At DEF CON in Las Vegas, hackers took apart voting machines to test vulnerabilities. They tell CNN's Donie O'Sullivan conspiracy theories, not software, are the biggest threats to democracy.
#donieosullivan #ac360 #CNNo
Hackers tore apart voting machines. Here’s what they found

Dominion, the voting machine manufacturer, needs to keep suing people.
@k333rl Sorry, no Reasonable adult would act/react that way; those who DO deserve precisely what they’ll get (which hopefully will include serious psychological help/meds as well), and are NOT the Responsibility of anybody but THEMSELVES.
@MJB for Trump agreed.
It’s hard to convince people that still believe mouse clicking a Pi symbol with CTRL held down will get you backdoor access to any system.
Works better If you throw salt over your shoulder and click your heels first.
@MJB for Trump Your comment needs more MAGA tears.
@B Bodziak I remember 25-odd years ago I had a co-worker in the sales department of the company that I worked at at the time was asked to copy a floppy he returned straight-faced with the floppy and an A4-sized copy — from a Xerox machine. Mind you this was when 3.5″ HD floppy disks were around for nearly a decade already.
Pillow guy = Forget the evidence! We don’t care about the evidence! We just want to stoke fear in the minds of the peons !
Is fiction
“We don’t care about the facts we care about the truth”
@Morgan haha
Actually, based on the coverage i’ve seen so far, Liz Cheney has handled her defeat with grace and ease. She has remained loyal to the truth in the face of adversity. That makes her a hero in my book. Clearly, few if any Republicans would stand as strong, Go ahead disagree with me, call me names, condescend and insult and enjoy it because democracy has pretty much tanked and soon there will be NO disagreement without violence.
@Anubis Awakened True, the oath of office is the bar under which no one should go. How many Republicans can be held to that standard? Correction, all of our politicians “MUST” be held to the
highest of standards.
God bless you, you are a true American and a hero to me as well.
@No Percs proud to be a traitor aren’t you.
@No Percs same thing as a traitor.
I’m 67, a war veteran and I am watching my country being driven off a cliff in a clown car filled with conspiracy nut jobs. Terrific.
@ LOUISE JOHNSON I’m so sorry, I never saw your comment before. I’m German, but I live in Italy at the moment. Here are also many fans of this Orange man, sadly!
@Vicky P Whataboutism just shows you have nothing to say about this particular video. Focus!
@Robert No, being a vet doesn’t give his opinion special status, but the content of the message does!
@Robert That’s exactly how I feel about FOX, the far right wing show. I do force myself to watch it for about 1.5 hours a day though and they get it wrong too, but sometimes they get it right. Its important to get many perspectives.
The Pillow Guy (screaming) “Forget about the evidence”
That’s all you need to know about him and his followers.
@Jeremy Owens I can send ya to the evidence. Hal Sparks did that story. He plays the video of Mikey Pillowcase saying just that!
@Rachel Nyn He’s asking that commenter about two Democratic reps saying that about dominion machines. That commenter claims they said that. No one has ever heard that before and he cannot present any evidence, but of course, he comments it as a comical “whatabout”.
@Rachel Nyn So the evidence would be a literal accusation from the pillow guy delivered by a comedian…
My sarcasm sense is tingling!
I don’t understand why nobody ever talks about the fact that you vote on the machine THEN PRINT THE PAPER, verify your votes and SIGN THE PAPER. — Sure the machine tallys the vote. But the paper IS THE BALOT. Thus why recounts work. ITS PAPER not the machine that matters.
@Dennis Bateman Of course there is. Any machine this complicated is broken by definition. It’s also very easy to ask the Internet for known problems of voting machines.
Again, no upside.
Wait, then why are precinct people shown on video feeding stacks of 100’s of ballots into the machines. Where is the person signing? When was the vote signed and by whom??
@Billy Tuchscher Billy, what good is the paper, if the “paper” is not verified to belong to an actual voter??? You mean they verify every single vote by contacting the actual voter, right??
“These fears and conspiracies really thrive in darkness.” Spot on. I find a lot of people that fall for this stuff simply don’t bother to seek answers for the questions that they have. They keep themselves in the dark on purpose.
@wokeness is a diseaseplease tell me how you are not a bigot by thinking that there is something wrong with drag queens. The fact that my 7yo kid has more compassion than you is proving the guy you who called you a troll is right. Thank you for proving my point. Love more and hate less. The kid who is gonna be on drugs will sadly be your kid when daddy gets mad that they wear a dress. My kid went through a phase at 3 when he wanted to wear a dress. Then he grew up and said, “I’m not a girl”. That was more than you can prove. Most homophobes are closet gays. Accept yourself for who you are and live the life you’re suppose too. We will love you no matter what
It doesn’t matter about the answers. They don’t believe the answers unless it suits their narrative.
The GQP have swallowed that BS hook, line, and sinker.
We don’t have evidence but we do have theories – Rudy Guiliani
I find it hard to believe that someone who says ‘never mind’ the evidence could actually run a money making business. If you really wants to protect American voting systems then the evidence is absolutely vital since without there is no way of knowing how the system was compromised if it was and with that knowledge being able to prevent it happening again. The fact that he can say evidence doersn’t matter just proves that his whole bill of goods is a grift.
Isn’t the DOJ doing that now with the affidavit
@Black Royal Brand no the affidavit is part of a real investigation not a cry baby session

@Black Royal Brand LOL! No, since it is part of an actual ongoing investigation.
I remember when Sidney Powell said ‘there were so many votes for Trump, it broke the algorithm.’ I felt my IQ drop when she said that. I suspect several people developed actual brain cancer as a result.
@Pat Doyle And don’t you remember the Time article that was carefully worded with high level words after the election that confirmed as much?
“Forget about the evidence”, said no innocent individual ever. More importantly, his denial of Democracy and proper Judicial Process is unfathomable.
@louis abdnour you are taking a fictitious fantasy of corruption without realizing that those who are selling you on those ideas ARE the very ones committing that corruption. Well done
@Calvin Abbott you’ve had one too many screwdrives. Don’t drive.
@Jorgen dahl If you knew anything about screwdrivers you would know you cannot have to many screwdrivers.
The whole conspiracy thing is kind of a one-two punch. Not only does it get you to believe in nonsense, it also distracts you from actually credible threats.
And I agree, people are actually WAY easier to hack than systems- even with all the security flaws.

The only machine without vulnerabilities are the ones that are still in the box and never switched on. That being said just because a machine is vulnerable doesn’t mean anyone knows how to exploit that vulnerability
Or anybody residing on American soil!
@JOSEPH STOLEN- ELECTION “Why do you think you’re right?”
2000 MULES
“Can you explain?”
2000 MULES
“Do you want fries with that?”
2000 MULES
@El Howard yes , chain of possession is critical in most legal cases brought before a judge.
I couldn’t stop laughing when the pillow guy said forget about the evidence because he never had any. Right there he gave it all away and exposed himself for the BS he’s been pushing somebody get him a shovel.

And some boots, he’s making a real mess of himself.
He’s insane. He got close to the Whitehouse and got drunk on power. He found a greedy friend there…
Time magazine article too high of a level for you to process?
Would someone please tell the red hats that screaming their lies doesn’t make them true.
They’ve lost their f@cking minds!
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. That was their final, most essential command
@James Martin the windows were blocked because people were filming with their phones, and there were already watchers from both sides in the building.
and there were NO suitcases.
everything you have stated has been debunked. why is is so hard for you all to face the FACTS?
@James Martin You didn’t see the fact checking on that whole video. For instance those “suitcases” were the normal boxes votes were held in. Of course you didn’t because the media you follow wouldn’t want you to see the truth of that matter.
Pretty difficult to change the opinions of people whose opinions don’t require evidence, especially not by presenting evidence to the contrary.
@gacj2010 You want to take away the right of franchise to your troops overseas and people who cannot leave their homes or drive hours and wait in line for hours at a polling station which will be closed before the line even stops filling up? Your republicans are determined to allow less and less access not just by limiting ways for people to vote in abstentia, but also by limiting the number of polling stations in many jurisdictions, especially rural ones. Why do you get to vote and your neighbour’s son who is based overseas does not? How is that fair? There must always be more and more access to places and methods for people to exercise their right of franchise. You’re quite horrible for thinking otherwise. But then again, look at whom you support
You mean like Christians
@Alphamega good idea! Let’s try that!
@Andrew poor snowflake
“If you want to be a democracy…you better start damn acting like it” Thank you Mr. Krebs .
I’ve heard those words by Malcolm Nance months ago
“A REPUBLIC IF YOU CAN KEEP IT “, the founding fathers said!
As a cyber-security engineer, I can say these people are the real deal and they are saying the right things. This is how to do transparency for cyber-security right. Democracy dies in darkness.
As a long-time security researcher, I concur. Very often what we find is that vulns require extraordinary access to exploit. People are the real danger. So if you have doubts, be an election worker. Watch, and be watched.
@School for Hackers Right, I would very much like to know what level of isolation they are subjected to, as well as what level of logging, monitoring, and intrusion protection they get. I expect it’s reasonable, and we don’t need implementation specifics, but policies and risk acceptance need to be thorough, clear, and open.
There is no such thing as electronic security.
Hacker’s wouldn’t hack if ther was !!!!
There is one scenario I can think of where team Trump has evidence of hacking but cannot show it. They hacked the machines to win, and someone came along and switched them back.
For an illustration of what this would look like, see the poker on the train scene from the movie The Sting.
@Jay Walker There’s no such thing as immortality, either, but people behave like they will live forever.
That said, the fact that your car can be stolen by a skilled car thief is not a reason to leave your car doors unlocked.
It’s important to note that even a vulnerability could still not allow you to change the votes. The vulnerability could be that you are allowed to see the votes when you shouldn’t be allowed to count them (like when voting is still in progress) or you can see personal or demographic data which is protected by privacy laws. “Vulnerability” can mean many things.
1 Richard Ryley Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer