Renowned journalist, political commentator and author Cokie Roberts died at 75 from complications from breast cancer, according to a family statement published by ABC News on Tuesday. Roberts won numerous awards during her long career. In addition to her ABC News, she also worked at other national outlets including National Public Radio. Aired on 9/17/19.
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Hallie Jackson Remembers Advice Cokie Roberts Gave: Be Curious, Be Hungry | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Rest In Peace, Condolences to her family
@America Reigns I thought it was fitting that you trolled half the comments on this page. Go ahead and show off your welfare dependence, not like you’re getting laid, doing anything fun, or doing anything important in life anyways. Right troll?
Hear hear…
RIP Cokie Roberts, I admire her so much.
@America Reigns so you’ll delete your earlier posts, just to come back and cry about make believe stories? What are you 5? Come back when your balls drop kiddo, and of course when you can prove you aren’t a Bot…
Very SAD to know that independent journalist will not longer be with us. R.I.P
WHAT????????????????????????? sad she passed but stop pretending, she was 100% a Liberal political hack, true.
Independent? She was owned by the Luciferian NWO!
She will be truly missed. We should count ourselves lucky for her great work while she was with us.
@America Reigns what did she do to you?
Calling BS on you……….stop pretending, she was a 100% political hack………..true, don’t pretend.
@Dismal She did Satan’s work! Real Journalism starts and ends with Honesty and Integrity, none of which apply in Her case! She did what Her Puppet Masters told her to do, She was compensated with wealth and Emmy Awards here on Earth, but all of that wealth will not save someone from the wrath of God!
Rest in peace, she will be greatly missed
Not at all!

Missed by who?
The end of an era… RIP, Ms. Roberts.
The end of an Era is indeed correct! The New Era We Shall see the End of the corrupt Luciferian Cabal and their secret attacks on our Sovereignty! We will have an honest and Free Press that isn’t beholden to their Globalist Puppet Masters! WWG1WGA
Cokie Roberts was 75? Wow. She’s a legend.
Kinda young to die
Dismal Well, it took two rounds of breast cancer to take her down at 75. She was tough.
@Ananda Worldwide Underground I see, had no idea. Thanks for letting me know.
I learned so much from Cokie for several decades… Thank you! Be at peace!


thank you Danny, for that touching and artful explanation of how you feel and about Mrs. Roberts. Creative expression.
I always loved Cokie. She seemed to have a wonderful life.
We all do until we die
@America Reigns Nope, many people have miserable lives. Some are bullied and abused. Worse yet, the really miserable people are bullies and abusers.
I didn’t always agree with her but RIP to a great journalist.
Over 50 years she told the truth and the news just like you Haley it’s telling the truth everyday… so sad one less truth-teller
Stop pretending……………..She was (possibly) the poster child for biased Journalism……………………funny to see people pretending (as usual) that she was a Journalist. I could argue (with a couple others like Walter C.) she was the origin of the Crooked, biased Journalism we deal with today…..sad. So sorry she passed, but stop with the pretending. Try to remember, Journalism is intended to be NON_BIASED or it doesn’t work.
Lol. Nice sarcasm about Hailey.
@John Mirande Hailey is pure fakenews. Cokie was very liberal but rarely reported fakenews as reality.
God Speed Cokie.
Cokie lived her love, and it showed in her integrity and perseverance. RIP!
I remember when Cokie Roberts was co-host of ABC’s This Week in 1996 to 2002
I was just reading the disrespectful, mean feed on this story. I need a shower. It made me feel dirty.
Yes, let’s pretend she wasn’t a political hack……..your pretending makes me want to shower. Try telling the truth????new concept.
Sad news may God comfort her family through this difficult time.
wow, I am going to miss her. I don’t care if she was a liberal democratic supporter. she lived and flourished under KINDER AND GENTLER times when political discourse COULD STILL be found to be ….polite. Not today. Tim Russert, Cokie Roberts, the first John McLaughlin, and William Safire….these were the greats along with Mary Matalin and her husband, which we could regularly watch on the Sunday morning news roundtable TV shows. they brought professionalism and good diction and smarts and conversations to the shows I watched. BACK THEN, there was not as much stupid political correctness. And you could hear topics discussed, that nowadays, everybody tries to avoid. There wasn’t as much strict factions and polarization then. No, I did not agree with some of her beliefs. But she was a lady and a good journalist.
Stephen smith is right. “The end of an era.” It was a time back them, wasn’t it? when political discussions WERE ACTUALLY INTERESTING and informative…informative. NO propaganda at least not as much. We have lost some great journalists recently. I still remember Jessica Savitch.
Zero actual content