1. I pray that the war ends soon. It is not only affected the two countries, but the world impacted from it badly.

    1. @Captain Canada fine fine just take back Drake and other Canadian singers and fluff true dough moose knuckle some on a a a a you Canucks just keep taking it your only marry Poppins away from English muffin top ha ha

  2. “My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930

    1. @Sun Dial I guess it’s sad for all of the troll farms that he’s disqualified from running again. Sad.

  3. Ukraine has an inherent disadvantage fighting defensively only, on their own turf. Would like to see political softening to the idea that they can attack on the other side of the border, to cut off supply lines to the orcs in their territory. If understood that the only Ukranian goal is to save their own country, then they should be allowed to strategically do this, attack against military targets, over the border.

    1. If it would help them win, then they should do it. Even if Russia used nukes, in the end Russia would be seen as evil and desperate after that, and it would be very difficult for Putin to last.

    2. @Lieshtmeiser And we would all be dead

      Russia’s tsar bomb was 3.5x as explosive as the bomb that hit Hiroshima and/ Nagasaki

      It’s mushroom went 10x as high as Mount Everest into the sky

    3. @DAVID BRODNIAK Im not talking about nuclear exchange, Im talking about the use of tactical nukes to defend themselves from ukraine winning.
      Its up to Russia. But fear of that should not prevent Ukraine from conducting military operations around or inside Russian territory, eg Crimea, or Rostov.
      Russia might do it, but this situation is Russia’s own fault, so the world would take a very dim view of it in my view.

  4. It was encouraging to see the protest at St, Petersburg the other day!
    I just don’t know how Russia hopes to win this. With Ukraine supported by most of the worlds largest economies, the growing level of sanctions and Putin’s age, how can they keep this up for a protracted period? It would take China stepping in fully,. And even then, there would be no guarantees of victory for anyone. As it would unleash a full third world war…. is it simply a matter of pride?

  5. Having friends, it seems, is better than having subordinates, or tools, or puppets…Teddy R. was correct with his foreign policy perspective.

  6. Have lost my faith in humanity. This war is just one of many reasons why I feel bleak inside about the future of our world.

    1. @Equality For All This is Prophecy and it is not dependant on humans for it to come to realisation.

    1. @Jon Snow Lmao Russian march into central Europe? Looks like their going the wrong direction 😂

  7. It wouldn’t bother me one whit if Ukraine pushes the invaders past Moskova. Then make peace.
    Throughout history, invaders eventually succumb due to their underestimating the resolve of people to remain free.

  8. When David Petraeus was a Colonel he was my Brigade Comander 3/504 PIR 82ND AIRBORNE!! HE WAS a great commander!!

  9. If you want to do the right thing. Let the country that is not apart of NATO make a decision to send in troops to help Ukraine. Help Them!!!

  10. I can’t believe people are still failing to realize this is not your average War the casualties are unbelievable and it is being downplayed at a tremendous level

    1. I can’t believe that I see you on every channel trolling and saying the same ridiculous nonsense.

  11. There’s a little bit of wisdom I heard once that I think applies perfectly to these statements: “Never make predictions, especially about the future. There are very few things as contingent as war. War is easy to start but almost impossible to know how it’s going to end. There are too many moving parts to make any kind of forecast that doesn’t really show your own preferences.”

    1. @Eric Sami Don’t be so negative. Most successful people are positive. Negative people often have an uphill battle in life

    2. @Luis Villafane No one knows exactly how a war will end, so I agree with you on that, but a 4 star general who sees some positives developing for Ukraine has a lot of relevance. Petraeus knows the tactical side of war but also the psychological part of war. From the start it’s obvious that the Ukraine people want to win more than many of the young Russian kids who don’t even want to be there. Petraeus sees signs that Ukraine might be able to turn the tide now and make some progress. That’s good enough for me because a 4 star General knows a lot more than any of us here.

  12. A war of attrition is one that Russia cannot win.
    All that partisans need to do is not lose. They have a country that is too large and too committed to successfully occupy.
    Give it time for the sanctions to really kick in.
    This is a fight to the knife. In a knife fight the winner goes to the hospital and the loser goes to the morgue.
    It will not end well for Russia.

    1. @SantosTackle nah, I disagree with parallels drawn here. it’s one thing to fight against people who have different culture, religion and traditions, and completely different to fight against people of the same mentality and traditions. Even France largely embraced hiltlers occupation and they were not even as close with Germans as Russians and Ukrainians are culturally. To free ukraine you will need to put European troops on the ground and we all know what a mess this will end up in.

  13. Unfortunately this is where America and Europe want the war to be. Keep feeding Ukraine enough weapons to continue the war and let Russia blow itself out militarily
    and economically in an extended war, at the expense of the Ukraine.
    Russia and the US did the same in the Iraq, Iran seven year conflict.

    1. Don’t forget the attrition of the Vietnam War. The old saying stays true: “The north Vietnames didn’t have to win. All they had to do was not loose.” Think about this.

    2. Speaking in absolutes belittles your position. “Every American likes pizza.”, “All Americans hate puppies.” “Everybody loves trump.” You know over reaching statements like that. Try and get real.

    3. @rand mayfield You put quotes around “loose.” It’s lose. Completely different sound if you say it out loud..

    1. Einstein was more of a physicist. If he knew his other statements would be quoted, probably would have kept his mouth shut.

  14. Future war predictions are like me picking Powerball numbers.
    The US hasn’t got 1 future war prediction correct since WW2 and I haven’t picked the winning Powerball numbers either

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