Paul Workman has more on a deadly attack in Kabul, where armed gunmen stormed a maternity ward and killed at least two newborns.
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That’s how you take care of population control.
WTF is wrong with you?
That’s the wrong population. ¬_¬
Utterly monstrous and bizarre. And of course
The news reader asks “what does this mean for the stability”? There is none!
End is near
Evil is at unprecedented heights
So sad
C Mac> Evil is at unprecedented heights
Afgan government should just ban AR/AK style guns, then buy them back. Like in Canada. That should do it.
@Mike Taj Japan is bad example they don’t have multicultural society
@Mike Taj bad example. japan has ww2 guilt still. look at mexico. one gun store and its at a military base. do you think they have a problem? a study was done in canada about gun ownership. the debate is settled. you dont know enough about the subject. assault riffles in canada? dont think so bro. a semi with 5 round clip is not that. get educated. look at england there is no reality to your statement.
@Mike Taj all you do is give power to idiots who do what this video is about. having armed criminals only is a bad idea. please be a little more discreet about your thoughts. lol
Mike Taj you are the perfect example on why we need to keep
Our guns.
Jordan Silver … For sure. smh .
Why dont they just take the legal gun owners guns and this would all stop.
Because they can’t
Is this some sort of new meme?
This is…… No words can express… We need to eliminate the religion of “peace” once and for all… I call for all sovereign nations to act and act now!… I’m in Canada and Trudeau welcomes these terrorists every single day.. Terrifying
The government should have made sure guns are not allowed in these places. That way this would have never happened.
How have laws ever stopped bad guys getting illegal things? 
More fear porn
And our government wants to disarm law abiding Canadians while the religion of peace goes unchecked. This are acts of insane evil.
Back to normal
Maturnity ward in a war zone ?
That’s how the first Iraq war started and it was lies your news sucks so hard you have become clowns too most.
All from the religion of peice. Who would od thought?
Maybe you should learn how to read first, then you can read the Quran, and then finally talk. ¬_¬
I’m sure this some Pakistan’s proxy war in Afghanistan. Poor innocent