Hear details from Paul Pelosi’s coded 911 call that led to his rescue

CNN's John Miller shares details from the 911 call made by Paul Pelosi, husband to Nancy Pelosi, when an intruder broke into the couple's San Francisco home. According to a source, the intruder had been looking for the House Speaker when he attacked Paul with a hammer. #CNN #News


    1. @Billy Scenic Yeah, it’s absolutely disgusting, they joke about it, blame Biden, claim it’s fake, etc.

      Half of USA has gone completely insane.

  1. A hammer blow to the head is attempted murder. Multiple hammer blows to the head of an 82 year old man, after breaking into the victim’s home, should carry a life sentence. No parole.

    1. @Marquita Marina Operation warp speed. U can thank trump for demanding they produce a vaccine immediately. Or else we would be in development for the vaccine.

    2. This man put peoples lives in danger by driving under the influence hopefully his injuries keep him from driving a vehicle ever again.

    3. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…

  2. What the hell have we become as a society? It’s hard to imagine someone who feels so deeply that they’ve been left out of society to the point he is willing to do this. I have my issues with our political system, on both sides really, but my god this I can’t imagine going this far. I guarantee you will see people co-signing this behavior because they are all for this violence. It’s terrifying.

    1. @Straight Pride ?? It sounds like you are trying to convince somebody of that. It’s okay to be curious or uncertain.

    2. @Taco Boy The riots in 2020 when several people were killed in the Antifa orchestrated violence is forgotten and replaced by a narrative of a “insurrection” with one dead person who was a Trump supporter. Im gonna stay away from the larger cities during the elections.

    1. @Sara Leigh there is no point in trying to reason with unreasonable people. Who are unreasonable people? People who were unbothered by innocent black and brown and Asian people being victimized by criminals on a daily basis only for them to be let out immediately and reoffend, but suddenly pretend to care when it hits their favorite politicians doorstep. This guy was a homeless illegal alien from Canada, addicted to drugs, with a long criminal history. He should have been deported but unfortunately San Francisco is a sanctuary city. So he was free to terrorize the people of SF until he made the mistake of victimizing one of the elites. Oh whale 🐳😂😂

    2. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…I wonder if the Pelosis are ever indicted for insider trading & the theft of the public purse…or is this hammer attack the closest they’ll ever get to punishment on EARTH, b4 they get to HELL…

    3. @Straight Pride
      1. “Stand back and stand by.”
      2. “Can’t you just shoot them?”
      3. “Don’t be too nice.”
      4. “Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my guy.”
      5. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness.”

    1. @Baaliwood faked by who? until we see a repeat Edward Snowden pop up and leak the plot behind this “fake” robbery and attempted homicide, all you say is heresay.

  3. prayers and hopes go out to the recovery of Mr. Pelosi, and to his family, it’s sick that this can happen to anyone of that age, it’s horrific.

    1. @Krav Magoo may the most violent criminals that you lefties burned down our country for make it to your doorstep. And don’t even think about calling the police you wanted defunded. Call a social worker instead.

    2. @Justin Graham No lefty here. Didn’t vote for Biden…would never vote for the narcissistic sociopathic clown Trump either. And don’t worry…I won’t call corrupt cops unless I need them to cart away a dead or dying assailant.

    3. @Krav Magoo I’m not a Trumper either. I think the guys that worship him give actual conservatives a bad rap. He would be light years better than senile corrupt Biden but I think De Santis would be a much better choice to clean out the rot of the anti American democrats. Even Kari Lake would be a better choice but I don’t think she’ll run this early. But one things for sure when republicans take back the house and the senate in November they’re gonna get a good head start. Since your not a lefty ‘defund the police’ clown I’ll take back my statement about the violent criminals coming to your house. But if they make it back to Pelosi’s door that’s fine by me😂🔨

    4. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…

    5. @Chris Asterion I hope one day he may be forgiven for his attack, and that he comes to realize how foolish he was. That he was just as flawed as any of us, but that he comes to realize how he let himself be so lied to and so easily led astray.

    1. @Katie Hettinger
      Nonsense, nothing to do with trump
      Or his fault , just some crazy lune with a hammer nothing to do with politics

    2. @Katie Hettinger that’s what I was thinking – she’s often in DC – no reason to believe she would necessarily be home at all. But people that follow all the MAGA conspiracies, probably not the smartest.

    3. @Jeremy Gibson you missed the he supports Qanon and spreads Reich wing propaganda and supports Hitler, didn’t you

  4. That dispatch officer is a hero. I would hope if I was in trouble I would be in contact with one like them

    1. @Jeffrey Ren OMG! They already did it in many places across the country. They took money away from police funding. Crime went up, and up. Tell me what your Liberal dictionary says about that definition of defund the police. 🤡🤣😂🤣

    2. @K Bean I worked as a dispatcher 19 years, though not in San Fran. From what I heard in the press conference about Pelosi, this was dispatched as a class A (where I worked it was a class 1) welfare or wellness check which means roll it all, cops with lights and sirens, ambulance, etc. The officer leading the press conference explains this. Where I worked, the term “welfare check” could mean everything from an elderly person who hasn’t been getting their mail for a while to a situation where a caller thinks someone’s life is in imminent danger. If the person wasn’t getting their mail, I would’ve dispatched it with a lower priority. If it was imminent danger, I would’ve dispatched it with a higher priority.

      Editing to add that I can’t speculate how a police department would run where it dispatched only social workers to certain situations because I never worked for one. I’m pretty sure there would not be support for a model that sent a citizen like a social worker alone to a class 1 or class A call, though. That seems like a bad idea.

    3. @Nic DeGrave I completely agree with you. I was a deputy for 7 years. It’s impossible to predict what circumstances you’ll find. The very idea of sending in a social worker is moronic. Maybe after someone is in custody it would be appropriate to call one. Defund the police and you’ll get what you pay for.

    4. @K Bean I had a close friend who worked for the mental health organization that trained our area’s CIT cops, and sometimes I’d help them arrange their materials before classes or watch their practice lectures. That program I could get behind. We were in one of the biggest urban areas where mental hospitals were depopulated in the 60s and 70s and a lot of our calls were mental health ERs. Police officers trained in those situations rated the classes well and said it gave them more tools and better understanding. My friend’s organization had a rotation of mental health workers on call too in case a cop needed them. I gave those officers a lot of credit, at that time it was a voluntary program so they were always prioritized when there was a mental health situation. Dedicated people.

  5. For those of you who think that this is OK, or in anyway a good thing: What is wrong with you? Have you no humanity? Would you be upset if this happened to someone in your family? Violently attacking someone isn’t OK, all you have to do to know that is to ask if it’s OK to happen to someone you care about.

    1. @Nic DeGrave Trump and epstine? Yeah. They were just pretend friends though, and Trump definitely didn’t rape that 13 year old girl in Manhattan at epstines home. That was all made up and it was a total coincidence epstine much later came out as a sex trafficking pedophile.

    2. @DragonTheButcher I have learned that insider trading is perfectly legal for members of Congress. That has to stop. It is illegal for everyone else. It should be illegal for them also.

    3. I’m grateful Nancy wasn’t actually home!
      I don’t want to think about how this day could have happened very differently.

  6. I respect Mr. Pelosi. He fought back at 82 years old! All of these nasty comments about a elderly man who was asleep in bed had to fight a man half his age.

    1. Trump and party drawn out to worst of people out of their hidden places with continued lies and untruths to stoke the hatred in violent people.

    1. @Luke Mourinet In reality. Dems have a low regard to law and order. They wont keep criminals in jail, if they go to jail at all. I wonder where taxes go in CA? It’s certainly not going to keep CA citizens safe.

    2. @Bryan blaming Biden, when the video shows this dude is extreme Maga lover conspiracy nut. You spelled Trump wrong

  7. I often wonder if folks who commit such horrendous acts in the name of free speech consider that they also have to pay the consequesnce of their evil deeds — and the authorities have this guy locked up.

  8. “Where’s Nancy?” And they say they are still looking for a motive? The motive couldn’t be more obvious.

    1. @once upon a dime
      “trumps responsible for this crap ”

      The attacker is a Democrat, Green party, and nudist activist.

    2. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…I wonder if the Pelosis are ever indicted for insider trading & the theft of the public purse…or is this hammer attack the closest they’ll ever get to punishment on EARTH, b4 they get to HELL…

  9. When your privacy, your home, your wellbeing is intruded upon, it takes a very long time, if ever to recover from. Heartfelt wishes to the Pelosi family.

    1. OMG!!😨😰😨😰😨
      🤔🤔,,,, Wonder,,, dmmm democrat political crooks still support Defund police?????🤔
      😩😩 we all decent normal 🇺🇲 citizens are WARNING so many times!!!!🚫🚫🚫 to
      Libral Deep States !!!
      As a result, Mafia crook old 👵👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 members got consequences 😢 😪 😰😨😰😨😰😨,,,
      democrat 🤯🧠 political crooks get lessoned hard way,,, !!!!!🥱🥱🥱
      Although 🇺🇲 Nancy Pelosi 🏠,,, Who can be safe in democrat states ?????¿¿¿¿😰😨😰
      Hope the victim will get better soon,,,
      😩😩,,, Go figures,,
      If U are NOT a 2digit lower IQ 🤯 🧠 moron,

    2. I had my stepfather held me and my mother at gunpoint with a shotgun when I was 14 because he thought my mother was having an affair. 🙁

    3. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…

  10. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
    ~ Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…

    2. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…I wonder if the Pelosis are ever indicted for insider trading & the theft of the public purse…or is this hammer attack the closest they’ll ever get to punishment on EARTH, b4 they get to HELL…

    3. @TClan J Topsom
      Resist resignation to negative thinking. It’s your choice to make your reality pessimistic.
      Today is the day you can choose differently.
      We all wake up each day and can choose a different path.
      It takes only ONE candle to light the way for others.

      Just one.


  11. This is so horrible and truly sad 😥 I can’t believe that this country has come to this. May God helps us all! It doesn’t matter if we are Democrat or Republican! What matters is the fact that we are all human beings who need to get along and learn to act like civilized people, not animals! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!

    1. its so intetesting how the Devil protects his own…I guess in order of importance the Pelosi’s must very high on Satan’s hierarchy…

    2. I pray for the attacker & hope GOD blesses him, nice to know good ppl have the courage to take action…I wonder if the Pelosis are ever indicted for insider trading & the theft of the public purse…or is this hammer attack the closest they’ll ever get to punishment on EARTH, b4 they get to HELL…

    3. @S D Mostly Trolls here. The others are Faux Entertainment Company parrots. I’m seeing the same few talking points from a lot of the low information commenters. The same lame comment about “hammered”.
      Note that they are fully informed about Paul Pelosi, the Spouse of a US Rep. but can’t name any of the 21 Congress people convicted of drunk driving. They can talk about Pelosi’s wealth while they enable the biggliest grifter who sold out their national security for his own gain. Their hatred of Pelosi isn’t real, they are told to hate the Pelosi’s and this is what they come up with.

    1. @Leon Russo trump republicans are the reason the Pelosi’s commit insider trading? Interesting. Can you explain?

    2. A few things : Democrats policies, BLM, defunding police, open borders that are being denied that they are open, letting people riot and telling cops to styand down while business owners LOSE, staying inside for 2 years due to COVID, huge inflation that is causing people to lose their homes, etc. , cancel culture, and last but not least, a LACK of Morals and God, …. any other questions???????????

  12. “Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.” – Primo Levi

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