CNN political analysts Maggie Haberman and Ana Navarro join CNN This Morning to discuss the likelihood of allegations that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump plotted with then-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley to replace Mike Pence when he was serving as Vice President in the Trump administration. #CNN #News
Haberman breaks down claims Kushner plotted to replace Pence

Haley who once said :Trump has never said a lie.” Pompeo throwing Haley under the bus.
Thing is ,most of Trump’s lies were fabricated by CNN, & MSNBC. Biden’s lies are right there every other day.
Who was the Trump aid that the Democrats had testify that Trump tried to subdue two Secret Service agents in the armored car on Jan 6? The dnc can get a lot of people to say a lot of things, but not Trump. By the way where is that Epstein/Maxwell client list? I don’t give a rat’s that Trump’s on there. Who is the gov’t covering for?
@Randy Watson yeah, all deep in that GOP swamp – once in a while when they pop their heads out to breathe, they vomit out some of that dirt they feed on
Nikki Haley is the most dishonest of the entire group. She went on National TV saying that “Trump has never lied about anything.”…!!! That must be news even to Trump…LOL
There is no viable Republican candidate. They Will spend time back stabbing ea. other it Will be hilarious.
If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. Harry Truman
It’s gossip, gossip, gossip. So in other words, it’s true.
Of course, Nikki is going to make it a campaign speech.
She will never be president
She was on high speed. Yak, yak, yak.
@Sweet T We already have a laughing hyena for VP.
Boy, the GOP sure gets upset when someone (even one of their own) lies about them. Ironic.
@Jar Head Go ask Mango Mussolini he’ll tell you. Musty.
@Jar Head There is enough of them.
I see steve is another Trumplican snowflake spewing nonsense to deflect from the fact that elected Trumplicans are now spilling the beans on their own people.
Not really. If you can’t see the difference in the two situations that’s on you. Trump had months, maybe even over a year and he knew he had them. I’d like to know what both of them took home. They don’t need to be super specific but it would be interesting to see the differences were and what they could have gained by having them.
@Steve Bee
Actually even the Republicans say they want to know who was
In charge of storing his documents
So I’m not getting your point
She got 100 dollars every time she said “ gossip “
The Fox camera crew had a pool of their own. Unfortunately they all under-guessed.
If Mike is Nikki’s friend then why did Nikki feed him to the wolves?
Could they not get Mike the fat slobbeo to address the issue?
Harris called Biden a racist. Now look at the two of them.
She is trying to throw old 80 year old under the bus.
They eat their own. That’s what the trump party is.
When someone repeats the same word that many times, you know they’re lying and trying to convince the listener.
I noticed that also

So, when Biden keeps stressing a talking point, is he lying? Repeating a word is what politicians do all the time, when they are trying to sell a message. The veracity of that message doesn’t matter.
Who has more credibility Haley or Haberman? My money is on Maggie.
Her overtalking and nodded when denying and shaking her head when saying she and Pommy were friends…LOL
Pompeo’s wrong. Jared and Ivanka were actually conspiring with Randi Weingarten.
The mere fact that Nikki Haley kept saying gossip sounds as though she is desperately trying to distance herself from this story. Haley threw Pence under the bus when the chit hit the fan so this is no surprise. I’m quite sure more will come out and then I can’t wait to hear what she has to say!
Nimrata Nikki Haley. She goes by Nikki. Who cares.
Karma for Nikki as it was recently revealed that Trump did not want her as VP running mate because of her “blotchy skin”
@Richard Patik Nimrata Randhawa is her real name.
@Irish Diva Jeffries That is a beautiful name. If she prefers to be called Nikki, so what!
@Bazooka Joe Is that important to you?
Ana and Maggie are both super intelligent and articulate. The difference is that Ana stays true to her values. Love her.
Me too!
What values is Maggie not true to?
I think the difference is Haberman is a journalist who strives to stay impartial, but offer analysis. Navarro is a Republican strategist (and attorney), who offers opinion.
I am sick of the gossip, drama, and outright lies when all those people are supposed to be serving our country. I would not vote for ANY of them, first quality being integrity. Let’s get some honest, people running the country.
She wanted to get away from the gossip but also she would like to be chief gossiper
I so appreciate Ana’s no nonsense narrative & honesty. Personally speaking, I would like to see/hear her on all the network platforms more often.

We need all the TRUTH we are provided …
Ana just got married and her husband lives in Miami.I think she wants to spend some time with her spouse.
“Who is Nicky Haley?”
Well, I’m pretty sure she’s not either George Santos nor Kitara Revache
Nikki Haley,a legend in her own mind,but to everyone else, the thought is Nevermind.
“Sitting by a pool…”
Imagine getting that burned, with water that close.
It seems like pretty much every one of trump’s closest confidants have not matured beyond the late adolescent stage. Watching all this play out has been like going back to high school.
Caitlin Collins does a great job delivering the news and interviewing people. Her calm and professional manner is a refreshing person in media.