This season, we’ve been talking about the potential dangers of social media and the amount of time we spend online. But what about the positive, educational sides of the internet? On this episode, Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks to one of the YouTube’s earliest content creators, Hank Green ( ). Sanjay and Hank discuss the state of the internet today, the responsibility of having a platform, and how to deal with harsh online comments. Plus, they ask is the future of the internet utopian? Dystopian? Or maybe both?
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I’m glad I stumbled on this. Investing has changed my perspective on how one can succeed in life. Working multiple jobs for money isn’t the optional way to attain financial freedom. Unfortunately, we find this out later in life. Great video
Does anyone actually fall for this scam
Jesus is the messiah
@mike jones are you interested
Where are our missing children Joe ? 8 million a year is NOT good enough !!!
Cmon man!
How about we talk about the corporate and government influence and manipulation that exists on the internet, and how it’s been getting worse for years
now wouldn’t that be a story worth covering
Hank Green benefits from that very system,
He won’t talk about that
We all know that already.
@HappyFan who are you speaking for
Woke Ideology says ‘ everyday is Halloween’
Woke Truth is Gaye
Great video! Love Hank!
Jesus is the messiah
Wit a name like Hank Green. He’s parents watched ” Green Acres”. Me tinks
The first mass layoffs in the Construction sector will soon emerge. This causes the largest sector of the country to flood other sectors with employees.
Wages will drop as a consequence. Causing products to become cheaper. But since nobody wants the products anymore.
Well companies will go bankrupt, causing more employees to flood the remaining sectors.
However due to all these companies going bankrupt, the tax income for China decreases steadily, causing wages of public servants to decrease.
In order to maintain their purchasing power they will massively flock to the remaining sectors, of which by then not much are left.
At some point, people will start demonstrating again. But to now for once and for all, get rid of communism.
The internet needs to be rebooted.
Geez! CNN Plus didn’t have a future on the internet! My subscription was wasted!
The Sen. Graham bill making the Mexican Cartels terrorists should be passed.
Brandon’s open border has deadly consquences!!! Who would of thunk it!!!
Now, Let’s Go Brandon!!!!! ” I agree! “
@Real American dementia
@Real American I agree.
@T/A Plus Hemi I know the differences very well, Trigger. Now, back to Tucker Carlson where you belong.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.

It’s moving towards Augmented Reality where the web and AI helps us with everyday tasks from AR car displays to AR glasses and phone apps.
No matter the stock market crash one needs to have different portfolio, I already invested in Forex and Crypto which are really profitable
6btc and still counting in just 3 months, expert Galina Vera is the trade queen as far I’m concerned.
This woman has really change the life of many people from different countries.
When someone is straight forward at what he or she does people will always speak for them.
True! I had a profit return of $90,000 USD trading with her past week
I’m not surprised at the profits because crypto mining is very profitable with an expert BROKER..
Was just watching Hanks shorts
It is consuming us. Don’t resist, scroll, click but most of all feel.
Don’t struggle, just feel and experience.
Look at you, Hank! I’ve been watching your content for over a decade. Keep up the great work!