1. If Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Stephen
    Miller were flying in Airplane and the plane crashed. Who would Survive ??


    1. @John Tyner – LOL!
      Who do you think is going to jail an Old, White, Powerful, Influential, Rich, American Ex President, with over a 1/3 of the country backing him?

    2. I don’t think he gets stronger but he’ll become more inclined to throw caution to the wind and “burn down as much as possible “ in the name of self-preservation.

  2. if he don’t ends up in an orange suit for his role during J6 then I must admit that american judicial system has failed

  3. As long as the Cult is around, and some social media or news channel is willing to give him time to rant and rave, he will NEVER go away.

    1. @Ryan Elliott 🤣🤣🤣only if you believe in alternative facts. More than 81Million Americans wanted a REAL President which we have with Biden.

    2. @SpicyHotPot alternative facts like Covid came from a lab, hunter Biden’s laptop was real, and the Steele dossier being fake?
      Biden is about as “real” as a soggy piece of bread. Like yeah, it’s real, but also useless and disappointing. Y’all got tricked into voting for a dead man, destroying the economy, and hating half the country.
      TBH Biden did more damage to democrats than Trump did. I’m not mad he won. The only way to show dems they are wrong is to give them what they want. DeSantis got the perfect lay up from Brandon. I’d be happy with either him or Trump in the end

  4. Donnie tarnished and that’s not bad as long as we remind him of what a turncoat he really is ” drop that American flag Donnie because you betrayed it”

    1. @Muddy Water I’m an American and a lifelong Independent Moderate. Trumpty Dumpty is the prototype for a type of politician who is all “con man” and no “pubic servant” at all! Politicians are supposed to serve the public trust, but trumpublicans, led by their version of Bullwinkle’s Boris, have no interest in serving the public… just themselves. The trumpublican party – a faction of the republican party – has always been a freak show full of crazies and con artists, and the republican party is letting themselves be owned by that freak show. If republicans were less mind-controlled to vote by whose “team” someone is on – rather than considering the candidate’s credentials and platform as they SHOULD do – then the trumpublicans would never have existed. But they allowed themselves to become infected by those crazies, and now those crazies have taken over the republican party. A faction that represents a minority even of the republicans is pushing the republican party around like a bully pushes a fat kid around in a playground, until that fat kid becomes the bully’s minion just to stop it and backs all the bully’s plays. Because that fat kid thinks it’s better to stand behind the bully, than to be a victim. The problem being, of course, that the bully stilly picks on the fat kid, just without the threat of beating him up added to it. And while the fat kid’s self-confidence and soul slowly crumbles into dust, he obeys the bully and backs him like he was god. THAT is how the trumpublicans treat the republican party… because trumpublicans are the bullies in the playground. I honestly feel sorry for the remaining republicans, but not enough to vote for one right now… not until they get rid of the trumpublicans.
      Fortunately, a LOT of republicans are leaving that party because of the bullies, and becoming Independents. Independents tend to vote for a candidate’s credentials and platform, rather than for what team they are on. I hope that more people do so, as that is the only way that our government is going to survive… if people stop worrying about what team someone plays for and start doing their civic duty of voting for the PERSON, not the party.

    2. @Mark I’m being childish? It’s you playing kids games ” and I don’t think you are American” Donnie’s a full fledge traitor

    3. @Ward Atkins once again, I’m not interested in your pathetically childish nonsense, so, FOR THE 3rd TIME, show us all these supposed “Top Secret documents”, then. Prove to us that they weren’t documents that were declassified…we’ll wait

  5. “…nothing energizes him like a fight” – that’s because Donyld Trump fights like Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) in the movie “Gladiator” – never ever like Maximus (Russel Crowe) in a fair fight. That’s the advantage of superrich born people with huge character flaws : ((

    1. Bro, noone has more power or money than our government. Theyve had a lack of success in stopping Trump despite going at him with ALL agencies of government backed by OUR infinite tax dollars. Why? The idiots weilding the tools are way too dumb.

    1. @Mark Oh, bless your heart. I never had student debt, you idiot. I paid for my college at the time I took classes, back when one could do that and not end up in huge amounts of debt. And did you miss that I’m an Independent Moderate? I vote by the character and platform of the candidate, not by any one political party, but if that party has gone down the drain-hole because of allowing a bully to rule their playground, then that party is not worth voting for as it stands. That should have been your first clue… I used the words bully and playground. That’s likely not the words used by younger generations. WOW, you are dense!
      It seems like YOU are the newbie to politics, as you seem to believe that it’s safe to stand behind the bully and do whatever they tell you to. Perhaps the bullies are even paying you a few nickels to defend them, or perhaps you learned to write English and got a job in the Western Hemisphere leaning over a computer in a troll farm cubicle. Whatever your scam, you need some serious enlightenment. I expect that you’ll get that eventually. Most arses get wiped someday.

    2. @Mark That’s right. Humpty Trumpty uses all the classic tactics of the school yard bully to get what he wants. He never learned to function as an adult, so it’s all he knows. That’s why the White House cleaning crew had to keep scrubbing ketchup off the walls from his temper tantrums. And the rug Humpty Trumpty used is RUINED with ketchup and diet coke stains.
      Humpty Trumpty campaigned on denigrating other republican candidates with childish nicknames. Most of them did what most immature people do… fell in behind the bully eventually. The rest of the country could not believe that the clown would have a chance of winning – everyone who was sane expected Clinton to win and didn’t suspect that the Russians would have the ability to hack our elections so effectively. Have you not heard that any accusation by a trumpublican is a confession? It’s true. That’s why the 2020 election was the most secure in our history… because foreign enemies of the USA are the reason that we had to suffer through four years of Humpty Trumpty and the USA had our eyes opened. And THAT is why Biden got the landslide that he did.
      Humpty Trumpty didn’t drain the swamp, he turned it into a sewer. It will take quite a while to turn it back into a swamp, which is at least a natural feature and not a stinking hole of sewage. Maybe it can be upgraded some time in the future, so long as people remain awake to the fact that voting is important and bullies will take every opportunity – no matter how shady or criminal – to seize power. Wake up to reality, “Mark.” Or keep earning your nickels from whoever pays you to work their troll farm.

  6. I’ve begrudgingly accepted that it’s unlikely he will ever see the inside of a REAL prison. Best case scenario he gets put on house arrest in a mansion for a few months. You know, the way someone who tries to overthrow the government should be punished.

    With that being said, I’m more than ok with watching him and that band of oddly shaped goons break up the right wing vote in 2024. It’s the next best thing.

  7. It is regrettable to see a country with so many resources and capabilities having to deal with such low level politicians; the republican party agreed that the lack of principles and basic culture are acceptable characteristics of its representatives.

    1. I like to keep it simple when a president takes office it’s easy to see how well the country does or how terrible the country does could not be an easier way to make judgments by what you’re physically seeing not what you heard on the news that was somebody whispered in your ear but what you actually saw and you know what I’ve actually seen our government and our country is going down the tube now and hello we’re not being led by Republicans so maybe we should put two and two together and come up with something better hello wake up smell the coffee quit sniffing glue or just try opening your eyes

    2. Yes, and as long as nobody is doing anything about the gullibility of Americans and the widespread lack of general education, the freedom and democracies in the world is in danger. Just because ONE criminal lunatic tries to remain out of jail because he is still afraid of his father who said he mustn’t fail, ever. America is the epitome of Another Exercise in How Crazy Can You Get.

    3. @Charles van der Hoog I have to agree with you on that I think it’s because we’ve taken God out of everything we think we can change our sex now which that is not possible just crazy stuff going on

  8. I respect and trust Maggie for being knowledgeable but she’s wrong about this one. 😕
    Bunker boy may have come back from the dead before but this time he’s buried so deep and I hope he suffercates with JUSTICE!

    1. @Doug H
      I hope Santa brings you and all the other magats working brains. Then our nation can fully recover from the damage he created.

    2. @lindsey lefrois It’s a play on words IMO and a good one. As in suffer while he suffocates. And hopefully he does both

    3. @Mary Wallace Hi Mary Wallace, are you crabby all the time like this? I wonder if you should find a good moral just and wealthy man like Donald J. Trump and settle down with him.

  9. Maggie is so right about him. I can’t wait until we do not need professional Trump followers and reporters. Let him go everyone. People are doing their job. One day we will not have to know about him.

  10. Even if Trump’s power personally is “diminished,” that IN NO WAY diminishes the broader power of MAGA/GOP in this country. We do we insist on underestimating the enemy?

    1. Analysis? Not a single Trump supporter on the panel. It’s like a group of women trying to tell everyone what men want

  11. In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law.

  12. We cannot have someone in the Oval Office who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘confidential’ or ‘classified’.

    1. @Steve B no, Biden definitely has dementia, and people like you still actually believe he is the one making all these decisions that are destroying the country, and putting the world at risk of WW3. You are simply another example of why Democrats are called “low information voters”

    2. @Steve B You mean while Dementia Joe is busy calling American Citizens names? You really need to get someone to help you come up with better troll material

    3. All Trump saw were $$$ signs. I wonder what was in the EMPTY Top Secret envelopes? Betcha N. Korea and Saudi Arabia know…

  13. I’m so sick of the media always, always turning to the political ramifications of every issue. The committee laid out how the president of the United States tried to illegally seize power. THAT is the story, not the freaking horse race.

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