1. “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
    Albert Einstein

    1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗x

    1. @Андрей Суворов stop this non sense. Only his pets would believe. Will see what happen. If putin order invasion. It will be bloody on both sides. Russia will be corner and nato will expand more.

    2. @DVCER 11boo good. Ever heard about what happened the first few years leading up to WW2? How long until people start to realize that Russia and China will keep on expanding until we invade?

    1. Unfortunately Putin is as demented as Biden. Except he looks better cause he is younger. Putin obsessed with war and as far as he is loosing approving polls in Russia he plans to start war to take “Russian” territory back. Russian people completely brainwashed and think that Ukraine is part of Russia and doesn’t have right on independence!

    2. @delilah Mercury I think you don’t understand how it works. I already wrote above about the language policy of Ukraine. NATO now actually supports the Nazi governments of the Baltic states. Right as hell. As long as Russians in the Baltics have the status of non-citizens and are restricted in the use of their native language, there will always be problems. In the US, I don’t remember such language laws, by the way.

  2. Just remember to run into a bunker when shots start firing. You don’t want to be reporting in the middle of a war. That wouldn’t be too smart.

    Stay safe, and good luck. WW3 isn’t a joke. Hell comes next, for a little bit. It isn’t permanent though.

    1. Respect! But remember Putin’s speech in Munich. 2007… he had already predicted the actions of the United States…Washington is a predator, a destroyer of sovereign countries around the world…

    2. @Андрей Суворов What you are writing about Washington is a propaganda you have been fed. Russia is trying to reset its own failure of the USSR. Anything else is just talk! I don’t defend Washington because it doesn’t need it. Putin is a friend of all the dictators like himself and which company you keep is self evident.

    1. remember Putin’s speech in Munich. 2007… he had already predicted the actions of the United States…Washington is a predator, a destroyer of sovereign countries around the world…

  3. LIVE🔊 10-02-2022 16:09 TV2 News, Denmark.
    Denmark opens up for American soldiers, military equipment and other types of equipment on Danish soil.!
    Denmark made a gentlemen agreement with The Soviet Union in 1946, when the Russians left the Danish island of Bornholm, it was a condition that there were no foreign soldiers on the island.
    Russia will consider it a provocation if foreign NATO soldiers appear on Bornholm.
    The Danish defense leadership has considered including Bornholm in a NATO exercise, but has hesitated precisely not to provoke the Russians.
    Today it became just a saga, – When we choose to start negotiations with the United States, it is an expression that Denmark must lift more. With strengthened cooperation, the United States will have a better opportunity to be present here in Europe, says the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

    1. Denmark should not be pressured to make decisions by either side. Joining NATO should be a desired application process. Otherwise it will be seen as a conquest machine. The US appreciates all of our allies. I personally have ancestry from Denmark. Very best to all.

    2. All agreements with the Soviet Union are null and void, the Soviet Union only exists in history books and some peoples dreams. If the agreements were agreed upon again with the Russian Federation then they are no longer agreements with the Soviet Union. Then if the agreement is not written down and signed then it is not binding by international law and can be ignored without anyone but the other party being bothered by it. Therefore in both cases Denmark can invite any countries military into it’s territory for any reason it wants and Russia has no right to say no to it.

      Denmark is also in NATO, NATO forces can be stationed in Denmark, they already are even if there is only Danish military. Russia has no power to tell Denmark what they can or cannot do and to try to enforce such orders would be to engage all of NATO in war. Russia may bark but it has no teeth when it comes to any NATO country and is why they only pick on countries outside of NATO like Ukraine or Georgia.

  4. I’m just a painter but it looks like to me he’s just dancing around the border until someone else makes a mistake ,So he can go on the offenses legitimately

    1. I’m assuming that the borders to which you refer are the Mexico and Canada…any other is of no concern to the USA.

  5. They shoot equally often from both sides of the border, but they always talk only about shots from the territory of Donbass.

  6. liz truss goes out there to talk russia into removing troops, result: russia nearly doubles it sarmy lol, lizz truzz the woman that has failed badly in every single ministerial post she’s been given so far

  7. As this escalates the odds increase some kind of mishap can happen. Is Putin just waiting for an excuse? Everyone in the world has been trying to accomodate him within reason. It would be nice if he would make an excuse for peace.

  8. Is this like the time clown news used gun fight footage from Syria and claimed it was a gun show in the US 😂 or the time Anderson pooper got caught kneeling in flood water ? Asking for Putin

  9. From what I can surmise is that the europeans are quiet while the US is the one drumming the tensions and making alot of noise

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