Christo Grozev, Lead Russia investigator for Bellingcat, says he and his lawyers have not been able to get an answer from Russian authorities on why he's been placed on Russia's most-wanted list. #CNN #News
He was just placed on Russia’s most-wanted list. He has no idea why

He must have told the truth about something.
Exactly. Hit a nerve obviously.
Bellingcat is among other things documenting Russian war crimes for The Hague.
@Luise Kjeldsen can’t blame you for laughing about this one, but you’re the one who’s getting backlash.
@Craig Colson I know, 3 days ago 2 russians knocked on my door, big dudes to ! They threatened with all kinds of horror. I told them to get on with it or get stuffed. Then they left , cowards that they are. big mouth but thats about it !!
@KB Peters probobly thinks that supporting Putin will keep him out of jail !
Sycophants will sycophant
Don’t take tea from strangers, and stay away from any open upstairs windows.
@Jonathan Buzzard Yah, Markov was Bulgarian. That’s what made me think of it.
The windows are usually shut and then suddenly spring open – funny that.
Don’t open your mail.
Or don’t go into a public park
After reading this thread it’s best to just stay in the embassy and no tea from strangers or that leaves your sight!
On Putins hitlist and not even a russian citizen (He is Bulgarian and thereby EU citizen).
A citizen of the new world order.
If Putin sets his goons anywhere near him, the fallout will be catastrophic
Shows Putin is an international terrorist and Russia is a terrorist nation.
Russia needs to be held accountable for their crimes
@Mark Feland and reporters get them too when Maga leader was in office at that time bro.
So does America, I wonder how many people the CIA have assassinated throughout their time? **COUGH** JFK….. **Cough**
@Mark Feland answer to whom? We already answered for Trump we DUmpt his treasonass
After USA
@Mark Feland Not like this, name one place where America sent continuous missiles strikes on the citizens. Name one please.
He’s in danger now, I am so fed up with Putin
He’s already under security of Austrian government
Go back to watching your indoctrination screen, you little lapdog.
He better watch his back. I wish somebody would get Putin.
@John Doe The FSB would trounce anyone getting near the Kremlin.
@Centurion then the fsb should be taken out first !
“It’s a fatwa of some sort.” That’s well put.
Christo is very smart and intelligent person. That’s why he is wanted in Russia. They hate smart people
There will be no wise people left in Russia soon. Most have left, been imprisoned, poisoned or “disappeared”. Putin doesn’t realize his actions have continually weakened his people and country.
That’s a fact there pretty stupid people
Just remark in case something is missunderstood he is Bulgarian.
Well, not all of the Russian people hate smart and intelligent guys. Pls do not generalize! In fact Hristo has been helping to the Russian opposition in doing their investigation including Alexey Navalny poisoning. There are still good people in Russia and people who hate this war!
Excellent reporting. Thank you Mr. Grozev. I have such respect for you!
Great work, stay safe.
This guy needs to be careful because Russia has the 2nd. most powerful military in Ukraine.
@Јарак ӀС
ХС Ратнички Agree. Time will tell everything. let’s wait.
@dreamcoyote you judge by American propaganda. You were saying the very same thing for my country. Yes, our president Miloshevich was not perfect, and I’m happy that he is no longer president, but he was certainly not a war criminal and our country was just defending itself like Russia today. You must consider that Russia existed before communist occupation of Russia. Communists are not Russian. So creating Ukraine by communists was illegal. Also before mongol invasion in 13th century, Kiev was a capitol of Russia. Even now, 50% of Kievan population is speaking Russian language.
@Јарак ӀС
ХС Ратнички Oh stop. I’m half brit and I wouldn’t claim the US is really British. Stop going back centuries as an excuse to aggressively invade a neighboring country *today*. No one alive remembers any of that. Few alive remember Crimea being part of Russia. They would have to be in their 70’s and only remember it as a child. They are filled to the brim with Russian propaganda.
Putin has made it illegal to use certain phrases that could be critical of his decisions so don’t even talk to me about propaganda.
Putin has directed assassinations for his own political gain. That’s about as authoritarian as you can get. He only represents himself.
If you personally felt threatened by Ukraine attacking Russia then you fell for the propaganda. Hard.
@dreamcoyote America was a colony of England. Kiev is to Russia as London for England. It is totally different thing. I can understand that Putin made a mistake by attacking Ukraine, but never the less, justice is on Putin side. Putin made a fer ofer before the war started. If Ukraine would implement Minsk agreements, war wouldn’t be started at all.
He’s on Putin’s wanted list because Putin couldn’t find him standing near a 5th floor window.
Come on – don’t be naive; he shines a light where they don’t want anyone to look.
Bellingcat is currently one of media’s sharpest sword. Top-notch investigative journalism.
It’s the CIA, just like Voice of America is.
Just to be on the safe side, do not stay in a hotel that puts you above the 1st floor and do not accept a free drink from an admirer.
A page of honor a hero of humanity
Such a brave and brilliant journalist

He must have told the truth
That’s why
Sadly people get Home sick for their family and that is when they are locked away in a political prison or worse trying to see loved ones. I wish him the best.
Christo is one of the best informed journalist as far as kremlin is concerned. I watch his interviews in English and in Russian. Very smart guy.
You don’t end up on Russia’s most wanted list for nothing, he must have done something right