During Brian Walshe's arraignment on murder charges in a Massachusetts court, the prosecution listed a series of online searches on how to cover up a murder that they say Walshe made from his son's iPad. Walshe faces a murder charge in the death of his wife, Ana Walshe, who has been missing since New Year's. #CNN #News
Hear chilling list of internet searches Walshe made on son’s iPad

This guy doesn’t look worried; bothered, even scared. He looks calm.
@Parker Bolt So true. It’s amazing they think they can get away with it.
@Harms Way If its fantasy you’re looking for then the republican party is for YOU, because you won’t find facts with them. Violence like this is a result of poor education, crappy family morals aka illiterate republican families or worse homeschooled haha
@Jay Steve he can say he did it and save himself tule away from camera time and hateful eyes on him. I really wish she went down swinging tho, that’s the only silver lining here.
He’s an actor. This is a psy op like most everything else. The situation being reported is dead give away. Think about it.
@Shahnul Islam which comment are you replying to?
Loser should have Googled “non-violent options to end a bad marriage.”

He should have googled alimony.
@Cody Russow They always find a way to bring politics into it. They are so far off the charts. I hope they find a new hobby instead; something worthwhile.
Tom Webster is the King
there’s so much evidence. It’s almost like he set himself up. He wanted to get caught. that’s why he’s so calm
I don’t think he wanted to get caught, because I imagine he wanted the insurance money. But I think he’s proud people know he killed her, now that he has been caught. I think narcissists work with what they have, so now that he’s caught, he’s “owning” it proudly. If he had flown under the wire, he would be calling for her death benefits daily lol
It’s sad that she was so close to getting away from this sleeze.
He’s a malignant narcissist. No matter all the evidence he left for law enforcement to build their case, he still believes he will get away with it. Too bad Massachusetts tax payers have to finance a trial for this sad excuse for a human. I hope there are relatives and friends to help the poor children.
Some people are just that dumb……
I predict they had a major fall out, and he killed her in a fit of rage.
He step by step described what he was doing. Gave the police the exact timeline

Yes he’s a genius this one

And he’s nodding his head no lol
@David J he left P,B & Jelly sandwiches, milk…and a hand-written journal…AND a vlog of the whole thing
dude was caught in 8K
Yep what a goof.. did he really think he was gonna get away with this with all the evidence he left behind.. the google searches says it all.. crazzy how dumb some people are!!
She was the mother of his 3 kids, did he think about them while he was sacrificing their mother
Not when your a psychopath
I’m thinking NOT…you?
He never gave that any though…..It all about him!!!!!
they never do; they always and only think about themselves.
Only cares about himself
He’s so proud and it’s disgusting. He smiled at the charges.
And he has ruined the lives of three little children forever I mean really and truly. That should be as criminal charge of some sort.
I’m not a person who is a hater but this man, should be hated.
This guy didn’t leave bread crumbs, he left whole slices of bread.
No loaves !
Clever comment, NOT!
*+ he using his own reply to a comment above, as this thread–Maybe he’s related*

@M He step by step described what he was doing. Gave the police the exact timeline
3 replies
5 hours ago
This guy didn’t leave bread crumbs, he left whole slices of bread.
lol. So true
@Deborah Williams * bakeries
This will be the shortest trial in history. He needs to just plead guilty and save us all his misery and tax payers money!
Throughout the prosecutor’s presentation, the defendant is entirely expressionless. It’s as if he was watching a baseball game. He’s one cold SOB.
He looks like he knew this was going to happen. He gives up on pretending to look upset or surprised, because he knows the whole account is accurate. He’s done, caught, locked up, never getting out.
Amazing how people think they can get away with murder these days.
Or they think someone goes missing and just cuz they say she left or watever people are going to stop searching lol it’s like they don’t even think like normal rational human being
This guy didn’t stand a chance! Who the hell murders thier wife and after he googles all that crazy stuff.. did he think the cops wasn’t gonna look at electronics in that house.. this dude is a goof and needs to be put away for life!
It’s astonishing. I don’t buy for a second that he wanted to get caught. He’s I.Q. challenged.
@M Hallyour mother is
@Jageyour mother is
Guilty on ALL counts! Of all the things he could have been searching for, he searches for how to murder and hide his crime. May his kids and family find mental, spiritual, and emotional healing for the trauma that they will experience for the loss of their mother.

agreed ( obviously innocent until proven guilty in the court of law) but we have seen this sad movie before and know how it ends. Reminds me of the Jennifer Dulos case
I wonder how he’s going to explain all those searches? Wasn’t him I’m sure lol

@Cinday L0Ve most dudes are searching up porn, woman are searching up their guys ex girls friend or weight loss – this loser is searching up disposing a body and inheritances
@Cinday L0Ve He’ll probably try and claim he’s becoming a mystery writer and he was doing research. It’s just a coincidence that the victim in his story matches his wife.
And their “father” too. I mean, what a fucking nightmare for everyone involved.
I feel so sorry for those children….
What about the wife???? Anyone feel sorry for her? She was butchered in her own home by her husband and dismembered alive. You feel sorry for her? Anyone? In America, why is it that we talk so much about children and kids that we look past adults? You know cute kids turn into adults eventually, are they not worth anything when they are no longer children?
@Shipwreck, he confessed to dismembering his wife while she was still alive?
@Shipwreck I don’t think their feelings of pitty for the kids necessarily negates any feelings of pitty for the adult woman.
I’m wondering why you assume that they are mutually exclusive, and what that indicates about your past.
@Shipwreck of course what kind of a question is that? Like seriously like you said she has more than likely passed now the kids won’t have a parent these kids are so young
@Roy Proctor exactly you can feel for both the mom and the kids without saying it
The fact that people still think murdering another human being is an option and think they’ll get away with it when making such revealing online searches is mind blowing.
@Ann Johnson HE IS A SICKO!
@FJ erm, take your meds.
Social Darwinism at work.
My heart goes out to his children. They are better off without this monster.
That was a little more grisly than I anticipated
that poor woman….and her children….
The epitome of evil and selfish. No care for himself, her or their children. Just leave. Why kill her? Why do this to your kids? My love and prayers to them. God I hope she didn’t suffer and is resting peacefully with God and found soon for a proper burial
Always gets me how love can turn so bad and end in this manner. No thoughts given for the children
How do you know his thoughts
@M won’t u enlighten me sir damn wasn’t nothing wrong with what I stated. Go troll somewhere else
@M worthless troll desperate for attention
My heart goes out to those poor children wickedly deprived of their mother. As per him, I hope the jury finds new ways to invoke HELL on his behalf.

I am literally in tears right now. So many questions that may never be answered. Those poor babies will never see their mommy and will know that their daddy is a murderer. Daddy killed her because he cared more about money than an actual person. There has to be something, somewhere that says she was worried about her safety, doesn’t there? I just can’t with this. This man is pure evil. Nothing at all behind those eyes. Just darkness.