Mark Aronchick, the lawyer who is arguing against Rudy Giuliani on behalf of several Pennsylvania county election boards, describes the scene in the courtroom in recent days.
#CNN #News
Mark Aronchick, the lawyer who is arguing against Rudy Giuliani on behalf of several Pennsylvania county election boards, describes the scene in the courtroom in recent days.
#CNN #News
The worst and most disgusting president in America’s history has been fired by American citizens.
@uncle Ricky well, ummmmmmm
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, wait a minute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, let’s see, well, ummmm, sheeeeeit I dunno.
@Chispy Mom what is the point of your statement? And that’s false.
2 words: Smartmatic and Sequioa.
obama is the WORST president we’ve ever had
This is all for the benefit of raising funds for Trump’s latest scam.
aerial of Saturday rally
@don happily married What about the sharpie case in arizona (thrown out)
The georgia late ballots case (thrown out)
How about those out of state votes in nevada (state supreme court shows they were soldiers, sailors and their wives “legally allowed to vote”…) oh, how about that melissa carone lady? Was fun seeing the judge dismiss that as (just not credible)
What cases you think he’s actually gonna win, and what states will he flip?
The Trumptards will line up for that cause. You know, because they’re the “real Americans.”
Voter fraud
Throw out his tanning salon! During the 2016 Presidential debate, Hillary said when Don the Con lost the Iowa caucus, he said it was rigged, when he lost as mayor, he said it was rigged, when he lost the Emmy’s, he said it was rigged. Why would they rig the 2020 Presidency and not rig the 2020 Senate?, that doesn’t even make any sense. And they didn’t rig the 2016 Presidency either? He’s continuing these fraud claims because he’s fleecing donations. Bannon is fleecing the wall money. Grand Wizard cult leader Chump doesn’t want to reveal his taxes, but wants to investigate your ballots. There’s a reason his nickname in New York is Don the Con. He’s like a cult leader and Rudy is drinking his kool aid by the gallon because he’s getting paid and needs something from Don the Con.
At least we are down to just Giuliani, the worst lawyer there could be.
@Dani yep, sounds about for what awaits Trump
@Ocean View courts require evidence. If you can’t provide evidence your case gets dismissed. How is that so hard to understand?
@Matthew Dust until she provides evidence in court she is full of hot air just like Rudy and Trump.
@Ocean View that isn’t a fraud case.
Democrats are caught red handed trying to steal the election:
Putting Rudy against a real attorney isn’t actually fair. The man lost his mind 20 years ago
Rudy drinking Don the Con kool aid for sure. There’s a reason his nickname in New York is Don the Con. Why would they rig they 2020 Presidency and not rig the 2020 Senate?, doesn’t even make sense. And they didn’t rig the 2016 Presidency? In the 2016 Presidential debate, Hillary said when Don the Con lost the Iowa caucus, he said it was rigged, when he lost as mayor, he said it was rigged, when he lost the Emmy’s, he said it was rigged. He’s so ghetto, he fired half the White House staff for disagreeing with him. Grand Wizard Chump won’t reveal his taxes, but wants to investigate your ballots.
@SirScrodoTBaggins He was elected mayor as a Republican.
Democrats are caught red handed trying to steal the election:
@rdberg1957 And you’re point? Prior to running for office he was a Dem, tried running independent, then ‘succeeded’ as a Republican. Does that make him any less vile?

Edit: whoops, noticed I missed a comma before. I was wondering why everyone was telling me something I already new.
@Support AnimalRights

At the end of the day these guys are defending a billion dollar extorsionist how do you sleep?
Mob activities !
@Yvonne Shuck I’ve never been a Trump supporter and I doubt I ever will be, but for our country to move forward we need to recognize that he was the president and will continue to be the president until Inauguration Day
No one is disputing that… But there are also transition procedures that need to take place, the same procedures that take place after every election where the the title of president is changing hands. What trump is doing is acting like a 12 year old that is such a baby about losing that he wants to take us down with him. Its inexcusable, and quite frankly disturbing.
@harry florin
“I sleep with both eyes open and broken dreams and a broken past, at times.” Al Jorgenson
This lawyer obviously looks more CALM and SANE than that lunatic at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
@Richard Barber Turn over the game!!!!!


S, U run, but U can’t HIDE…

S get amnesty????
The actual mailing voters are more than resisterd voters?????
ACOUPLE OF great news !!!
U, Democrat
JUST CONFESS , why don’t demo
@GO CAPS I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say. This is just written by someone who probably sniffed an entire mushroom that got permanently stuck in his brain.
Who the puck has a presidential presentation in the hood of a landscaping company, what the puck?
Democrats are caught red handed trying to steal the election:
the kind of thing we heard at the driveway of the total landscaping press conference

ouch, the four season’s total landscaping scenario was a hilarious disaster
This is what GIULIANI does makes fake claims just like Trump and his administration .
@Dani Well, I guess we’ll see.
@CoCo Jenkins oh you know whats real, NY prosecutors investigating the Trump organisation for tax fraud.Jan 20 Trump presidential immunity ends and a presidential pardon doesnt work on state crimes. remember they couldn’t pin any crimes of murder embezzlement racketeering on Al Capone, in the end he was sent to jail for 18yrs, tax evasion. lol
The Chump Clan is so ghetto, they’re treating the presidency like The Apprentice. They fired half the White House staff for disagreeing with them. They are like the White House mob or mafia and Don the Con is like the Cult leader. Hitler, Jim Jones, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, Charles Manson, David Koresh, and the flat earth society all have followers too. His people follow him because they’re getting paid or want or need something from him. The Mango Musolini doesn’t want to reveal his taxes, but wants to investigate your ballots. As Don the Con continues these fake fraud claims, donation money is coming in, straight to his pocket. Think- why would they rig the 2020 presidency, and not rig the 2020 Senate? And they didn’t rig the 2016 presidency either? In the 2016 Presidential debate, Hillary said when Don the Con lost the Iowa caucus, he said it was rigged, when he lost as mayor, he said it was rigged, when he lost the Emmy’s, he said it was rigged.
How America can put up with Trump is still a mystery to me. He shouldn’t even be in office anymore since the election is over. He lost. Biden won. End of story.
@Erick Dobrzynski u do kno that the lead witness in that russia investigation got $2mil+ book deal n thats y he didnt testify right?
@Joey Medeiros lol! What are you talking about. Honestly every time I hear Russia i just laugh.
@Joey Medeiros what do you think the 1 witness had on Trump?
You know that’s not how it works, right? We vote in November. The inauguration is in January.
We’ve known that Rudy has been “out to lunch” YEARS AGO. Dude just doesn’t have it all upstairs, anymore.

Trump almost declared war on Iran check
Lights on..nobody home!! #dingdingdingding
Disagree. But JB is another story…
The USA is now a circus with the orange clown giving a sad performance.
@Sharon osborne Jones the witch doctor gave us a sneak preview when he was campaigning but people voted for him anyway.
Democrats are caught red handed trying to steal the election:
@Larry Lewis I think GO CAPS has mouse tremor finger – it (if non human) has posted the same thing three times in short succession. No cure yet for mouse tremor finger – mouse manufacturers are looking for a solution to build into the mouse:)
Someone should tell trump he won, take him to Mar a Lago to celebrate, and then change the locks on the White House.
Btw the clown has changed his colour..
He shouldn’t have been playing with Jesus, claiming that Jesus was approving of his sins against humanity.
My thing is that these people aren’t even a little bit embarrassed and ashamed!
@user name You HONESTLY believe that it is your side that is honest? It is true when people say that our brains are wired differently depending on which political side we fall on. Clearly you think 100% differently than me. You cannot even recognize shame.
Go with China mafia.
@black feel Has fraud actually been uncovered somewhere? You should tell Rudy because he’s clearly got nothing to back up his cases.
@Z4ch Stro0 That link to Biden getting a 9k vote miscount discrepancy. It was caught before going into count figures, so system working as intended. And it wasn’t 9,626. It was 2… Yep, the count was off by 2.
@Ray S no it’s the Kool-Aid that they keep drinking
As an European, the only reason I am interested is I can’t believe how stupid, corrupt and ignorant 48% of the US has proven to be…and need to see Trump go…
Democrats are caught red handed trying to steal the election:
Trust me, there ARE many of us as perplexed as you are. It’s mortifying!
@Shawn Kim you’re confused. Those “socialist” countries house the happiest people on the planet. Check it out.

I agree as an aussie its interesting and at times horrifying to watch whats happening in the usa atm.
The President is a loser and doesn’t want to accept that.
@Sasha Tawani YAAAAWN
@Ocean View Fact election fraud is so minimal it inst even statistically significant. few cases of election fraud against 150million votes, get this the majority of fraud cases have been for false republican votes. lol
@Ocean View there is no fraud get over it
@Sasha Tawani ah no caps lock doesnt make your accusations fact, show me a US judge that even rules what you say as evidence. Ill wait
He did a good job of ruining the economy and bankrupting the country though.
Trump is angry that he lost so is trying to burn the house down. But it’s not his house, it’s the American people’s house.
I worry about the fucking loons that believe it
Yeah, and us right-wingers are part of the American people but you all hate us so what else are we supposed to do? Just submit to the leftist degeneracy?
“Hillary is going to jail” but she hasn’t and isn’t.
“Hunter Biden and his dad are going down” they haven’t and aren’t.
“We can prove fraud and voter corruption” but you can’t and didn’t.
Crypt keeper Giuliani needs to just stop because he looks like an idiot trying to defend a corrupt president.
@Lucas Hack trump was impeached. Several of his people were convicted. Mueller found sufficient proof of his campaign’s efforts and attempts to collude with Russia.
@Lucas Hack certain its 234
The ills of democracy created by Man’s greed, selfishness and insanity.
@Lucas Hack Umm… Maybe try reading that report. It’s definitely doesn’t state innocence.
Sad and disgraceful, that little troll Giuliani is just screaming for attention like a child, and the leader of the free world is hiding in the white house like a COWARD.
He’s not the leader of “the free world” – there IS a world beyond the American borders, you know
The problem here is that there are more than 73 million Americans that voted for Trump… And the majority of them are racist or ignorants… And that’s a big problem!!!!
This is all for the benefit of raising funds for Trump’s latest scam.
half of all people are below average intelligence
I’ll bet you wouldn’t call me that to my face DM me AND i’LL COME TO YOU
White people in the Midwest and the south. If you’ve never been there, I recommend visiting. You will realize how many hicks and white supremacists populate the country
Very good point. That is the really scary part about this bizarre and epic series of tantrums – there are 70m people who actually believe and support them.
Trump is the only 1 term president who got impeached and lost the popular vote twice.