Greta Thunberg urges public to listen to the experts amid pandemic

Climate activist Greta Thunberg says she thinks more people are beginning to realize the importance of listening to experts and the global science community amid the coronavirus pandemic. #CNN #News

Greta Thunberg urges public to listen to the experts amid pandemic


    1. Leighton Sweden never went into lockdown and they have hardly any deaths. Lockdown don’t work bro

    2. Meanwhile these Stupid millionaires are calling your uncle selfish even though they are the least effective by this shutdown

    3. CNN Roasted again Coronavirus Expert? CNN puts Thunberg on COVID 19 panel! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  1. It’s so cute how Anderson tries to use a Swedish accent when he says her name….sadly that’s only the 10th cringiest thing in this video

    1. Jimmy Mac Marion Arkansas when I met him. Been a few years ago. Marion is just outside Memphis.right across the river. I did some work on his home. Really cool fella.

    2. @sixstringsforever
      I like it, too.
      However Vicious is alright.
      I’d say it’s like putting, say, Cardi B on a music theory panel.

    3. @eRmaC better learn some ones credentials before trying to use them. Segal can wipe you off the map even now

    1. Just popped on to see if it was true.
      They really do believe the people can’t see throu this facade, well quite a few it seems.

    2. @DAMIEN KOY You still didnt answer him, why are you guys so dumb? Do you bellieve the world is out to get murica? That the entire world right now is going through confinment to deal with this just to pull a prank on you? How fucking dumb can you get, really?

  2. Next up on CNN: McDonalds Mayor McCheese to discuss the Federal
    Reserve’s monetary and fiscal policy response to Covid-19.

    1. No problem. I was just listening in on Dan Bongino 14 May show. This whole Flynn thing is really bad. IT’S REAL BAD! BAD FOR THE LEFT THAT IS.

    2. @greg j Dan Bongino is AWSOME, followed him 4 a while now, he’s like cancer for th Russia hoax,

  3. CNN , when the hurricane season starts here in florida, should we ask greta what to do ? she seems to be your go to ..lmao

    1. @Cody Flock triggered lately?😂😂😂 Wait I’ll do it for you. To myself, “your stupid, ruck you self”. Ok now you can let me have it😂😂😂😂

    2. +steve woodward
      25watt stumblers like you are the type who would stuggle through life even if the Republicans won the next half-dozen elections.

    3. @Stephen Chism Triggered? I’m simply stating facts and science. You’re just posting a bunch of emojis.

    4. @Cody Flock is life is all about science? where are the psychologist? where are the sosiologist? and let me tell you science is not the same as facts, it can change if more evident is found. so let’s look at everything in every dimension, not just “science”

  4. Our two cnn dummies listening to a seventeen year old!!!! How can a doctor push himself so low. So embarrassing.

  5. Sanjay’s doing the same face he did when Joe Biden was on there. He’s bad at hiding it.

    1. @delonix regia at least they never have been nasty about a child’s accomplishments or work. Unlike trump and his nasty crotchfruit son

    2. @prometheus5700 wtf are you stupidly babbling. Trump is the one that has had a tantrum

    1. Matthew Moffit lol tbh I think cnn does this to read comments like they are trolling us ya know???

  6. The first sentence to Greta made CNN look like complete idiots. She hasn’t been tested and CNN wanted to say that she and her dad had it.

    1. @Eileen McDonald everyone has the right to their opinion…but since i am so ignorant…could you tell me why you feel that way?please..impart me with thy wisdom 🤪

    1. I don’t know why I get this many likes for replying to a comment about getting likes for disliking a CNN video.

    2. @Maursader i dont know why i get this many likes for replying to a reply about disliking a CNN video.

    3. bc this got posted in right wing circle jerk forums so ironically they are watching this and reacting to it more than people in the real world promoting CNNs agenda by proxy.

      Take a hint people theres a reason they dont block comments

    4. @Vvoh vaelez YOU TRUST CNN FOR NEWS, you should not be talking at all about politics you have the understanding of a nat. Listen i dont like being rude to anyone, but people like you should just accept the shortcomings you have, those being a complete lack of logical thought. You are so hopelessly dependent on liars for guidance that you are incapable of true independent thinking. I am not a republican nor democrat so dont try categorizing me, both sides are corrupt equally which is why am an independent. Dont take what i have said as hateful because i dont believe in being hateful. I only want to tell you the truth weather it hurts your feelings or not the truth needs to be spoken and heard. Much love and sorry i am harsh

    1. olrik parlez I was a Liberal from Portland, OR until 3 years ago but I’m voting Trump in 2020. If you can’t see the mass amount of bullshit coming out of the left now-a-days you are blind or not looking hard enough. Wake up.

    2. Obama and FBI CIA new from before trump was president that he wasn’t a Russian asset. But illegally spied on him anyway the whole impeachment was a hoax from the start

    3. @Roman Max *snicker* The depths of the mentailties who troop here are beyond belief. Roman ‘Minor’ is the most appropriate handle buddy. Your ‘Obamagate’ nonsense will go nowhere.

  7. CNN’s virus expert Greta Thunberg!! LOL!! Hey CNN…..Maybe Pee-Wee Herman is available Too??!!! LMAO!!!

  8. it’s so important to listen to experts like greta toonberg.

  9. When I heard about this I first thought, “This can’t be real” but now I’m so glad it is. What a joke 😂😂

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