Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says ‘we need to get a lot of things done’ and calls for killing the filibuster: "The country's better off having a real democracy, not a fake democracy. 60% is not a real democracy." Aired on 03/16/2021.
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About The ReidOut with Joy Reid: Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
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Harry Reid Calls For Killing The Filibuster: ‘60% Is Not A Real Democracy’ | The ReidOut | MSNBC
Eventually it will have to be done. Joe will soon have to close that door on the GOP INSANITY.
Joe may close the door only to open the door for republicans when the pendulum swings the other way. Are you sure you want all of what the Republicans are for? That is why you need to keep the filibuster to keep in check the ever swinging Republican-Democrat pendulum from stepping on who ever is not in control for the moment. We need more bi-party agreements not less.
Biden is funded by the same donors unfortunately.
Remove the filibuster or get ready for a redwave for life with GQP suppressing votes
That’s right! Then make DC and PR states!
@Mike Zimmera That sound a lot like you would like to live in China under the CCP. One party Rule anyone?? Good Luck
Imperfect as it is, a two system is better than a one system. At least the two systems off check each others. Be careful what you wish for.
They know what’s coming.
Yes, I’m praying our side isn’t scared to let Moscow Mitch have a huge taste of his own castor oil!

When Republicans said they wouldn’t screw with the Supreme Court in an election year what did they do??
Like the democrats are any different.
They aren’t at all but the Moscow Mitch is over here speaking like he can be trusted to do ANYTHING bipartisan! The “grim reaper” is up there throwing a temper tantrum because he sees his superpowers could possibly be taken away! And I won’t even speak on Ol golden knee pads Graham…
@gmike777hot Clearly they are, otherwise they’d pull the same crap Republicans have been.
@Jeremy Backup But they have been pulling the same crap the Republicans have. Infact Pelosi herself went on camera and admitted to withholding stimulus checks until they secured a Biden victory.
Not to mention the fact that they openly ignored the riots from last year. Some of which are still going on.
@Steve Edwards Exactly, both parties are run by corrupt power hungry career politicians.
The first thing we need to do get red of Republican party
Let’s win at the ballot box. Let’s not be like Trump, or his supporters.
Yes, let’s support complete dystopian policies.
Quit the virtue signalling. You can get rid of them using the legal system or is fighting injustice as bad as injustice to you?
Both democrats or republicans are stupid
After every GOP voted against helping poor Americans what choice do they have
Enjoy the scraps your masters drop your way fool.
Silly thing to say …60% Is Not A Real Democracy’ …America is a democratic republic and the senate represents the States …60 % insures the short term passions of the moment (mob rule ) are not forced on minority … btw if you want a parliament ( see Canada , England ) …that requires a complete restructure ….soooo stop whining
@Wahta williams What the f*****is wrong with you? He never insulted you. He’s only saying the obvious. Life is too short, stop getting this angry!
the real problem is your/ the people are relying on the government for help and improving your situation. get a job with uber eats and make 20/25 hour during meal shifts ect. people who rely on the government will never get ahead. handouts will never improve your situation. also have you ever stopped to think maybe the gop is the ones side thats thinking about the impact its going to have on taxes? maybe the dems need to stop thinking they have an unlimited check book for all their policies and ideas. people are going to cringe when they get their tax bill for all the stimulus bills, bailouts, buisiness loans, and destroyed state and federal property from the protests and wont have the jobs or funds to cover it. people complain about trump costing the tax payers 150 mil or whatever it was on golf wait till you see what happens next tax season
I didn’t think about Harry Reid when he was serving, but I think we could use some more good eggs like him now.
For years, Mcconnell has eliminated any attempt to pass meaningful legislation. Remember the GOP packed the appeals courts, the Supreme court, and gave no one who desented a voice. If democracts do not eliminate the filibuster, pack the supreme court, investigate Kavanaugh, add two states, and prosecute Trump and his accomplices, there is no reason to vote for that party ever again. The democrats have a mandate from the people. If they are too weak to take the helm we must look for other, strong leaders.
The scary part is you believe …
@Phylum packing the Supreme Court is stupid
They have to pass the filibuster
The filibuster must go, it is way outdated , McConnell proved that for all to see …
Your wrong…If the filibuster is removed, what point it having a senate?? Hello… No senate = One party Rule ie Communist Party of China or USSR ex…I would not want to live in a unchecked ‘democratic’ government any more than a one party system.
@Joshua Weenig kinda like when McConnell took away the filibuster for judge appointments , kinda like that one party ruled them …
@AriSiMom Yes. Your correct with the Supreme court judge appt. That is the whole point. Democrats’ with cry foul and so will the Republican. The best way for the government to stay in check is to keep the purpose of the senate and thus keep the filibuster.
@Joshua Weenig the filibuster in its old for, 30 hours of discussing , and majority votes the bill passes .
Get rid of the fillibuster and the electoral college!
No and No. I don’t want NY and CA telling me how to live my life. Filibuster helps the majority from trampling over the minority. Don’t worry, the next election cycle you will want the filibuster at some point. right?
@Joshua Weenig well, explain the logic of the minority trampling over the majority…….explain how McConnell , calling himself the ” Grim Reaper ” keeps over 400 house passed bills , on his desk , not even brought to the floor for a vote …..and , by the way , McConnell bypassed the filibuster to pass T****s SCOTUS nominees ……Republicans , like you . want it both ways ..
@james caporale The stated from you last comment was not correct. The filibuster is to avoid the Majority trampling over the minority not the other way around as you stated. Second McConnell comment about keeping bills back and calling me a Republican; Talk to McConnell, I have very little influence over him, second I said nothing to be a Republican or Democrat. To be truthful both party pulls the filibuster out when ever it suits themselves, so…relax this crap has happed before and will happen again.
Time to stop living in fear of what the gop “might” do. They’ve already made a mockery of our own lawmaking process for purely selfish reasons
@Michael Schwartz I think you are mistaken to say that Trump or the Republican party or any other group wanted to install a dictator. The transfer of power was never threatened. People decided to protest against what they felt was a rigid election or a distaste of what ever they wanted. What happened at the capitol is bad, I don’t condone it, but not any worse than the riots this summer. Just because it wasn’t your business destroyed doesn’t make it less bad. You cannot excuse bad behavior because of other bad behavior.
As to the conservative conversation you mentioned earlier, First if you don’t enforce laws on morality (right and wrong) you loose any western societies’ ability to function. There has to be some compass or common ground that all citizens agree upon or we fall as a nation. No, I am not in favor of a super religious laws or sort. I believe you and I can agree on some very basic values like protection of life and property to build laws to follow. What I am against are abortions that are paid by my tax dollars. If you want an abortion it is on your head and on your dime. Don’t expect me to pay for it or say abortion is just or moral thing to do. I stand for the voiceless babies here. If you don’t agree fine.
Lastly, Please don’t lump conservative into one group of thought or identity. There are religious and non-religious conservatives as well as all kinds. IF you can do this, I will do the same for you.
I want to thank you for your view points and your time. You have shown civil discourse while having a different view points or options. This is rare in todays world.
@Joshua Weenig One final point, dismissing those we will obviously never agree on. Despite the scary edits of democrats saying fiery things that fox and oan love to run on repeat, the protests this summer were not organized or provoked by democratic lawmakers, they happened because of real deaths we all witnessed. BLM and Antifa don’t have identifiable leaders or newsletters like the right wing groups that attacked the capitol do.
What happened at the capitol would NOT have happened, however, if it weren’t for the lies of a leader and his cadre of yes men who wanted to hang on to power at all costs. Had he simply admitted “we tried, we lost” after 65-odd lawsuits were thrown out, there would have been no attempted insurrection. That’s still a huge difference in my book.
Backatcha on the civil discourse, however. Be well
@Michael Schwartz be well
If Republicans needed to get around it they wouldn’t hesitate.
Remember that Trump also wanted the Filibuster gone as one of his campaign promises. This is really a double edged sword.
Republicans have Not been Playing Fair all they seem to care about is Green Eggs an Ham WTFF
From 1917 to 1970 the filibuster was used less than once a year and as Joy mentions it was used to prevent the anti-lynching bill from passing. From 2010 the filibuster was used by Republicans in the senate more than 80 times a year to block every bill that Obama put forward.
Our country is not working well…
Huge understatement.
It’s time McConnell shuts up and go sit in a corner. When he was in control he never ask the Democrats opinion on anything. He changed the rules whenever he wanted. For the Republican’s tax cut for the rich and corporations. For putting lifetime judges on the courts. Get rid of the filibuster or make really hard to use.
Yes, but he didn’t get rid of the filibuster when Dems were minority. 2017 Shummer begged to keep filibuster now that Dems have a slight edge in Senate he changes his tune. He’s a hypocrite!
The GOP has no platform beyond obstruction and the filibuster serves that well.
Nobody takes a threat from a 200 years old turtle lying on his back seriously.
Turtle man happily “sowed the wind”, now he cries crocodile tears about “reaping his whirlwind”.
If you are going to get rid of the filibuster, do it immediately!!!!
Effectuate changes early in the Administration that voters can feel improving their lives now!
The filabuster needs to be gone. The Senate needs to actually start doing the job they are in office to do!