Nanos Research founder, Nik Nanos discusses data showing what impact Former PM Stephen Harper’s endorsement of Pierre Poilievre had on voters.
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A new leader is ok
Charest has no chance
Pierre has this..
Not a problem..
Oh, you just waking up to that? Where ya been? Watching Netflix, eh?
Pierre our new PM

Prime Minister Poilievre. Get used to saying that.
Poilievre is one of only a few TRUE conservatives. He WILL get my vote if he runs.
But he won’t get the vote of most canadains
@Groggy most Canadians are non-voters
@Tobias..!! you’re right and I’m hoping to change this, I have never voted so I am to blame as well but when it comes time I will vote. And Poilievre has my vote.
Pierre for PM
I don’t trust Nick Nanos.
He’s canny – why end up in the archipelago?
Slowly but surely trudeau will be out and replaced by pierre poilievre
Rock & Trump…same camp
Great-grandmother, here. Please never ASSUME that Mr. Poilievre’s will succeed. Get out and VOTE. Your vote and every vote counts.
Who are these 25 percent who still like Trudeau
those who are like him
Back East in the GTA
@SR: Those who benefit from his ‘funding’?
Trained seals….you can almost hear them clapping….uh uh uh!
Check NF, NB, NS PEI, GTH.. they all love him JT.
The more I learn about Harper the more I like him
– the exact opposite happened to me.
1 out of 4 is simply 25% out of 100% which would be a complete fail by that drama – Teacher
Failing is what he does best
Anyone other than Trudeau would be an improvement.
How come I just don’t believe him
Data taken from downtown Toronto
Nano’s resent Pollen results have ford way ahead do the bee
Time to be rid of all this nonsence , lets get our country going 100 % , made in canada .stop being dependent on others