Greta Thunberg at Davos: Corporations put profit ‘above people and above planet’ | USA TODAY #Shorts

Greta Thunberg gave harsh criticism of corporations and their impact on the climate crisis at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

RELATED: Greta Thunberg detained by police at coal mine protest in Germany

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#GretaThunberg #ClimateChange #Davos

Greta Thunberg at Davos: Corporations put profit 'above people and above planet' | USA TODAY #Shorts


  1. She did this for publicity stunt.
    Nobody asked her to join and then get arrested with a smile on her face

  2. Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior, but “growing money is wisdom”. I found this out a week ago after getting a $10,000 return on my $3,000 investment in 7 days.

    1. Personally as a first time investor, I started trading with $1,000 now my portfolio is worth $5,400 within the space of few weeks trading with her

    2. I still remember the first week I got in touch with Margaret Pearson, Her strategies was so easy to adopt but I made 2btc directly to my bitcoin wallet.

  3. So you want to basically say that money isn’t important yet you wonder why you don’t have enough to pay for rent pay for internet pay for electricity and pay for food yes very logical

  4. What a joke of a person. Lecturing the world of billions on a topic she only has the minutest understanding of. No care in the world for the projections of either the climate, ozone, ice cap reformation, or the economics of “green” energy.

  5. If she can change a tire on a Tesla then and only the would I consider listening to any of her one sided arguments

  6. Such an intelligent, well-spoken human! She is a ray of hope for the planet. Even a glance at the previous comments here,shows how much this is needed .

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