Hear Chris Cuomo’s fiery message to Dr. Scott Atlas

CNN's Chris Cuomo criticizes Dr. Scott Atlas, President Trump's coronavirus adviser, for telling people to "rise up" against coronavirus safety measures. #CNN #News


  1. The only people speaking for the President are ‘lackeys’ (verb), yes me who only want a moment of fame! Not a leader among them!

    1. @BIgPimPing H to the izzo You are a bloody liar! Cuomo was referring to his brother’s nose, not the virus!

    2. @Jules Nagbunga Yes the dominion software they were using is from a Spanish company that’s multinational and guess where they store our election Data, in Germany. Trump already knew they were going to do this and had an executive order written up that is very detailed on what he can do in case this happens, he was watching it live as they were adding the boats to Biden. Don’t forget he won on election night and then they added the illegal Ballots

    3. @Jules Nagbunga I’m not your typical nut . I’m a nut of a whole different tree. I have Walnut,Hickory Chestnut Oak trees I’m a Mikienut

    4. Hazel….good job on your vote. Next time, do your damn homework.
      These are the debauched creatures 70 Million Americans voted for. Propaganda Works. Meet your new president and his Son. Mainstream media refused to do their job. They never vetted these dirt bags. This ridiculous family will now be slinking into the white house. Great Job to all you misinformed voters. Mainstream Media purposely suppressed these stories:
      1. Hunter’s Hookers – https://gnews.org/461445/
      2. Joe Grooms Children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL9doQ2KYAU&ab_channel=RonGustaveson
      3. Ashley’s Showers with Dad – https://thejewishvoice.com/2020/10/ashley-bidens-alleged-journal-circulates-online-is-it-real/
      4. The Biden Crime Family – Irrefutable Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zLfBRgeFFo&ab_channel=FoxNews
      5. Summary – Jill Biden is an adulterous home wrecker. She horribly betrayed her first husband. Her family is a damn wreck. Her children are deeply damaged; haunted by their childhood memories. They spend their days trapped in drug and sex addiction cycles and revolving rehab visits. They push that filth deep down…put a three piece suit on and trot out on stage for a public appearance. Collect their paycheck and fire up that crack pipe in the limo ride back home. Turn a Blind-Eye- Jill. Pedo Enabler—Your new First Lady.

    1. @Gregg I agree this virus should never politicized. That’s why it’s a sad and dumb move for Trump to called it HOAX, then downplaying and LIED about it for months, all the while we know he knew the severity and danger of this.
      What worse, he also politicized mask, a basic health protective equipment, this was super dumb move. He’s the only world leader doing it, ENCOURAGING PEOPLE AGAINST MASK and causing hundreds of thousand unnecessary death as a result.

    2. @Dalfi Fran OMG. First, he never said the virus was a HOAX. That’s FAKE NEWS. Get off of CNN and learn something that is true. I’m not going to waste my time writing out all the things he has done in a timely manner to deal with this. Nobody asked for this virus. Jesus, he bans flights from China, the origin of this he’s a xenophobe and so on. He can’t win for losing with you guys and that’s fine. He thrives in that environment. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. I have totally different thought on this whole thing. So let me ask you, if masks work so good why are we going through another rush of cases? I live in Canada and when I go out everyone is wearing a mask and has been for a long time. I’ll wait.

    3. @Sandwich Man yeah tell that to the framers of the US constitution…they thought it would hold up but not to wacko Trump

    4. @Gregg
      *There is a video of it. He clearly says :*
      *”This is the new HOAX from Democrat”, and by this clearly refer to the virus.*
      How you can deny this is beyond me because it was on video.

      The virus is found in 2019, hence the name COVID-19. Trump knows the virus by early January. All world leader know this because WHO made announcement by then.
      But Trump did nothing until the virus hit US.
      Ban flight only a first step, most of country in the world also doing that, but Trump didn’t do anything follow up to that. *It’s also insignificant and moot point by that time in Feb.*

      *Jeeez. He was captured on RECORD playing down the severity of the virus. It’s UNDENIABLE, and he kept doing it for months.* Telling “It’s over”, “We’re rounding it”, “It’s gone by the summer”, etc.

      You also ignoring that he made a really dumb move by *politicising mask, he encouraging against it,* he made a basic health protective equipment as political move, the only world leader doing so, which ultimately caused SO MANY UNNECESSARY DEATH!.

      Even India with 4-5 times more population and denser only have half cases and number of death.
      If you want to keep a blind eye of the fact that US is LITERALLY THE WORST handling the pandemic then it’s up to you.

    1. 99.97% survival rate. Time to move on buddy. Lockdowns not the answer and doesn’t help anyone. Props to the doc for having the balls to say what everyone is afraid of hearing.

    1. thats just stupid but its true Govt Cuomo did kill people if news is reliable. People know whats required to stay safe and to keep others safe, its OLD NEWS , blame people for the choices they make.
      Biden has been preaching a mask forever and no one is really changing because of what Biden says, so for him to change society is also just stupid. If you look at some other Atlas videos where he gets a chance to really talk. You see in terms of real world, what he says is practical .. just erase this video from you mind with Cuomo Hate spin. Atlas is in communication with top people. The vaccine strategy was a good one based on understanding people. The Mask alone is far from effective. The Biden celebration just goes to show the hypocrisy regardless if they wore masks, they did nt distance and in the videos i saw of the crowds, lots of people were not wearing masks, it only takes one to sprad the virus. You need a 360 approach to this because people want their freedom in the USA.

    1. If you knew you history the democrat party has always and continues to be racists!!! Not to mention puppets of communist China

    2. @J M M everything you just said is completely false ! Fact check yourself ! And cases that get thrown out of smaller courts is a process to get to Supreme Court !

    1. @MAGA 2020 Killing more Americans through his Covid-19 response than died in the first two years after we entered WWII. We are the worst in terms of cases than almost every large rich country with modern health care which Trump is still trying to take away from millions of people. He has no “great, perfect” health care plan like he keeps repeating, because he would reveal it now that he’s lost the election.
      Oh, that reminds me, the other way he’s a traitor (probably not in the legal sense) is refusing to accept the election results with no evidence. Every judge including conservative ones have shot down every one of his pathetic claims. His refusal to start the transition process endangers more Americans in terms of national security and Covid-19 response and everything else government related.
      I’d go into his embracing and encouraging autocratic despots around the world, but I’m too tired of 4 years of deadly incompetence. 2 months to go, thank God.

    1. Mack…you are so clever. Good job on your vote.
      These are the debauched creatures 70 Million Americans voted for. Propaganda Works. Meet your new president and his Son. Mainstream media refused to do their job. They never vetted these dirt bags. This ridiculous family will now be slinking into the white house. Great Job to all you misinformed voters. Mainstream Media purposely suppressed these stories:
      1. Hunter’s Hookers – https://gnews.org/461445/
      2. Joe Grooms Children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL9doQ2KYAU&ab_channel=RonGustaveson
      3. Ashley’s Showers with Dad – https://thejewishvoice.com/2020/10/ashley-bidens-alleged-journal-circulates-online-is-it-real/
      4. The Biden Crime Family – Irrefutable Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zLfBRgeFFo&ab_channel=FoxNews
      5. Summary – Jill Biden is an adulterous home wrecker. She horribly betrayed her first husband. Her family is a damn wreck. Her children are deeply damaged; haunted by their childhood memories. They spend their days trapped in drug and sex addiction cycles and revolving rehab visits. They push that filth deep down…put a three piece suit on and trot out on stage for a public appearance. Collect their paycheck and fire up that crack pipe in the limo ride back home. Turn a Blind-Eye- Jill. Pedo Enabler—Your new First Lady.

    1. your kidding right ? listen to cuomo for the next 5 days , on each of those days listen to him for 3 hours. Find me 10 mins where he is not preaching hate spin. Good luck.

    1. @Maite Jorge Unfortunately it’s taking a lot of good, innocent people as it affects stupid people. How do you get through to so many who still think it’s a hoax? Does it have to kill someone in each of their families? I’m not a religious person but it feels like we are in biblical times.

    2. If that was true Trump would have died when Covid 19 had the chance! It kills the physically vulnerable, nothing to do with if they are stupid or evil, unfortunately

    3. @Kathleen Wyatt I am a Christian and I’ve been thinking that we might be at that time! Never seen such obvious evil cause so much disaster as Trump has. If he was put here, as in a biblical role, he’s definitely not the good guy. “Great Deceiver” more likely!

  2. “we’ve had vicious kings, and we’ve had idiot kings, but i dont think we’ve ever been cursed with both.”

    1. Unfortunately they know Trump’s acolytes are that deluded. It’s easy to dismiss them as stupid, but the sad reality is most of them are not.

    1. yup he would get a world record for hate speech. HE is a virus a hate speech virus, super spreader wanna make a 100.00 bet on that.

    2. @Don Alder Acoustic Guitarist Afraid he would disgrace members who were spineless and/or stupid? By the way, probably the only area where trump excels is hate speech.

  3. Why is everyone saying he’s got the ear of the president instead of saying Trump has found one single doctor out there who would say what he wants (for good money)?

  4. When Atlas asks “what are we doing here”, he really doesn’t know.
    It’s not the job of cult members to know what’s happening. It’s their job to nod their heads.

    1. Doctors rarely take the Hippocratic oath these days. Now it’s the Lasagna oath. If you’re going put people down at least be up to date. I also find it humorous that you listen to this man whos brother murdered hundreds of sen

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