Kamala Harris made her first campaign appearance as Joe Biden's vice presidential candidate, and blasted U.S. President Donald Trump over COVID-19 and the state of the economy.
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She’s funny. I seem to remember her locking everyone up who got caught with a little pot on them. You know, that terribly dangerous drug.
Oh, and for saying that she believed what every woman was saying when they were accusing Biden of inappropriate touching.
@Liberty Hanson Says a Trump supporter. Too freaking funny!
@peachmelba1000 I can hardly wait until all the women that Trump assaulted get their day in court. But then again, you don’t care, right?
@t m I wonder if Trump got STD from all the prostitutes he slept with? Never mind the one he married.
@Diane Frohwerk Why do you assume I’m a Trump supporter? Is your world so starkly partisan that you can’t conceive of the possibility that another person might hold opinions, beliefs, and ideals that are nuanced, and which cross philosophical and political lines?
@peachmelba1000 I could care less who you support or what you believe, but when you malign someone for the exact things Trump has been accused of, multiple times no less, that would be the ultimate description of a hypocrite. But then again, it’s your reality, not mine, so enjoy the circus. The rest of the world just pities you.
Due respect, covid 19 run economy to the ground in many countries.
If you look it up, covid was purposely put in place because the substances within it we’re not accidental. So it was the government that ran countries into the ground.
Ciel Thomas fear put in place by liberals helped destroy countries. Societies should never have been shut down.
@Ciel Thomas with respect, it’s new virus nobody has ever dealt with, and the world still learn about it everyday. Governments shutdown countries BECAUSE OF COVID 19. I don’t think any country/ any government has had benefited from covid 19 ( perhaps 1 exception : China ? ) Can someone point out any country has prospered economically from covid 19 please????
Google “covid deaths per capita john Hopkins”
USA ranks 10th in covid DEATHS PER CAPITA IN THE WORLD. USA has not contained the virus like Europe has. USA has more deaths per capita than FRANCE and we had more time to prepare.
In a few weeks we will pass ITALY’S PER CAPITA death toll.
No “due respect” for baldfaced liars.
He ran it into the ground? So Covid never happened or what?
BrotherAlpha after what time did he say that? Trash like you conveniently leaves out important information merely because you don’t like Trump and wonder why is it that the Republicans are gaining more supporters. Shameful.
Jesse Harold Liar. Canada is worse and non-essentials are still at home. Get
your facts straight.
Jaskaran Singh You have 0 evidence to back that up. Nor have you dedicated time to talk about how doctors are being silenced if they don’t agree with the CDC.
@Ricky Parmar Just how is pres Trump personally responsible for each Covid related death?
Do you think Trump is also responsible for all the auto related deaths?
Do you also think Trump is responsible for all the cancer caused deaths?
What do you use for logic?
@BrotherAlpha Dummy! CDC wanted to lock up every one in a safe closet while they slowly starved to death. Put your mask muzzle back on.
At least pick insults that make sense…
And she plans to do what?
So let’s ignore facts on what the economy was doing and covid.
Google “covid deaths per capita john Hopkins”
USA ranks 10th in covid DEATHS PER CAPITA IN THE WORLD. USA has not contained the virus like Europe has. USA has more deaths per capita than FRANCE and we had more time to prepare.
In a few weeks we will pass ITALY’S PER CAPITA death toll.
Im sure theyd be happy to talk about Trumps handling of covid…….
Biggest economic expansion… Fueled by quantitative easing and sovereign debt crisis. The poor has gotten poorer in the last 10-20 years. We don’t need a different face in the office, we need a different system altogether
I would like to see her debate Trump : )
Clyde Piper That, I would watch.
trump would be a complete train wreck.
Why would he
commie television news network.
Joe Biden’s new Secretary of State pick : Juicy Smoyee.
I seem to recall last year at this time, Harris “ripped” Biden
And then Tulsi really ripped Harris on her record.
@John Smith The only problem here is that Harris is not going to work for Joe. She’s going to be working INSTEAD of sleepy Joe.
dw it was a debate
Lol so true. Shes a witch.
Hahahahahah what a joke. Blah blah blah
Like Harris helped do in California.
You can bet women will NOT have the right to choose when it comes to Wuflu vaccine!
What a complete and total failure our president is. Remember when we all thought George W. Bush was the worst president of our lifetimes , lol. Trump changed all that. Biden 2020
Really !!?? You must like Commies ?
There is a reason they are the Dementedcraps
Biden/Harris 2020
@Major Lazer20
You want the police state party to win?
Covid ran the economy to the ground! He was doing extremely well right before.
None of that is true
@Chuck Norris it’s all true! Troll.
@Mickey mouse nope anyone with half a brain and follows the markets new a collapse was coming soon no matter what. Copious amounts of money were being pumped put by the fed to prop up the a failing economy. By the way not blaming trump its all part of the system. Dummy
2020 Trump is ok