He took the symbolic photo of Texas crisis. Hear his story

Thomas Black took the powerful image symbolizing the winter weather crisis that continues to pummel the state of Texas. Black spoke with CNN's Chris Cuomo to detail the challenges he and his neighbors continue to face.

#CNN #News

He took the symbolic photo of Texas crisis. Hear his story


  1. Please pray emergency for all those affected by the storm no power no heat no water no food praying for all those affected and children and property and animals to be safe and may God help them with their needs soon they desperately need our prayers please pray for them praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

  2. Satin said if Trump tries to go to his place, he will tell Trump to get the hell out. I would tell him to go straight to purgatory

  3. Cuomo , what did your brother do for the poor victims in nursing homes . Chris shd be questioning his brother .

  4. The landlords need to turn off the damn water in those pipe burst buildings. GEESH! Terrible. So sad to see them suffering like this.

  5. I’m gonna leave my meat 🍖 🥩 out side for a month out there but I bet Cali ain’t looking so bad huh 🤔

  6. He’s right that they need help. It’s too bad their own state has screwed them over. This is what happens when you fight so hard to be independent & shady. For what? Hopefully the federal government will help them out.

  7. God bless them all !!😢 what’s sad about all of this is that I give it one week and the Republicans are going to blame the Democrats for this to !! Screenshot for proof of evidence that I was right!😉

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