Health officials in Ontario warn it is far too early to ease restrictions as they look at whether to extend the stay-at-home order that is set to expire on May 19th.
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All I see when that anchor guy talks is the Tyson interview
Haha yeah! That anchor is such a “downer”
@Ben “thank you for coming in!”
The whole provincial government just acts like Toronto is the whole province!
what other city matters in ont ?.
@David Baird Ottawa is clearly being ignored and we are doing well and going in the right direction!
Could I buy underwear and bra somewhere! You closed even in Dollarama some stuff to buy! It is enough now! Let me… take care about my health myself! I
@The Lammens how about we dont give Walmart our money…
We can send to you from Calgary???
@The Lammens What ever you do don’t buy Athletic Wear underwear buy Fruit of the Loom underwear and buy a size larger than normal. I went cheap and bought Athletic Wear and couldn’t even give a spare unopened package of them away. Two months later I bought Fruit of the Loom. Couldn’t afford Stanfields due to zero interest rates. I used to wear Stanfields when interest rates were ten percent.
you can’t buy socks or underwear at Dollorama but you can buy sun tanning lotion :/
what happened to the projection of 18,000 cases per day
@Doug Ford not until you get there
@Kevin Chen lol
@Amelia Bedelia Outside the GTA, the number of Charles Victor Cases are Low!!!
@parkerbohnn that’s an absolutely horrible thing to say. I would delete this tbh
Cut the government payroll…. politicians, professors,” medical experts”….were all in this together!. I got my Covid shot…..there must have been 200 employees there, suckling the taxpayers teat.
When will they open up the Toronto DUMP?……………………………………and the Toronto Transfer Stations
when is the 5th wave thats what i want to know
Father’s day
Trudeau has made sure we will all see the 5th wave.
Only 3 more shutdowns till Christmas

2050 still too early
This is beyond depressing. There will no doubt be a 13th wave. No summer 2021
Adam Becker has 120 pinball machines in his barn up in Keswick but won’t let anyone play them.
Or summer 2022, 2023 or 2024.
We got fucked I legit thought stay at home order was expiring sooner… don’t know if may 24 weekend is going to work either for this stay at home order to expire
Slowest. learners. EVER.
precious says for you to stay home while she wears her mask outside.
When I learned Fat Doug decided to to deny workers sick days based on ideology over science I realized we were screwed….and we are.
a 4th wave when did we leave the 3rd
I guess the vaccines are useless
We have the longest running strictest lockdowns in North America says Ford. He says it like its a great thing and something to be proud of.
Something needs to done about these public health monsters. They will abuse and destroy our kids if we let them . Disgraceful. They are incompetent and completely dishonest. I dont beleive s word they say.
way to early.