Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) finds himself in hot water, facing criticism from fellow Republicans due to a constant stream of legal and political troubles. CNN's Dianne Gallagher reports. #CNN #News
‘He lost my trust’: Why Madison Cawthorn is in trouble with GOP

The GOP has lost trust in Cawthorn? The problem with that is knowing they had any trust in him to start with.
I lost trust in the GOP years ago.
The problem is the number of other MAGAts that they still haven’t lost trust in.
If and when he gets prosecuted (for once) I will believe there is hope for equal justice in this country. If that would have been me getting caught with a loaded gun in an airport I would be at this very moment be getting a up close and personal lesson in jailhouse love.
@Gary Batman If you dont already know what I mean, dont make me do the work for you.
It’s your job to inform yourself.
@Gary Batman maybe you should stop watching Fox Entertainment for just 1 month. You may learn something Buddy
Crazy how we hold our law makers less accountable for laws then normal people…
@jay mass, the simple fact you can’t guarantee the charges will hold when he literally admitted to bringing a loaded gun to an airport pretty much sums up why you started without any ground to stand on. A duh
@jay mass, and let’s admit even if you were the “good guy with a gun” you have absolutely no clue how you would actually react or if you would save anyone in an active shooter situation. Again, grasshopper, you have fantasies of playing Rambo.
@Jay Mass stop lying. He should have gotten a federal gun case.
@Harold Moore
No lies pal.
It seems this young man continues make “mistakes” in his life and receives no consequences for them.
@Russell Shaw ShawThat’s the best you could come up with? Sad!
@AMERICAN IN EXILE Good night clown
@Russell Shaw Shaw Night Pigeon …..
If you fail at everything you try in life, at least you can always become a republican congressman.

@Joe Dukes
. And if you are a democrat in congress that someday wishes to become president, they too can be dragged around by the Easter Bunny someday. That’s the democrat goal in life.
They embrace all kind of criminal!
@M Hall Donald needed assistance walking down a ramp, got lost on The White House lawn, can’t lift water bottles, doesn’t know how to close umbrellas, can’t even pronounce his own failed media platform “trothe sushal”, and the list just goes on and on. Take a seat.
He’s a horrible human being and should be barred from rolling for re-election.
@schmeevo1 , You are a better person for acknowledging
@Libby Ral But your right, there are many more men who have yet to face any consequences for their actions but then again more men in power than women. As a man I would love to see what a woman in the presidency can do. Hopefully more compassionate, reasonable and a lot less dividing. I’m ready, don’t think the old school Washington machine will ever be though
Yeah, I know…just imagine, or is it “re-imagine” what could have happened if one of the bail reform repetitive
criminals had gotten hold of this and targeted innocent people.
Why is this person not on the no fly list, if this was a normal citizen they would be prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law !
Yea that would be a misdemeanor for you and I aswell
@Jay Mass
The second time you misplaced your gun at the airport may just raise the attention of the judge and a slap on the wrist obviously did not work the first time.
That would also mean you should not own a gun.
Misplacing a loaded weapon is the definition of irresponsible.
I do not disagree with you. I carry everyday, have for 20+ years. And yes I’ve never forgot where or what status my weapon is in. Once ok, get a fine or even a warning. Second time is getting a little ridiculous. I do not know all the facts in the case. But yes not very responsible, to say the least.
@Jay Mass I have no problem with him having a legal weapon with the proper paperwork to conceal carry.
“IF” the story is true he used the whole ” I forgot” -that should disqualify him from any legal paperwork allowing him to carry a weapon in public.
Isn’t that the same thing he said last year? It was a mistake! How do you make that kind of mistake twice?!
How do you misplace your loaded weapon once and claim you should still own a gun.
It’s called arrogance.
He’s a mistake
I hope they have a “three strikes and you are out” law or they should make one. Cawthorn will be caught again.
No three strikes for the privileged
@Pete Smith Such BS. Billionaires are statistically more likely to go to prison.
If you are a gun owner who does not know that your gun is in your bag…
You should no longer be able to own a gun.
You are responsible for your gun. Something you can not do if you know where that gun is. This is safe gun ownership number 1.
we now understand why Republican’s are so against registering guns.
Cannot be held responsible after having their loaded gun that was left on the hood of their car to come back to them after being used in a murder.
Cawthorn apparently owns so many handguns that he mistakenly misplaced one while packing his bag – forgot to take it out of his gym bag or what?
amen says this gun owner.
You don’t just take a loaded gun to the airport by mistake-who in their right mind believes that? This
needs to be removed! And jailed, if it is applicable.
He did on purpose to get more attention for himself.
It’s his second time he was caught with a gun. They released him twice. But if you or I did that crap they would have took our butts to jail for a photo moment.
Not second time with a gun. Second time he misplaced a loaded gun.
This guy cannot keep track of those darn things.
A responsible gun owner would know where his/her gun is at all times.
If you don’t even know if you have a loaded gun on your person you are absolutely not a responsible gun owner.
Anyone not knowing they had a loaded gun on them is demonstrating that they shouldn’t allowed to have a gun because they can’t be trusted to take the responsibility seriously.
You people are so silly

oh no he had bullets in his gun! It happens all the time at the airport.
It can happen once. You’re so used to having it with you, it’s like that dop kit you always keep in your suitcase. But once you get caught, it should never happen again.
Not only should Cawthorne be jailed for having a loaded handgun while attempting to board an airplane but, he should be stripped of his right to even own a handgun. He has proven himself an irresponsible gun owner by, not just trying to smuggle a loaded handgun on an airplane for the second time but, he claims that he “forgot” that he had it.
@Colbyrules! my doggie Who is that and when did they smuggle a gun through airport security.
@Colbyrules! my doggie if you’re gonna go off topic… about that 2 billion to Kushner by the Saudis???????

@Colbyrules! my doggie What? Just saying ‘what about Hillary’ isn’t a complete thought.
@Colbyrules! my doggie at least, spell her name correctly.
You would think someone who is so responsible with guns would actually know gun laws.
We are so weary of these “celebrity-esque” GOP Congress folk who set the worst examples of lawfulness, integrity, and concern for others. Cawthorn is the same guy you would never trust even if he weren’t in Congress. NCarolinians who vote(d) for him have no self respect.
A bunch of dangerous clowns…
Are any republicans who support Trump good people? I think not!
If any citizen pulled off any of these stunts… they would be in jail. Here’s a guy who has influence on laws???