Hear call proving senior officer was told of kids trapped with Uvalde shooter

Uvalde's acting police chief knew there were "eight to nine" children alive and needing rescue from a shooter in the classrooms at Robb Elementary but failed to organize help, new audio of a phone call and CNN analysis of newly obtained video shows. CNN's Shimon Prokupecz reports. #CNN #News

Hear call proving senior officer was told of kids trapped with Uvalde shooter


    1. @Mark Ross Charged with first degree murder. Definitely the acting chief. He had information and consciously decided not to act. The other officers who made no attempt to act (not the husband of the teacher inside the classroom) should be charged with manslaughter. All should be sent to prison.

    2. Officer’s!?!? I don’t see one officer. All i see is cowards standing all over the place, protecting their vaginas.

  1. All the police officers went home safe and sound to their families. Isn’t that all cops care about these days?

    1. Exactly 💯. Cops only care about themselves. Cops Lie and physically intimidate people everyday. Cops abuse their power everyday to teach people a lesson. Cops are cowards like we see here everyday and then conservatives call them heroes!? But not on Jan 6th

    2. @mahno730 Don’t forget, ticketing and inconveniencing us. Physically intimidating us. They lie everyday too. Beat and murder people too.

      We need police reform!!!

    3. @Semechki for Putin I can’t imagine being that teacher, knowing my husband was on the premises, and not seeing or hearing him come to save me, all the while bleeding out for an hour.

      Meanwhile, the one husband who would have run in to save his wife, and all of those kids, dies of heartbreak a couple days after burying her.

  2. Disorganized and accountable for murder, All of them should be fired!!!
    This is disgraceful and unacceptable.

    1. Firing is too good for them. Each one acted with criminal negligence and needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

    2. @Roxas Kinghearts Law & order is one thing! These pigs that I got this with no balls need to be held accountable. I say put them to sleep

    3. @Gunther Tobias yeah but you sound like a sheep republicans sell children into slavery tell them to starve tell them to die hillary clinton thru her charity has saved more children lives then the entire republican party and yet all i hear from you is you sound as dumb as a trump supporter the hypocrites who dont value human lives actions do speak louder then any words a republican might say

      if we are going to put them to sleep then all the voters who enabled them stone walling common sense gun laws or are you going to pretend i have no point and the broken justice system places like texas created by working on monopolizing the industry tells me plenty about the state as a whole and the republican party as a whole sheep

      like i said republicans are the root of all evil

    1. America America land of the criminally insane under our nation skies we cry our eyes o gods this nation is insane

  3. I’m amazed by the bravery of that traumatised child making that call for help and all of those “good guys” with guns still just stood there listening to children die.

    1. America America land of the criminally insane under our nation skies we cry our eyes o gods this nation is insane

    2. @tuan (Ivan) Do That’s just NRA propaganda. If there weren’t so many guns, we wouldn’t have so many people getting killed with them.

    3. Yep, and Republicans rather have us pay out the nose to hire more cowards as LEOs and place them in our schools. I say, let’s save money and remove the firearms from the mentally unstable and only allow ownership of assault weapons to those who have passed a background check, psychological-cognitive assessment, and can provide documentation of the hours of training they’ve had with the use of certain assault weapons. So, it would require a license to own then. Most vets and SWAT members would pass easy.

  4. Nothing would have stopped me from at least trying. That poor officer who knows his wife is in there injured at the very least being pulled back breaks my heart. Those babies should have at least felt EVERYTHING was being done to rescue them sadly that was not the case.

    1. @james love There’s another video where he tries to go towards the classroom and the other officers grab him, hold him back and actually take his weapon and escort him out of the hallway. He was so distraught. They had been married for 25+ years and have 4 kids together. I saw an interview with him and his children and he looks so broken. I can’t imagine him being able to go back to work knowing that his “brothers in blue” didn’t do anything to save his wife or the other children.

    2. Yeah that would be the day I said forget the badge and my coworkers, if i have to kill one of yall to rescue my wife and other kids, so be it.

    3. @james love and what kind of “brothers” would disarm him instead of joining him in saving his wife. How could you live with yourself after that? What would you say to your coworker? Every man standing in that hallway is responsible for her death, just as if they had pulled the trigger.

    4. @John Williams the brother portion was sarcasm seeing how they are so big on there blue line brother hood ya know shoulder to shoulder

    1. More like FIRED from the Police force without Pension, Retirements, any monetary payments of any kind. With a FAILURE OF DUTY RECORD for LIFE. List of All Officers who FAILED their Duties as Police officers in the Public Domain. Especially All The Commandong Officers all the way to Sargents.

    2. @sydtopia Well, we can pass the George Floyd Act, and then there will be incentives to hire people who are ethical, moral, have good critical thinking skills, are mentally stable, and free of personality disorders, as well as psychosis and sociopathy.

      I’m sure lots of young adults want to be LEOs. Just not under the current Good Old Boy System.

    1. Considering the had training in active shooter training and did nothing? Why did the acting Police Chief not notify anyone about the 911 call from the child in the classroom? Why did not one officer have the courage to breach the room? Would the scenario been different if one of the officers had a child in the classroom. They were notified about an Officers wife shot. And still did nothing . Afterwards the deflection and lies to the parents were unconsciousable. Uvalde police not one officer should be employed there anymore. Condolences to the families who children died.

    2. All these cops should turn their own guns on themselves. I hope they have nightmares for the rest of their lives bc all of those children do not get to live out the rest of their lives bc of them

    3. Bet this male coward has no problem living with himself like that! The way he acted during this tragedy revealed how woefully inept of a police leader he truly is! Self-preservation is his number one priority!!!

  5. The incompetence of ALL those men is despicable! They should never be permitted to have a badge of any sort again. If they haven’t got the courage to do the job they have NO business posing as cops. Shame on all of them.

  6. It’s beyond disgusting to hear that a 10 year old child was putting in more effort to save herself and her classmates than a slew of grown men who took an oath to protect their community. She did everything right, and they completely failed her. These officers need to be held accountable for their lack of action.

    1. @CH Not “couldn’t” they “didn’t” there’s a BIG difference. They were all lazy and scared. They CHOSE NOT TO HELP! What a bunch of bumble —uck lazy a$$ cops not doing ANYTHING TO SAVE CHILDREN!!?? WHY is it that the people we PAY TO PROTECT US and OUR FAMILIES ARE THE LAZIEST AND DUMBEST PEOPLE IN AMERICA!! This is embarrassing for ALL Those “men” that stood around and did nothing. 😠😠

    2. @lisa’smom44 So you’re Ok with officers getting paid to protect ONLY THEMSELVES? If your child was in that çlass you’d be singing a Completely different tune. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable for their behavior, and lack of proper behavior too. Why are you giving lazy cops an excuse? They didn’t do their job!

  7. Cowards. They sure do love throwing themselves award ceremonies when they do their job, then when something like this happens they all deny accountability. We need a complete restructuring of law enforcement in this country

  8. This is a display of horrific incompetence. All those “good men with guns” who couldn’t save those children from a lone gunman.

    1. The good people with the guns were prevented from doing so because of the, gun free school zone’ law.
      Back in the 50s and 1960s we all took our guns to school. The boys kept their rifles in the clock room and we kept our pistols in our purses. I carried a 38 cal six shot stubby. During that time there were no school shootings. We did not have the problems that we have today.

  9. Little Chloe was so brave.. too bad the people who were supposed to protect her, didn’t have as much courage as she did. Chloe.. you are a superhero!!! ♥️

    1. @sydtopia We’re talking about a , what, 10 year old child? How prepared, how many times do you suspect that 10 year old played out a scenario of how to survive a school shooting?

    2. @Bonnie K we already training 10 year olds for active shooters. We however have it ingrained in training to lock down. 99.99 of the time that works. But in this case if the child is in danger they need to get away from the danger. We need to look at better training for the children. She shows smarts getting the phone. The operator should be considering if the door right next to her to get her to open it, leave it open and run to safety. We need to learn from these experiences so we can save more children in the future. I will be teaching my child hide from danger, but if you are in danger get out of there and run to police.

  10. Like I said before, it shouldn’t matter if you have been advised if there were children in the classroom or not, if a shooter or a major threat is in the area involving vulnerable innocents whether it be the building, classroom, storage room, boiler room, bathroom, etc., always assume there is a victim because it’s only you (the police officer) that they are relying on to save their lives and the clock starts ticking once the threat make eye contact with there victim(s). They shouldn’t have to wait for a go ahead, because the threat isn’t gonna wait for a go ahead. They had roughly 400 police officers. The first 3 minutes they had about 5 officers which already overwhelms the shooter which should be enough man power to neutralize the threat. That first 3 minutes was the only momentum the officers had to breach the classroom by any means necessary. That first 3 minutes could’ve saved everyone.

  11. Really shows you how much he cares about the kids and his own officers family as he just walks away without doing anything


  12. This is heartbreaking. I can’t believe that many armed adults failed to act quickly and swiftly, going after gunman.
    What’s point of being Police officer if it is not to save lives of innocent kids. Shame… a real shame…

  13. The fact that they were tazzing and handcuffing parents wanting to rescue their children is beyond belief and they need to sue the Uvalde police force. DISGUSTING!

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