Haberman: Trump-world ‘aghast’ at Guilfoyle’s $60,000 speaking fee

Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former member of the Donald Trump presidential campaign, was paid a $60,000 speaking fee for introducing Donald Trump Jr., her fiancé, at the "Stop the Steal" rally on the Ellipse that acted as a precursor to the US Capitol riot, a member of the House select committee that's investigating January 6, 2021, told CNN on Monday. CNN political analyst Maggie Haberman joins New Day to discuss. #CNN #News


  1. “It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.
    This sums up most Trump supporters.

  2. $60k, at least Kimberly could have given a couple of lap dances as she did at a previous fundraiser.

  3. When she was in San Francisco as the wife of the mayor, she was constantly ridiculed. You can’t take her seriously.

    1. @Ian B twice impeached! Try NEVER IMPEACHED. It has to go through the house and the senate to impeach, and with the amount of evidence that has now been linked to Hilary Clinton, it looks like both impeachment hearings fell flat. Sad face!

    1. She was married to the Democrat Governor of California. Seems like she simply goes to where the money is.

  4. Guilfoyle’s “the best is yet to come” speech at the GOP convention makes sense now. She knew her insurrection-speaking fees would double.

  5. Don the Con was never in his right mind while in the White House. He was taught by his father that there is nothing worse than losing. I’m so exhausted by all Trump’s crimes & still no indictment. AG Merrick Garland, do your job!

    1. @Denise Anderson garland doesnt follow you. And no you get 0 reveals that would b very dumb n hes not dumb. You didnt think hed get the bomber either didya?

  6. Trump claims he was listening to “conservative media?” He had professional, experienced election and campaign officials to listen to. He chose to ignore them. It’s about choice. He was not misled.

    1. The media was reporting and repeating HIS claims. What a stupid argument for a genius to make.

  7. If you think I’m shedding tears for those “retirees” that donated to the #45 grift, think again. They got what they deserved…and asked for. Womp womp

    1. @Laura Atkinson I lived through Reagan cleaning up after the last democrat to cause economic mayhem, and almost every metric of society improved under Reagan. You are ideologically possessed.

  8. What is astounding is millions of suckers pay the loser to lie to them. It’s not like they don’t know he’s lying. They love to be lied to and willing to pay for it.

    1. @gacj2010 is English your native language? If it is and that’s your well formed though just give up already

    2. People live inside a bubble of delusions, lies & untruths & shape their world view through that lens

  9. I’m shocked that a family of grifters is funneling money into their own families pockets. Who would have guessed?!

    1. @John Edward Jones haha. Take it easy and have a good American night John. Sorry I was busting balls. We all need to come together, I’ve seen other countries that don’t.

    2. I too, am clutching my pearls. Trump family is as wholesome as coagulated old bacon grease sprinkled lovingly with ratatouille raisins. Dump trump and Vote Oath. You don’t have to become a democrat, liberal, any other non-existent label. Find your heart and vote your as if your soul depended on it🙏😇.

  10. Maggie Haberman makes a great point when she says the issue is, Trump should have known he lost in the face of so much evidence that he did, not if he actually believed his own lies.

    1. Still waiting for her to apologize to the American people for her part in the media’s mainstreaming of Trump and the far right, though.

  11. People don’t mind being lied to as long as the person doing the lying is supporting their interests and voicing their ideas

    1. Yeah, but the liars don’t even believe in what they’re saying and don’t plan on following through with any of it….

  12. ” It’s a problem when people don’t know but worse when they refuse to know why they didn’t know”.

  13. It’s a grift, all the way down. And at this point, people who don’t understand it have only themselves to blame. Willful ignorance.

    1. I posted comments saying it was a scam as soon as it started. But no one listens to me, do they? Noooo!

      Basically, anyone with two brain cells firing could see this ten miles away.

    2. @Ian Muir MAGAs love to say that Biden isn’t firing on all cylinders, but I don’t think he got scammed.

    3. @Ian Muir he had a small box checked. Make it monthly. That many didnt see.n it drained thier bank acct!

  14. PT Barnum once said there is a sucker born every minute. Based on the level of intelligence of Trump supporters, I think Barnum’s estimate is low.

    1. Barnum never said that.
      It’s been attributed to him by a rival circus promoter, Adam Forepaugh, to try and discredit him.
      The origin of the quote is said to have most likely been coined by Joseph Bessimer, who was a notorious con man, or David Hannum in reference to Barnum’s involvement in the Cardiff Giant hoax.

      But there doesn’t seem to be any contemporary sources saying Barnum himself spoke those words.

  15. He’s a conman and should be held to account He’s stealing money from innocent people and he knows it

  16. Republicans SEEM to care about fiscal responsibility (unless proposals are offered to give a leg up to our poor, near poor and struggling no more middle class) and yet, overlook the egregious political gritters in our government.

  17. 60 thousand paid to hear a voice that’s the equivalent to fingernails scratching on a chalkboard. Annoying as hell. Getting paid to lie, damn what an easy dollar, since that’s all they do!

  18. Trump Voter: “You will NEVER convince me that a millionaire trust-fund baby that rides in a limo, lives in a penthouse, and literally owns a gold toilet is not one of us!!!”

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