President Joe Biden has agreed to meet a group of 10 Republican senators who have proposed a slimmed-down coronavirus relief plan that they say can win bipartisan support. Aired on 02/01/2021.
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#PresidentJoeBiden #CoronavirusReliefPlan #MSNBC
Group Of 10 Senators To Meet With Biden Over Covid Relief Proposal | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Hold the line Biden!!!
@David Eby yet he gets down those ramps soooo much better than your Orange Messiah……
@JustineLaLoba Creepy Joe is good at being a dictator by using eos instead of congress, but a dictator is what you slugs deserve.
Joe already cut checks from promised $2k to $1400 for no reason after promising full $2k in Georgia runoff. The BOGUS “you already got $600” was never spoken when they wanted votes, but now that Joe worries all night that Mitch may not approve, the carve out for working folks begins…
@Brian Morisky You believe Creepy Joe? hahahahahahahahahahaha
The only thing he is gonna hold , is the hand of a little child . Biden is a pervert
Use reconciliation
Use cajones. But I think Joe is neutered, worries more about what republicans think that what dems do.
Horribly bad faith or hypocritical non offer from bad old GOP. Ignore them all!!
Yeah, but look at how MSNBC immediately tries to frame it… “this will test Biden’s campaign pledge for unity” lol.
Well Trump did open the roadmap that our iconic JFK gave us for a supercharged economy. We saw full employment, we saw a black unemployment reach a historic low and the poverty level for the United States as low as 1960 levels. Protected class individuals to include females, Hispanics and blacks had the opportunity to venture into entrepreneurship and have their own business. The Wall Street Journal stated that lower and middle income Americans received a higher percentage of wage increases than the upper class. All of this came to an end when COVID-19 ravaged the world.
Prior to the election the economy was returning and doing exceptionally well. Joe was given an excellent foundation on which to stand into return our economy to supercharge levels. As Democrats let’s all work hard to ensure that Joe is successful in this endeavor.
Abolish the filibuster
@Cayden Absolutely not, do not get rid of the filibuster. Republicans tried this when they were in the majority and we lobbied against it. In fact we lobbying vigorously against it. We made them change their mind. The filibuster is an opportunity for the minority to let their feelings be known and to attempt to inject alternative ideas. Filibuster can be overridden however, we must not act like dictators, we must not act like Nazis, we must support the minority because someday we will be in that position. Keep the filibuster. It is a part of our respected legislative process.
Dont waste your time Biden. Remember what happened to Obama…
Yup, they’re just looking to stall.
Francis Urquhart brought me here, no further comments your honour.
Mika.. Why are we not talking about the Lincoln Project.???
So this ‘Unity” thing is completely off the table for!
@Richard Batchelder Here have this Olive Branch from across the pond.
People are dying and they are playing games with lives.
That includes Democrats
Wasn’t a problem when Schumer and pelosi took 8months to come up with 600 bucks.
As long as it’s not their lives, they don’t care.
Biden counter-offer should be to bump relief to $2.5 trillion with a repeal of the TCJA. And each time the Rs come back he should bump it higher.
I’m down, make them squirm.
Repeal everything the orange clown did
All who are not the one percent need COVID-19 relief!
Go Joe! Leave the GOP in the dust.
Nonsense, for instance why do people in retirement need relief?
I’m all for the relief but no. There are plenty of people who where not laid off, retired, on social security, ect. that where not effected by covid. For people who make over 150 k this whould not do anything for them and would just add to the national debt.
@Jim Yarbrough exactly give it to the people who were laid off and made sacrifices. I made $148,000 in 2019. I made $156,000 in 2020. Why would I deserve covid relief. That’s like giving disaster relief money to Montana everytime a hurricane hits Louisiana.
Anything less than $2k checks now is failure.
When the Republicans were in power they would just steamroll over the Dems.
@2LazyTurtles I really don’t care about your credibility. I have literally dozens of Democrat political clients who I helped become elected or reelected to state and federal office. They count on my advice because I help them become successful. They pay me a significant retainer to give them sound advice because they are winners and have profited from my advice.
This past election six out of eight Democrat clients were either elected to or re-elected to office. I am very proud of this record of accomplishment. What have you accomplished?
@Jim J. Yes indeed, this is very troubling. What is even more troubling is that his executive orders appear to have the potential of harming Americans. His move to get us back into the Paris accord which is already a proven failure and has nothing to do with climate. It was expected but is disappointing. I recalled a German pleading with Trump not to pull out of the Paris accord because she said it was necessary for globalism. She mentioned nothing about the claimant.
Joe’s order about transgender athletes and his “bathroom thing” is it likely to enrage parents with children and his cousin female athletes a great deal of concern because now they must deal and compete with athletes who were born male.
If Joe would just concentrate on getting us out of this COVID-19 nightmare and returning our supercharged economy before the virus ravaged the world, he would be great.
@T. R. Campbell Would not surprise me if we find out the dems were in with China to turn covid loose on us. It is a man made virus. Fauci said it was coming on video in 2017, how did he know ? Trump had nothing to gain from covid, The dems and China had everything to gain and nothing to loose. They have shut down the economy, force about half the small mom and pop stores out of business forever. Want to do a $15 per hour minimum wage, that would finish off the mom and pop’s. Dems been trying to destroy the middle class income since 1993. There is no middle class income with socialism ( globalism ).
Put Biden in a room with kids then his life will be complete.
@T. R. Campbell You’ve written a novel here, you care.
Repeal that rich man’s tax, fascist party. There’s the trillions of dollars right there
@Craig Norris let the rich pay for once. The billionaires and millionaires that have paid zero for years but had the audacity to get a tax refund. Let the hospitals, NFL, UFC etc who claim tax except to start paying taxes etc.
Why is it always middle and lower class have to hold up the economy? We are the ones paying everything and getting nothing. Something/everything is wrong
Yfis that
oh good
The rich mans party is the democratic
The democrats are the fascist party. Didn’t you get the memo?

Screw repugnicans, get the job done through reconciliation. You can’t work with repugnicans if they don’t actually want to cooperate nor did they feel the need to come to the table when they had power and refused to do anything. They no longer get a say. Dems shouuld do what we put them there for and make bold change for the better.
Calm down little communist trainee, you‘ll get your ps5 don‘t worry
Tell them to go pound sound and remind them about the honour of trustworthiness of the GOP. Supreme Court nominations, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Yeah, NO, clean up your party then maybe we can negotiate. We are going to steamroll you, like you did us.
Every minute they “negotiate,” the closer the packs of cannibals come to your door.
And you win the prize for making me smile
Are encouraging another insurrection? What’s your real name, nazi?
Biden negotiating down anything that helps people, just like Obama did with public option. Even Schumer knows, and when Mr. Wall Street is the voice of reason we are doomed.
@Fred A the reference above is to ‘eat the rich’ which came from a group arguing against social inequality. please don’t cliche the word nazi. this word needs to be saved for real nazis.
It’s a faux Jedi mind trick Joe. Don’t get sucked into they’re games!
I want to believe that he is going through the motions and just do what he’s gotta do. Or gets something even more valuable in return ( I am at a loss to figure out what that is). But in the end, I accepted the risk of overeagerness of bipartisanship when I voted for him. I just hope his accomplishments to making the country better don’t peak with beating Trump, that is not enough.
“mostly moderate republican senators” –> Quotes very important here
I stopped it at “Biden’s agenda”. We just had an election, and THIS was on the ticket. It has been unanimously voted in ON that very agenda.. time for you to shut up and get out of the way. If it were GOP in, they would be laying waste to whatever was left..
All the experts say GO BIG on a stimulus package.
I’m with them.
…YEAH, I could use about $10 K.. for starters.!!!!
Joe, they’ve never kept their word, and if the GOP wants to play games, then go it alone and get $2000 stimulus checks out as quickly as possible!
How badly does Mitch McConnell want to make his self-given title, “Grim Reaper”, a literal reality??
Well as we know susan collins said that trump had learned his lesson