Hayes: Trump, GOP Didn’t Care What Happened After The Election With Covid, Economy | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes says Trump took the same approach to Covid and the election that he has taken to everything he's ever done. “Sell people on the short term, get the investors in, take what you need from it, and then the whole thing falls apart after you are out and long gone.” Aired on 12/4/2020.
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#Trump #Election #MSNBC

Hayes: Trump, GOP Didn’t Care What Happened After The Election With Covid, Economy | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Tim S With the death of so many people, US attorneys in every state are lining up to file legal injunctions. In Trump’s haste to carry out federal executions by whatever means; he may have sealed his own demise.

  1. This is what happens when a scam artist becomes President.

    Trump’s had two crises in his four years in office. He failed both times. Just like he went bankrupt 5 times.

    1. @If you don’t vote for Biden, YOU AIN’T BIDEN Wow you are dumb, I thought you were just playing dumb, but you really are.dumb. Is that one of the qualifications to be a trumpie?

    2. @Jason Low no so much hypnotic as brainwashing- feed them the same nonsense rhetoric repeatedly and they will start to believe it. When you lack intelligence and critical thinking skills it’s alot easier to be brainwashed.

    3. @bonecrayon ahhhh! Intelligence has made man more easier to be brainwashed? Maybe this is the consequence of hollywoood’s many conspiracy movies thus making us more and more inclined towards ideas and claims if such theories.

    4. @Jason Low people need something to believe in in uncertain times. When the most powerful man in the free world spouts conspiracy theories then people grab hold of that as being fact, without doing any reasonable research at all. Most of these people come off as illiterate so research and reading is probably a foreign concept.

    1. @Apdavis Davis : Totally. It could make the difference between governing, or fighting for every tiny piece of legislation that isn’t an Executive Order? It could literally SAVE AMERICA. People of America! HELP THE DEMS WIN GEORGIA! ✌️👍

    2. @C Higgins : That’s THE correct answer, sir. I’m a Conservative, member of the Lincoln Project, and it has been my privilege, honor and pleasure to work, “across the isle,” alongside the Dems and with proud Liberals, all with America’s interests as our joint goal. After the big reveals begin, many in Donny’s cult will desert him. It has always been the cult who got shafted the hardest, deepest and longest (which many of them knew and didn’t mind, so long as they thought they would never be forced to admit it) but their racism always kept them from examining the facts. It will all become public domain info’ soon, and many in the GOP will lose key seats and possibly go to jail. Our job now, is to see to it that the reckoning happens with ruthless and relentless efficiency, by demanding JUSTICE, and that BEFORE reconciliation, and working across the isle in the House of Representatives. Only by exposing EVERYTHING and not shaming, but punishing and imprisoning criminals, will there be healing. THEN, possibly, a new Conservative party may rise from the ashes of the old. Trump enablers need not apply. A party that recognises opposition as a GOOD thing; a NECESSITY in a democracy, with accountability being forefront. Holding policy makers feet to the fire, debating policies BEFORE a vote, and being ALLOWED to be persuaded, in the manner of our Founding Fathers. That’s what we seek. But, if people go unpunished for the last 4 years. It will only be 4 years, before we see a stranger, more capable sociopath in the White House. Justice MATTERS. Now, let us persuade our new administration to understand WHY. ✌️👍✌️👍✌️👍

  2. They didn’t care much before the election (that’s why they lost), absolutely no reason to care now (now that they’ve lost). Crimes against Humanity.

  3. Surely this needs to be thoroughly examined and charges laid,it’s so despicable and abhorrent and so very very sad

    1. We sure don’t need revenge, but we do need a reckoning. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead or dying, as a direct consequence of one man’s stupidity, malice and mental illness, and the people who continue to back this literal horror. If that can go unanswered, what will our enemies make of that? Who will speak for the dead, and their grieving families? How can we refuse to trade with a dictatorship, because of the way they treat their citizens? We’re all but a banana republic now, and it can never be enough to simply restore institutions. The world must see that we have justice, or we will have emboldened the GOP. Next time, they’ll find someone who doesn’t talk like a child with a behaviour disorder, and we’ll lose our Republic, forever. This is not a drill. America needs YOU to contact your new administration, from Jan 20th on, regularly, until it’s clear that they will pursue that reckoning, mercilessly 👍

    1. @Jeremy Patterson I doubt that. Discussions with Trump cultist are generally a ‘fools errand’. got better things to do with my time, like dealing with a angry, lunatic cult.

    2. @James Martin but you got the time to insult…and I haven’t insulted anyone…. who’s the bad guy??? 🤔

    1. @incipidsigninsetup At the same time Republicans got nothing done. What great times we live. It’s like for 16 years nothing has changed no matter the party.

  4. I noticed how Hayes has resorted to barely even calling him President, if at all. It’s Trump or Donald Trump. Exactly the way it should be.

    1. But if we’re all dead that would make us instant biden voters. I think it’s the “big guy” who wants us dead.

  5. Oh how the party that once feared “big brother” has embraced a different kind of “big brother”. Just sad.

    1. Take control of you own lives and family and hopefully your friends. You know what to do, do it. Mask and socially distance is the simple start.

    2. @Sam Says : What’s a, “done dummy?” Is there a comma shortage in Eastern Europe? They don’t have much of anything else in those, “shithole,” countries, so . . . 🤷‍♂️

    3. @Wheezy Rider : Trump’s Karens are flocking here to tell you that a piece of cloth on your face, “hurts,” and, “infringes their human rights,” under federal statute, [insert made up number here] and they go into Walmart to wave a doctors note, “excusing me from masks.” There are awesome YouTube videos of Karens doing all of the above, in various stores across the country, and then being wrestled to the ground by security for slapping some 16 year old checkout assistant, just because she tried to explain that store owners also, “have rights,” like refusing service. Trump’s cult are SUCH Karens now 😁✌️

    1. Our Dr. Fauci is a fraud. Link at bottom of post to schools info.

      If the mask helps why have infections been spiking? We learned that the mask needs to be disposable in healthcare or it becomes a biohazzard when we have ARI”s and going room to room in healthcare caused HAI’s to spike in every Tuberculosis,  Rinovirus, Norovirus, and the 16 straind of SARS/MERS Epidemic’s worldwide. We needed to dispose of the mask after every task not wear the same mask hours at a time. Plus gloves are the #1 way to eliminate the Cross-contamination of infections in both healthcare and food service. We know it’s true.


      Use medical books, I was trained in Emergency Medical Assistance, HACCP, OSHA 10 &, 30, Fire Fighting, Excuitive Chef, Natropathic while serving in the United States Navy on Submarines for 15 years. Took a few years of Computer Programming and System Designi in college. The issue is not about what knowledge I have it’s about the fake news thats being forced on the public while the facts get blocked by Facebook.

      Get the facts


      Learn the mask


      Independent fact checkers lie about the claim and yet do not provide and evidence to disprove the actual standards if masks usages in healthcare.


      Fake checkers


      Bad school advice from Dr. Fauci


    2. @Darktolight this is not a typical situation!!! This is a pandemic and Trump has not handled this whole thing properly. Even right now, he doesn’t care about anyone dying because he has NO EMPATHY!!! Get your head out of the classroom books, because this is nothing like what you deal with on a day to day work situation at all. Your websites don’t have anything to do with this either!!! It’s a bunch of BS trying to make this like the flu and it’s not even close. Grow up and truly learn what we are dealing with. My son and his family just lost his dad last night, after fighting it over two weeks.
      Dr. Fauci is the ONLY ONE IN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION THAT WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!!! Trump told you himself that he lied about the virus from the beginning! So you are following a evil man that doesn’t care who dies and that includes YOU!!!

    1. Our Dr. Fauci is a fraud. Link at bottom of post to schools info.

      If the mask helps why have infections been spiking? We learned that the mask needs to be disposable in healthcare or it becomes a biohazzard when we have ARI”s and going room to room in healthcare caused HAI’s to spike in every Tuberculosis,  Rinovirus, Norovirus, and the 16 straind of SARS/MERS Epidemic’s worldwide. We needed to dispose of the mask after every task not wear the same mask hours at a time. Plus gloves are the #1 way to eliminate the Cross-contamination of infections in both healthcare and food service. We know it’s true.


      Use medical books, I was trained in Emergency Medical Assistance, HACCP, OSHA 10 &, 30, Fire Fighting, Excuitive Chef, Natropathic while serving in the United States Navy on Submarines for 15 years. Took a few years of Computer Programming and System Designi in college. The issue is not about what knowledge I have it’s about the fake news thats being forced on the public while the facts get blocked by Facebook.

      Get the facts


      Learn the mask


      Independent fact checkers lie about the claim and yet do not provide and evidence to disprove the actual standards if masks usages in healthcare.


      Fake checkers


      Bad school advice from Dr. Fauci


    2. @Marty Gray : For every hole Donny cheats on, another 100 to 200 Americans are dead. And he wonders why even Fox can no longer stomach him? If we don’t get a full reckoning for this horror story, we will only have ourselves to blame when the GOP fields its next sociopath and he doesn’t talk like a child with learning difficulties, and we lose our Republic forever. Countless dead and dying, and dictatorships are now able to say, “Don’t lecture us on human rights.” Our enemies, foreign and domestic, emboldened by a slaughter for which not ONE single person has paid? . . . Not happening. We, the people, must speak up for the dead and their grieving families. We must DEMAND JUSTICE. Not revenge. A Reckoning ✌️👍

    3. @Darktolight 
      Are you serious in your attempt to sanitize the sadism of Trump and his enablers?

      23 January 2020, World Health Organisation, “To other countries: It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoV infection, and to share full data with WHO.”

      But “President” Hoax considered playing golf for the next two months as much more important.
      “Sniffles. Sniffles. Sniffles.”
      “Our numbers are better.”
      “We have better testing.”
      “We have guns”
      …and an upside down Bible where everything is backwards. We begin with Revelations and end with Genesis…it is what it is…China…China…China…China…

    1. don teh con…funny stuff there.

      lol….stay in the MSNBC bubble a lot, do you?
      I bet “science” is your 4th most used word on a daily basis as well?
      Racism is close to the top as well?

    2. Examples must be made. The very top people, from the Cabinet and the entire first family. Not revenge, but a ruthless RECKONING. And not just for the countless dead and dying of Covid. But, for National Security. We must continually DEMAND JUSTICE from our new admin’ or our enemies, both foreign and domestic, will be emboldened to try this again; only with a candidate who’s just as sociopathic, but who doesn’t talk like an angry child with a behaviour disorder and a head injury. If heads don’t role, at the highest levels, not only will dictatorships be able to say, “Don’t lecture us about democracy,” but we will have only bought ourselves a reprieve, until the sentence is carried out, and the Republic executed! We need to ensure that ANYONE ON EARTH who thinks they can try this crap again, turns white with terror at the consequences! That’s up to YOU, America. The peace and reconciliation that Joe is seeking is an excellent idea. And, I will support that, AFTER THE RECKONING! ✌️👍

    3. @Owner 1032 : You are in the, “MSNBC bubble,” as you speak, Karen. Telling everyone that you, “know better,” than America’s top scientists. Claiming to have access to, “truth,” that even F*x doesn’t buy anymore. Move on, Karen. The Reckoning is coming. You don’t wanna’ be there for that 😉

    4. @Ash Roskell ahs…you funny!!haha…

      “They’re not after me, They’re after YOU. I’m just standing in their way”-Donald Trump.

  6. The country needs to move on with the Democratic party and literally freeze out the Republican leadership; relegate them to ‘circle of destruction, greed and uselessness’.

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