1. Ladies and gentlemen at the standard hotel and in ed bucks meth mansion I was just there and any video or pictures that surface are deep fakes .and one more thing
    Thanks for being a gullible easily fooled public and making it so easy to fool you all.
    Love Adam 🤣

    1. @Shawn Corbin And I agree, but she is gone..Out of the political rena..Old news..Why bother with such an insignificant person as you are doing?

  2. Dude straight up lied!! This whole impeachment process is a sham just like Russian collusion and when this is all over the wacko liberals will come up with something else.

  3. Shame on CNN for making fraudulent copyright claims on YouTube against David Pakman’s live stream of the C-SPAN coverage of these hearings.

    1. Previous month I was able to pull my first five figure paycheck ever!!! I’ve been working for this provider on the internet for twenty four months now and I never been happier… They are paying me $95 per hour, and the most important thing regarding it is the fact that I am not that tech-savvy, they only required basic idea of internet and common typing skill…Superb thing about this gig is that I have more free time for my family. I am in a position to spend quality time with my friends and family and look after my babies and also going on family holiday together with them very often. Don’t let pass this chance and try to respond fast. Let me show you what I do… *revenue39­.­c­o­m*

    1. Aaron Christoffersen : CNN won’t do news coverage on Bill Clinton who raped an 8 year old on a yacht. Bill held the boy in the air, and someone came up and slashed the bottom of the child’s feet and caught the blood in saucer and then they drank it. Boy raped by Bill. Victim came forward, where’s the news coverage. CNN protects their pedophiles. Adam Schiff compromised in acts of Pedophilia at Standard Hotel. CNN protects pedophiles. Nancy Pelosi marched with NAMBLA Pedophiles, Joe Biden can’t keep his hands off of little girls. Obama caged immigrant children and gave them to human traffickers. Obama involved in raping to boys. Hillary had a kill room where a little girl was tortured and the Satanist drank her blood. Democrats sure have a long history of being involved into Pedophilia and child sex trafficking. But yet there’s people out there who supports these sicko’s and that makes them just as guilty

    2. @Raven R so sad that people like you are in existence. Your narrative does not make any sense to anybody who reads it. I don’t think you personally believe what you wrote.

  4. If Vindman is a King than Schiff is a God!!! Haha! The Democratic Party not only will lose 2020 which they know thats why they’re doing this but will lose 2024 also.

    1. Gabriel Sauceda” Vindman works for Trump. He hired him.. I, wrote that the only thing you people have to defend Trump is saying that the witnesses are either democrats or Russian spies. and I was right..Thank you very much for proving me right..Next

    2. vicksss you guys said Trump was a Russian spy right? Haha! Come on! Listen I’m the one thats happy, I have the president I want and we’ll have him again in 2020. It’s obvious you guys know you can’t beat him so you have to try to impeach him. Adam Schiff has ruined your party that’s what I can celebrate. 😂😁

    1. @Mung Moore No, I’m talking about anyone who does evil. Their lies and wickedness will one day come to light be it in this life or the next.

  5. Adam Schiff accidentally said “Judy” instead of Rudy when talking about Giuliani. I almost peed on myself. LOL.

    1. ZERO facts. ZERO credible witnesses. ZERO legal basis or argument.
      If you think otherwise please state the actual legal basis with corroborating evidence as to this quid pro quo arrangement.

    2. @Penny Hardaway then if these witnesses are not credible. Let’s bring in Mulvaney, Pompeo and Giuliani deal? Of course not right sheep.

    3. @Makaveli SD They aren’t credible because they haven’t been able to corroborate the allegations toward potus. Perhaps this is an acceptable standard of testimony in dummycrat land.
      Zelensky has repeatedly stated, no pressure lol. Schiff on another fishing expedition.

  6. I hate to be the bearer of bad news to all of you but the Senate will kill impeachment pretty quick. This isn’t going to accomplish anything

  7. Yes the Schiff head is drafting up articles of impeachment now. Meanwhile the American patriot is drafting up plans to overthrow the liberals and their plans overall. It’s time people.

  8. I think a little Raid ant and bug killer sprayed on Schiff would get rid of him. Or we can call Orkin termite control.

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