CNN political analyst Maggie Haberman describes what she has heard about former President Donald Trump's consumption of the January 6 House select committee hearings in light of ex-Trump White House counsel Pat Cipollone's testimony with the committee. #CNN #News
Haberman: This is how Trump likely has been consuming the Jan. 6 hearings

“If this had happened in ANY other country all these TRAITORS would have been in jail by now, or dead. Not out walking around stirring up more trouble.”
@eric ford you’ll be much better off when you quit blaming the other sides and realize BOTH parties are corrupt and criminals.
Please don’t leave even the tiniest loophole for the Don to escape. In Britain there was the “greased piglet” that managed to escape many scandals until even his own cabinet had enough of him. Let this happen in the US.
Britain doesn’t have a cult mentally though.
Realization: it’s not about truth. We’re surrounded by perverts. It’s not about explaining. It’s about hanging the wicked. In this life or the next, herman.
I get it, we need evidence but we already know individual 1 has committed a number of crimes on camera and on recordings. When is enough enough????
@t charles so what crimes ??? Show me
There hasn’t been any evidence of any crime yet . Literally .
@Biden2024 The whole picture will soon become clearer for you I’m sure and will link and make sense those little isolated incidences.
Trump: Pence needs to show courage to make me president again.
Jan 6 committee: the witnesses need to show courage to make Trump a jail-bird.
I’ll bet pence is talking….we just don’t know about it.
Get lost Russian bot, trump lost!
if she’s not screaming hairy armpits I don’t know what does
Not one Democrat has forgotten Trump saying he had “the best people “, and not one Republican can remember it.
@Joe Mama grasping at straws due
@Joe Mama
Joe reads those single-page White House briefs that Spanky couldn’t tackle.
“My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930
@I AintDoNufn yes, these small-minded Trump haters don’t like to be confronted with facts
It’s frigging amazing how many new things there are to report every single day! Trump turns out to be a hard worker after all. His crime total is soon to exceed his 34,000 lie total.
@Larry Myers Mango Mussolini is going to prison, amen!
@Tim Dybala Any sane person should be alarmed at the prospect of the government and lawmakers being dominated, or dictated to by barking mad Christians.
I imagine he’s sitting and pouring crushed up bags of Cheetos all over his body while he tries to figure out how to con more ppl out of their money and getting his daughter into bed. That’s how he’s consuming the hearings.
That’s giving him too much credit.
Be there at the same place I know how

Jesus is King!
Executive Privilege only for sitting Presidents and not for crimes committed against the country. Also no more pardons by the President for crimes
@jonathan adderly “Fight like hell”
@Rick Ross Nah, but Mango Mussolini is going to prison, amen!
@jonathan adderly You have proven your naivety, do you really think it’s that simple to charge an ex-president. That doesn’t happen over night.
@Clint Coop You trump can speak for two hours but it’s all garbage.
“Only the mob takes the fifth. If that guy has nothing to hide, why is he taking the fifth amendment?” — Trump.
@Upper 90 When I comment, I get hundreds of folks all over the country to agree with me. You don’t. Maybe you should take notes, amateur.
They, the committee, should release the entire 8 hour deposition so we can see context ,and body language.
@Tom Valveede One way to find out if it’s a cynical conspiracy or not, isn’t there? Release all the video. Why won’t they?
I hope they release all the hundred hours of videos pelosi hides
@soylentdean ask mccarthy. He said he was going to form his own committee. Maybe he can get it.
When Trump heard Cipollone was going to testify under oath he threw the entire table against the wall. Then he fell down kicking his legs and beating his fists on the floor, crying.
Wow. He sounds just like a big baby,,,,,,
Haberman on Trump:
“He’s very susceptible to having his opinion shaped” 7:27
Wow… Isn’t that just the very definition of a conspiracy nut?
Its Finally here
Its Finally here
Let’s be honest we all enjoyed this video by having this:
Can be applied to religious nuts.
If these republican electorate is getting older, why do they keep voting for people who want to deny seniors their social security benefits? Every time someone says “party of Reagan” all I can think of is his brilliant “trickle down” theory that has wiped out our middle class and made the poor destitute.
@Gregg Mackie
Cite your sources.
He has “the best people” and also “the best words”, for the first time ever, I actually WANT to hear his words. I am praying for the day he has to testify. Even though he will lie, I want to see him squirm!
i’d say he’s crap himself, but he probably does that to avoid going all the way to the can.
@Biden2024 Oh Trump said a bit more than that as I’m sure you know. Or have you not been following?
Cipollones testimony may turn out to be important but Cassidys definitely was. Trumps reaction was epic!!
Good luck on you the best day of luck

@Hall Elujah I think the idea is you don’t announce your arrival but throw in conspiracies.
Still hoping with great enthusiasm that all this is moving closer and closer to multiple felony indictments for our last president. When that happens it will be a grand day in deed! Hoping for it soon.
And you have proof 

HUGE Red Flag when a GENERAL pleads the 5th on the question “do you believe in the *peaceful* transfer of power” dear lord
I learned because of that very thing, that in order to plead the 5th on any question, you must plead it on ALL questions. Once you answer 1 question, you can’t refuse to answer ANY of them. If someone pleads the 5th, prosecutors will ask super obvious things a bit like “Is the sky blue”, to basically trip someone up. If he answered that one, he’d have to answer stuff that probably would incriminate him.
Hard to believe that the guy who said: ‘We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable’ is going to resist the urge to show that he was right about putting on the brakes.
Good luck with the

I remember leaving a comment about 5 years ago stating it will be years after his presidency , before they fully know the extent of what his crimes were/are.
Yes, we all knew it was going to be a disaster.
@Marelva Illis HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
@Tim Dybala I think your the only one left on that ship. You don’t want to be the only dummy that didn’t see the others leave do you?