President Joe Biden delivered remarks on Wednesday to reiterate the nation’s continued support for Ukraine and announced plans to send 31 Abrams tanks to the country as it continues its fight against Russia.
#CNN #news
President Joe Biden delivered remarks on Wednesday to reiterate the nation’s continued support for Ukraine and announced plans to send 31 Abrams tanks to the country as it continues its fight against Russia.
#CNN #news
To arms against tyranny !
@LifeTourist so you’re saying it’s our problem because America was once Russian land?
@Chuck Rambo They didn’t express any interest in Alaska. But the Baltic States, Poland and partially Romania were in the Russian Empire or Soviet Union so it has Russian population which they will seek to ‘defend’. Last time I checked they were NATO members.
What tyranny? Pennsylvania avenue?
@LifeTourist Afghanistan and Iraq were your borders too.
Might be a bit strange that we in Finland do not open what we are sending to Ukraine, but it is different when you have long border with Russia.
Pro world-leader tip: if you’re trying to persuade your neighbours not to join a military defence pact against you, threatening their security will have the opposite effect.
@Musician yeah that’s why russia refuses to do anything to the U.S. Because they’re so brave. I hear alot of talking coming from president dddd lips but that’s where it ends. same as with you. just talk. gobba gobba gobba. let us know when you’re ready because I been waitin for this my whole life. and I can’t wait another minute for your big mouths to do what you been claiming you can or are going to do. all you need to do is make … one … tiny .. mistake. and we’ll take over from there. My president made it clear when he announced to your president d. lck lips in front of the world that if one inch of NATO territory is touched by anyone from your third world country – russia WILL FEEL THE FULL FORCE OF AMERICAN POWER. You want to see what that means?? Step one inch in the wrong direction. Then you won’t have to talk about what you’re gonna do anymore. You’ll never ever have to worry about that again. PROMISE. Don’t keep us waiting
Biden announces what we are sending because he’s stupid and trying to distract from having YEARS of CLASSIFIED documents in all his offices, homes, and even garage!
@khanh And how is America going to defend the world when everyone is dropping out of the military because they don’t want to serve under BIDEN????? OUR military is shrinking daily!! TOO MANY GENERALS and not enough soldiers won’t work. Maybe we will bring back the draft!!!! Are you ready????
@Janko @Simon Petersen You guys are responding to a Moskali troll.
The Press at times asks the most antagonistically unnecessary questions: “Did Germany “force” the US to change our stance?” … How did “force” make it into that question?
Keep in mind there is no more free press just controlled opposition fact.
@Nancy Chace The media do not have Journalists they have Democrat ACTIVISTS who like to call themselves Journalists ..
Hunter Biden used his laptop to send Highly Classified documents from the
State Department to his partner Devon Archer at Burisma Oil found on his laptop..
Joe Biden is a security risk and must be removed immediately as President..
Trump’s Documents were about Operation Crossfire Hurricane plotted in the Obama/Biden Oval Office in conjunction with the FBI the DEEP STATE to overthrow a duly elected President Trump..
Jo going to really piss off putin
@UCHFGr4atBhEtdXGzpgAr9Qw There is no responsible journalism because they are always defending pathetic Biden!!!
@rek131 Tough questions are good! It’s the stupid and leading ones that aren’t. Better Journalists know better. For example, there’s a big difference between saying “forced” and asking if Germany “influenced” the US’ decision to send the Abrams tanks.
Hail USA, NATO and major Democratic countries!
From Europe: Happy Birthday, President Selensky! Thanks for your strong leadership. Appreciated. Stay healthy, stay safe.
Was hoping biden would sing him happy birthday
Zelensky is as corrupt as Putin!!
@think about what you think about Did during his nap
America will remain D superpower and its NATO allies helping Ukraine and there’s nothing you can do about it

Look at what you’ve started Russia………………

Thank you President Biden
i pray for you, and all of us in the free world 
Way to go Biden we stand with you, an we stand with Ukraine
, an thanks to our allies God bless all against the evil Putin 
He just gets on my nerves talking about, “They’re the best tanks ever” NO SH*T! It’s our stuff!

Literally every other sentence out of skrumps mouth is “we have the best…” stfu
I hope Canada will now step up and donate some of our Leopards as they are just sitting around here doing very little. We have over 100 Leo 2’s so 28 could be sent to help in Ukraines hour of need.
Let me guess: you voted for PeePee/Cons-ervative. And you and your loser Cons in your CON-voy of Cowards, held Ottawa hostage this time last year. Because you lost the 2021 Federal election and wanted revenge on Justin/Liberals being re-elected.
How it helps against 12.000 russian tanks?
Against 12,000 old, decrepit, Soviet-era Russian tanks?
It will make mincemeat of them.
@Yeontata Yeontata let us show you. It works better that way trust me. talking about it doesn’t quite leave you with the same impression.
As you talk LMFAO.
The whole world must stand for what is right and help Ukraine defend itself. No more standing by. Help end this war with a Ukrainian victory and send Russian troops back home to their families instead of fighting a battle they don’t even want to be fighting.
Have you still not learned that there is no ” right or wrong ” in this world because everything depends from the point of view!
@Eight Reasons You agree with war?
@VOTEblue RepubsareNazis You try it, little buddy
@Bishop Walters if it’s a country defending itself from an unnecessary and unprovoked invasion, you bet I do.
@Deyan Mihalchev I choose not to learn what is incorrect.
Hell I don’t know go ask Pence. I thought a bunch of these M1 Abrams or other tanks have already been shipped to Poland and other NATO countries. Why should we or Ukraine wait to send them or more, if Poland and NATO can wait to have them replaced? Send what we already have from Poland or elsewhere in Europe assuring they can be replaced re-procured, and send them with the Leopards. At some point training in their use will occur in the field in Ukraine, at that, if some Ukrainians are already undergoing training here in the US, Poland and Germany. Guess who should be paying for their re-procurement? I understand they were shipped to NATO countries as aid to NATO. Why should it take months when it took only weeks or less to load them onto cargo planes or cargo ship transports to Europe, and that they can be driven from those operationally active training grounds in NATO countries directly into Ukraine?
Thank you, USA, Germany, UK and all allies!
May this present bring your country victory, justice and peace 

And, happy Birthday, president Zelensky.
Ukrainians are brave and will prevaile!
You cant be serious
Ukrainians are being dragged off the streets and out of their homes to become cannon fodder for US imperialism
@Terry Smith wrong. They are fodder for the Joe Biden money laundering racket. It has nothing to do with normal us citizens
Congrats tax payers!

Zelensky is a fake puppet.
Forget about tanks… this war will go nuclear…I bet Kyiv will get the honor
America should leave Texas, New Mexico, California Arizona and Nevada. That was once Mexico. As Ukraine was part of Russia. What’s the difference? Let Russia have Ukraine, the American people don’t want WW3
Let’s have a head count Joe. You have no idea of the opposition. A man dressed in a suit lying through his teeth (are they all his teeth?)
Saying that we haven’t seen this type of aggression for a long time is only because we haven’t opened our eyes.
@The para…: OK, show me what I’m not seeing!
While he neglects his own country’s citizens it’s time someone said it Ukraine is not our problem we got enough of our own issues but let’s give this country billions to defend it self from a joke military