message. Even a less complicated thinker will understand this…. SIDE NOTE: 1st Corinthians 6:19 “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
1st Corinthians 3;16 you yourselves are Gods temple! and that gods spirit dwells in your midst.
You missed the first sign the mark of the beast. Don’t fall for the other signs! Please! You can live in paradise.
Before the Fall Satan made sure there was PRIDE. This is why I said they are having DOCTORs and NURSES dance on TV and the social websites and getting PROMOTED to do so in early 2020 PRIDE.
PRIDE!!! Satan does not JUST need them to be on his side He wants PRIDE to keep them from REPENTING! . This is the way of NOT REPENTING AND BE LIABLE TO HELL. They can’t admit they was wrong, and turn around! Why PRIDE. With all this evidence PRIDE! Sadly it is working on some
@Fabiola Maldonado They all voted for Biden at 4am though
@GazM All 81 million of them?

Contrarianism and online “learning “ is the modus operandi we are now confronted with.
We are surrounded by idiots.
@Mark O’Halloran I’m having a hard time seeing a link between big pharma senior management and science…
take the vax
@Mark O’Halloran I think you’re watching Faux Entertainment News a little too much. The COVID vaccines have worked worldwide. Actually quite well.
Absolutely! Those lying Marxists need to be purged.
@Karl Nietzschmann Please clarify…who are the lying Marxists?
Who thought people would turn on a health care official?? Some Americans are really deranged.
@Corry Burton most doctors and scientist did agree with Fauchi…only a few didnt.
Interesting I misspelled Medicine, it came out MEDICIDE! so naturally I looked it up! WOW. It’s a word alright. Now the question is, is MEDICIDE closer to suicide or genocide(they wanted all doctors and blacks to take it first), or omnicide? I’m not gonna try it YOU try it.
So NOW everything has turned around and currently the truth is STARTING to come out. And now they are going to want us to NOT act like the NAZI jerks they where. This Nazi, and the MINIONS that cheered for them are NOT OF GODS MIND. Call yourselves Christian all you want.
But was your heart in it to resist and be brave, or did the fear take you? We forgive you, not just because we have no choice. But because that is how we are, the mind of Christ makes us like that. But you still need to be talking to God about it, in Jesus name because as the father in charge of punishment he is the one determining REPENTANCE!!
Every knows that in Revelations Chapter 6 the WHITE/RED/BLACK/PALE horses will ride. Causing people to take a scorpions tail (needle) (white horse). WARs, and rumors of war (Red horse), Prices of food and Energy and medicine and entertainment to rise(black horse). And death following(pale horse). And they knew that SOMEONE will come on the scene and SAVE THE WORLD from these things.
THIS SOMEONE (PERSON) is the FALSE PROPHET that will cause you to put your trust in the ANTI-Christ. So just keep looking for that person(while refusing Jabs). You will know they are the FALSE PROPHET, because that is what the bible says the false prophet does.
And PLEASE help me spread dumbed down message. Even a less complicated thinker will understand this…. SIDE NOTE: 1st Corinthians 6:19 “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
1st Corinthians 3;16 you yourselves are Gods temple! and that gods spirit dwells in your midst.
You missed the first sign the mark of the beast. Don’t fall for the other signs! Please! You can live in paradise.
Before the Fall Satan made sure there was PRIDE. This is why I said they are having DOCTORs and NURSES dance on TV and the social websites and getting PROMOTED to do so in early 2020 PRIDE.
PRIDE!!! Satan does not JUST need them to be on his side He wants PRIDE to keep them from REPENTING! . This is the way of NOT REPENTING AND BE LIABLE TO HELL. They can’t admit they was wrong, and turn around! Why PRIDE. With all this evidence PRIDE! Sadly it is working on some
@Corry Burton Are you going to bring anything interesting with you when you come back to planet earth? If not…just keep on cruising in space.
@Miki van Duyn lmao correction, you don’t know how many did because THEY WERE CENSORED ON RECORD, the lack of basic attention seems lost on you…
So far Fauci has said masks work, masks don’t work, shut down, don’t shut down, not from china, from china, not made in a lab, most likely made in a lab…..
Are you that big of a loonbag, seriously?
@Miki van Duyn lmao most doctors and scientists you were able to hear from…..you should do 5 minutes of research before making dumb statements….Fauci hasn’t practiced medicine in the private field for decades and is on record with EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT HE HAS MADE ON COVID HE HAS RENEGED ON ALL OF THEM….
If you think Fauci is a great doctor or is in any way qualified for his position look up Fauci’s history on the Aids virus loony…
So In Short, you believed the Lie, Rinse, Repeat of the establishment government like a good little lapdog…
Raw unbridled ignorance is always a scary thing. Our country, even the world, seems to be rife with it.
@Belly Dancer Em Really? Tell me something I don’t know already. You’re suggesting trump is a liar, what proof do you have to support that claim ? ….just kidding. Everybody know’s he is. lol
Interesting I misspelled Medicine, it came out MEDICIDE! so naturally I looked it up! WOW. It’s a word alright. Now the question is, is MEDICIDE closer to suicide or genocide(they wanted all doctors and blacks to take it first), or omnicide? I’m not gonna try it YOU try it.
So NOW everything has turned around and currently the truth is STARTING to come out. And now they are going to want us to NOT act like the NAZI jerks they where. This Nazi, and the MINIONS that cheered for them are NOT OF GODS MIND. Call yourselves Christian all you want.
But was your heart in it to resist and be brave, or did the fear take you? We forgive you, not just because we have no choice. But because that is how we are, the mind of Christ makes us like that. But you still need to be talking to God about it, in Jesus name because as the father in charge of punishment he is the one determining REPENTANCE!!
Every knows that in Revelations Chapter 6 the WHITE/RED/BLACK/PALE horses will ride. Causing people to take a scorpions tail (needle) (white horse). WARs, and rumors of war (Red horse), Prices of food and Energy and medicine and entertainment to rise(black horse). And death following(pale horse). And they knew that SOMEONE will come on the scene and SAVE THE WORLD from these things.
THIS SOMEONE (PERSON) is the FALSE PROPHET that will cause you to put your trust in the ANTI-Christ. So just keep looking for that person(while refusing Jabs). You will know they are the FALSE PROPHET, because that is what the bible says the false prophet does.
And PLEASE help me spread dumbed down message. Even a less complicated thinker will understand this…. SIDE NOTE: 1st Corinthians 6:19 “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
1st Corinthians 3;16 you yourselves are Gods temple! and that gods spirit dwells in your midst.
You missed the first sign the mark of the beast. Don’t fall for the other signs! Please! You can live in paradise.
Before the Fall Satan made sure there was PRIDE. This is why I said they are having DOCTORs and NURSES dance on TV and the social websites and getting PROMOTED to do so in early 2020 PRIDE.
PRIDE!!! Satan does not JUST need them to be on his side He wants PRIDE to keep them from REPENTING! . This is the way of NOT REPENTING AND BE LIABLE TO HELL. They can’t admit they was wrong, and turn around! Why PRIDE. With all this evidence PRIDE! Sadly it is working on some
take the vax
Sorry to tell you that the US is the cradle of the latest bout of unsurpassed ignorance.
It does trickle down to other countries, yes, but we still have a long way down before we get to the level of you guys.
@abocas I can’t argue with you on that point. I agree.
I’m a religious person, and one thing I never understood was how people could use religion as an excuse to reject science. Science is essential. Religion without science is mostly just superstition.
@Marci LK good lord! (yes, used in vain) like I said Dunning -Kruger effect.
I stopped reading at your first inaccuracy, I didn’t make it very far.
@FiddyTwo I don’t think you’re understanding. The missing link isn’t between Neanderthal and homo erectus. In fact, Homo erectus existed before Neanderthals, and for a time lived alongside them, as well as Homo sapiens. In fact, according to NewScientist “Exactly when the line leading to H. sapiens split from the one leading to the Neanderthals is still being debated.” All these three are already all humans. It’s from the common ancestor to the ape which science doesn’t know, and between that common ancestor and Australopithecus. Also between Australopithecus and the genus Homo.
You’re familiar with Lois Leakey, right? Famous scientist, you would have learned about him in school. He was discussing Homo habits (of the Homo genus but more ape-like than human) and australopithecines. He says:
“It seems to me more likely that H(omo) habilis and H. erectus, as well as some of the australopithecines, were all evolving along their own distinct lines by Lower Pleistocene times. This would mean that their shared common ancestor must be sought in the more remote past and that when such examples of the parent stock are found they will not much resemble any one of the three subsequent branches.”
@FiddyTwo I think we found the problem. You don’t want to read. Perhaps if you read more scientific literature, you would be able to follow.
Religion with science is also just superstition.
In the information age, We are now also ushering in the age of wilful ignorance. It’s sad and disturbing all at the same time.
Considering how CNN and the liberal media is the biggest provider of misinformation its not shocking
@Deanna Delmar indeed.
Well all the more reason trump’s can’t cry ignorance or privilege lol
@Bob Beckhart The beauty of science is how it can predict possible future pandemics, only this time with a 99% kill rate for the people who refuse to get vaccinated. Whatever right-wing wackos survive that wholly natural, non-GMO holocaust will no doubt scream that it was the result of a Democrat virus, or a Chinese virus, or whatever fairy tale that wackos always dream up. But this time it won’t even matter, because this time you won’t hear any screaming, because this time all the wackos will be dead. It’s a story as old as life itself: the ignorant die, the smart survive, humanity advances. It’s the story of science, which Republicans hate because they can’t control it.
@John Q. Bebtelovimab love it glad Republicans aren’t smart enough to read this or understand it
Sometimes when you’re angry it clouds your judgment and makes you not see the truth that is in front of you
As a species, we reap what we sow. We’re at the point where millions of people truly believe that research is checking social media while sitting on the toilet. It’s time to read some actual history books and learn, for real, how dangerously close we are now to repeating the mistakes which led to the rise of that angry little German guy about 90 years ago.
I have accepted that we are doomed. The only thing we can do is try to slow it down a little.
Even when I use the internet to look up a recipe, I exercise thought and analysis to make sure I’m trying a good one. I do not click on the first recipe on Facebook, and decide it must be the only correct one. What the hell is wrong with people that make anti-vax bullsh*t their whole personality, based on what the Facebook algorithm feeds them?
take the vax
Exactly! It’s embarrassing what they swallow, hook, line and sinker, and then repeat it. Just dumb.
This problem is massive.
It should be illegal to accuse people of being treasonous or the enemy of the people unless there is actual evidence of treason. Politics cannot be an excuse to throw out these allegations without repercussions.
Much,Much respect for Dr Fauci.
take the vax
It’s so sad that someone who has only worked for our health has been so demonized.
take the vax
It’s crazy all this man is trying to do is just help and people just hate him for that it makes no sense in my head
So admire these two men.
Dr. Fauci is a fantastic asset to the United States…. He should be awarded all kinds of medals and recognized as an American Hero!!!
Thank you Dr. Fauci for everything you’ve done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Not everyone can appreciate the greatness you’ve done, but know many of us do.