GSA Head Will Go Down As One The ‘Great Obstructors’ Of Our Time: Columnist | Morning Joe | MSNBC

LA Times columnist Virginia Heffernan says Emily Murphy, head of the General Services Administration, will go down as one of the great 'obstructors' of our time. Aired on 11/23/2020.
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#Obstructors #EmilyMurphy #MSNBC

GSA Head Will Go Down As One The 'Great Obstructors' Of Our Time: Columnist | Morning Joe | MSNBC

GSA Head Will Go Down As One The 'Great Obstructors' Of Our Time: Columnist | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. there’s perfectly excellent policy for all mankind all creeds without civil wrongs just waiting to be passed, unfortunately, the plumbing problem at the top of the Senate needs immediate dealing with.

    2. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Trump supporters… “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

    3. Don “The Con” Trump:
      Good news about Trump = Real news
      Bad news about Trump = Fake news
      If I win = It’s not rigged
      If I lose = It’s rigged

    4. Trump is a conman. Watch the documentaries below about the Trump crime family:

      Trump & Taxes on Showtime:
      Trump Follow the Money on ABC News Part 1:
      Trump/Russia on ABC News Part 2:
      Moscow Rules on ABC News Part 3:
      You’ve been Trumped on Documentaries HD:
      Trump’s Links to the Mob on BBC News:
      Dirty Money Trump on Netflix (Trailer):
      Dirty Money Kushner on Netflix (Trailer):

  1. No Mango Mussolini isn’t “the first.” He’s a culmination of decades of Republican politics. This isn’t going away, as he’s a symptom and not the cause.

  2. When Biden takes over she needs to be charged with dereliction of duty. Prosecute these traitors that are refusing to do their jobs.

    1. @D rap You must have been in a Covid COMA 😱 WOW I’m so sorry!!! I’ll catch you up…


    2. i agree,what would be worse for her would be no food for a month,the fat pig,every time i see her i think of pork chops

    3. @D rap Are you Trumper’s seriously still arguing on behalf on the most inept and dangerous president of the modern era if not of all time? You remind me of those mad-dog Japanese soldiers who wouldn’t stop fighting even after Japan had already surrendered. Either you are as clueless as a new born or as criminally minded as Trump. Seems like you are between a rock and a hard spot.

    1. everyone of trump’s appointments have been conflicts of interest and there to undermine the institution they were appointed to

  3. Emily Murphy is a low level bureaucrat whose had her 15 minutes of fame. Her working future is pretty much over.

    1. Poor Emily: How silly. She knows that the day that she lets in the dems will be her LAST DAY.
      But honey, there is no greater reference for a new job than to be fired by trump!
      Em, do you think you will EVER get a job after this? (Oh, cleaning Donny’s cell maybe).

  4. I hope Murphy is prosecuted for this. If she’s not, it’s just another blight on this time in American history.

  5. She looks like she lies to herself every time she gorges herself on Twinkies: “These will make me thin; these will make me thin.”

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