Climate change activist Greta Thunberg says that the climate goals from the Biden administration are "very far from being in line with the Paris Agreement" but welcomes the new tone from the president. Aired on 01/22/2021.
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#GretaThunberg #Biden #MSNBC
Greta Thunberg Says 'Time Will Tell' If Biden Administration Fulfills Promises On Climate Change
Grets is deadly serious because she knows all of us really need to be to have any sort of hope.
@James Ryan “there is nothing wrong with what she is doing for the world. If it weren’t for progressive liberalism you would still be living in a cave.” AMEN! EXACTLY!!
@James Ryan she does all the things she preaches about!! She only does this for the money flow!! She’s been caught lying and editing photos to show issues that weren’t real
@Mook Mook He is a troll
Not you again Captain Capital
@thisbarb Oh, wow, what part of my comment has anything to do with liberalism? Don’t shove words in people’s mouth. It doesn’t matter if Greta is liberal or conservative. She spews a bunch of nonsense. For example, even though the global temperature is projected to rise 0.3 degrees every year, why haven’t we died yet? Little Greta doesn’t know jack about Earth System Science. Maybe if she stayed in school and paid attention in class, she might actually learn that the ocean absorbs most of the excess heat from the atmosphere, and thus buffers the atmospheric temperature??
Again, I don’t care about Greta’s politics. It’s about actual facts. Greta gets all the talking points, but none of the actual science. It’s buffoonery. She’s a darling of the media because of her age, not her actual intelligence.
Europe has better education than we do .
Stop blaming American public education. American public education is the ONLY institution that makes people think in the USA. We’d have a country full of flatearthers and antivaxxers and Holocaust deniers and evolution deniers and AGW deniers and moonlanding deniers if we didn’t have American public education making people smarter.
Stupidity is caused by politics, political rhetoric, religion, BREEDERS breeding, popping out babies without the newborns’ prior consent, conservatism, banking, business, corporatism.
@H8 GU We need to OUTLAW the BRAINWASHING of kids by religiontard breeders & private schools.
@The Ultimate Reductionist we have to many southern people who bring our country down .the south is like the stone age
@louis vicroy Unfortunately, this trend has also arrived in the EU. Career aspiration: Influencer. or It-Girl
no sh*t
You are correct young lady.
“We can’t negotiate and compromise with the laws of physics” , Well put.
@Thyalwaysseek It’s not so much overpopulation, it’s our desire to burn every fossil fuel we can find. That & when most other species cause their own extinction, the don’t bring everything else down with them.
@Arno Dobler That’s true. Are you a kid, or drunk? Both?

@Some Guy sometimes both
What laws of physics are you talking about, as a scientist I’d like to know.
@David Turco The law of physics that says the higher the CO2 in the Atmosphere the higher the Temperature.
If you were really a scientist, I’m amazed you weren’t aware of something Eunice Newton Foote figured out in 1856…
Wow! Thanks so much for this discussion. Get Greta on the screen more often! Thank you MSNBC. Thank you Greta. Thank you Professor!
You’re that old and listen to a child. Not too bright
@Me Hungy! He is wise and knows when to listen. Is not given to all.
Greta: strong and consistent.
Michael: I like to talk and thank you for having me here……
Yeah. Mann is really not your friend here. His attitude is starting to shift, but only very recently.
@CougarW The level of discussion – in spite of his ambition – becomes too high for Michael?
Liberals: stupid and consistent
@Me Hungy! explain if can….
@Me Hungy! Liberals: far more powerful than conservatives.
She is rigth. We are still burning a lot of fossil fuels
The climate crisis is not only due to burning fossils fuel, its how and what we eat… the livestock is part of it … most plp consume too much which is unnecessary. The problem is plp dont use and consume in moderation
@Neg n lmao
@Neg n Moderation is the key word – in theory. In practice it’s not realistic. You can’t put limitations on people. You’ll just end up with an angry bunch of people.
@huh what Yes the old have done so well in the past keep it up, what do they know!? (Ironic)
It is their generation that will struggle the most with this, so they have every right to say it. She has my respect – you don’t.
Until their is a cap on population growth then it’s not going to matter what humans do.
To think Greta is so young and speaking in her second or third language here. What a beacon of hope.
@Lp78Ch A child that takes responsibility as a celebrity. She would fly if she could, but she can’t because people would criticize her endlessly for it. She wants people to fly less
@Ghost Inthemachine It’s not simply that she is able to speak English but she speaks so eloquently far beyond the skills of American kids her age where English is their only language.
Second language. Swedes are known to be good in languages. Small countries kind of need to learn more languages than the big ones like US Russia and China…
@Lars Lover And what an amazing skill. I have a friend from Finland whose job is translating academic texts about computer engineering from French to English or Finnish and vice versa. I am in awe of her and yet she is so down to earth and loves having people to her home to drink awful Finnish liquorish vodka!
She is sewing while having an interview.
@Jose Fernandez I understood your comment. I’m not stupid.
@Quaker 2019 apparently you did not and later, well no comment
@Quaker 2019 I thought they were laughing in delight that she does what she wants, instead of what is expected.
@Quaker 2019 Maybe you don’t know this but people can laugh for other reasons besides having an intent to ridicule.
Bright young woman!
I like her “show me the money” attitude. Not just talk, act!
@Thyalwaysseek At some point if we don’t begin smartening up in other ways first…that may well be an option that’ll have to be practically looked at. Feel better?
@Peter JP Critchley You won’t hear me claiming it isn’t an immense equation. So Pete…why don’t you tell us a little about what might be YOUR approach.
@Peter JP Critchley I take it you’re away toiling furiously over your Mondo Opus Realistically-Green Manifesto? Speed it up a tetch willya? It’s _YOUTUBE_ for Chris’sakes…Sum up!
@Peter JP Critchley Ooo…bit of a fail there Pete. Want to go back and try again? I’ll pretend I didn’t see this bailout.
Poor Pete…stormed off and apparently took his posts with him…. *tsk*
The reporter in this video misspoke saying Biden was “preaching” when he was speaking.
She is so smart. Not likely to believe anything that the government says.
Inaccuracy. If the government started talking sense about global heating, Greta would pounce all over that, as would anyone else who understands both the scope of the problem and the danger of the world’s governments’ utter inaction. This is not about “governments are always lying”, this is about nobody is speaking the truth exactly when only the truth (and right actions) can save us.
Change is not a cost, it’s an investment. It will pay off.
Depends on what corporation you run
Just FYI: Ecologist, Prof. Guy McPherson, is saying that irreversable climate change will destroy civilization this decade. I wish I could deny that we are well into Earth’s 8th mass extinction. I cannot. old geologist
I wouldn’t go so far as to predict the end of civilization… but I think it’s safe to predict a massive upheaval of economies worldwide. Especially when coastal flooding goes past the point of no return. Many… perhaps most… of the world’s leading economic centers are located in coastal cities. When they go underwater…
@Tessmage Tessera Prepare to be bitterly disappointed.
@CougarW And why is that?
@Tessmage Tessera Civilization as it is practiced today is revealed vulnerable to small disruptions. The CV pandemic currently (Jan 2021) has the global economy on its knees, with nearly every industrialized nation throwing everything they have at keeping the gears engaged and turning until the situation clears. But a pandemic is nothing compared to the massive disruptions headed our way on the crest of global heating and climate change waves, disruptions that will be global and have no end inside geologic timescales. Once a few populous regions start to become uninhabitable or have too many internal conflicts, all bets are off; global industrialized civilization will teeter on collapse with as few as 10 million human refugees. You doubt it? One million Syrian and African refugees nearly imploded the EU, gave us Brexit, and elected Donald Trump plunging the US — a beacon of democracy — dangerously near the brink of a Fascistic disaster. Now try to imagine what 20 million — or 100 million, or 500 million — dislocated people would do. It would be absolute bedlam, nations would be overrun. The developed (hah) nuclear nations would become totalitarian dystopias over-night. Millions would die lacking basic needs, their bodies left to rot along the roadside. Disease everywhere. The current agreed set of assumptions simply do not hold once there are even as few as 10 million people on the move globally. So yes, I say prepare to be bitterly disappointed.
@CougarW You remind me of the fruitcakes who parade around on the streets, wearing “Repent the end is near” signs. There are at least a dozen plausible predictions that we could make, but for some reason, you cling to the prediction that is the most dire. Where I come from, we call that “being a fatalist.”
I like Greta’s demeanor, awareness, and tenacity
Greta is far more switched on than those who have an obvious financial interest in destroying the planet for short term gain.
We can’t negotiate with the law of physics. Mic
Meaningless drivel
do u think theres a small chance that the only reason everyone keeps arguing is bc its easier than to actually come up with a workable plan? and that maybe you;re putting FAR too much on the shoulders of a child?
Greta has figured out how this really works. It’s fun to watch her growing up. Watch out, world.
It’s her world

Greta is more articulate in her second language than most people in Congress are with their first.