Greg Bluestein, political reporter at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, discusses the rise of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and how the fears among many establishment Republicans in Georgia, that she will soon be the face of the party, are coming true. Aired on 2/4/2021.
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#BarbaraLee #GOP #MSNBC
Greg Bluestein: GA Republicans Were Worried About This Exact Scenario With Marjorie Taylor Greene
She’s bonkers! Not fit for office. Trump was her daddy
@mike bronicki I got hairy legs,that,that,that,that,that turn blonde in the sun and kids would rub my legs and jump on my lap and that taught me about roaches!
@Tom Haggard CIRCLE BACK?
@Tom Haggard Why would you say such a horrible thing Tom?
She’s real danger
@Tom Haggard – And *worse.*
*’accrued’ FOUR disbarred lawyers (and counting), SEVEN former employees INDICTED for felonies (SIX already CONVICTED), DOZENS of…’unplanned resignations’ AND, at last count, FIVE administration members with “Contempt Citations” on their resumes FOREVER (Barr was cited TWICE
’s *numerous* ‘financial fiascos’ that have been uncovered in the last four years… 

So far (with allowances for ‘as-of-yet-announced indictments’)…
And we won’t *EVEN mention* #45
The GOP is fighting itself and both sides are flying the confederate flag. You can’t spell HATRED without RED HAT.
Beyond Stylz-“Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?…Matthew 7:2
Stole that first line from late night show…
I believe thats a strongly borrowed meme.
@lilly pad the fact you’re quoting from your magical book to passive aggressively tell someone about not judging means you are in fact judging and are a hypocrite that probably believes in magical snakes and angels. great job
@Rusty Megowan I never believed in a Magical Book….But I do believe in the WORD which has been true before the world was formed.
and 11 R’s were part of the yes, strip her of committees!
No committees for A O C or any other of the letters on medication
@Patrick Lefave AOC has acted professionally, never threatened anyone’s life, said anything racist, kookoo, and has constant death threats. So bug off, hater.
@FinnFan33 –

And ‘thank you’.
The GOP party is now the Cra Cra party.
@J R Work to publicly shame all republican doners, pressure & boycott them all to choke off their $$$, work to see they wear their party over country seditous stain forever, & start work now to see they are NEVER elected to ANY public office ever again! Coup attempts & sedition must have consequences or they are only dress rehearsals!
Has been for the last 4 years
@Carrie Fox Decades, not just 4 years. Look at Karl Rove, his remarks and dirty tricks, W was ok with it.
New name that describes them perfectly! Love it!
@Vi Trinh Gotcha! You and Bon Whatever are ONE troll working 2 copy-and-paste links. Work harder. Not smart to use both (more?) avatars in 1 comment string.
the true face of the gop. America- if you’re paying attention… never vote gop again!
They’ve literally taken the Word United out of the United states of America ! They’ve always done what they’ve been doing for decades, with tRump as being their supreme leader who held the most powerful position, they’ feel embolden, because he spoke the words that appeals to the majority’s heart ,so that where ever they are be it police ,politicians, judges,teachers ,religious leaders,firefighters, doctors, you name it ,these ungodly spirits that dwell in the hearts of man has been exposed !
Never have, never will.
They have a collective name .Demons !!
Trump and his sycophants were content to see democracy die and the USA become an autocratic totalitarian nation. Some of the GOP clearly still hold fast to that mission. Smh.
When I first saw a make America white again sign when trump was running I knew all of this was coming.
She must go!
Greene is in a league she’s not qualified for. She will fade away like Trump, and this will be what she is remembered for.
Sandra Sibley Do you rant out whatever comes into your head without stopping in real life too?
@Sandra Sibley She is a little nutty. I’m no genius, but even I can see she is a bit dim witted. If people want her to represent them, that’s fine. But I think committee assignments may be too much for her to handle. Also I just thought I would mention that Trump has not for years fought any democratic “demons”. He has been a democrat for most of his adult life.
@Sandra Sibley not spineless?? To try and save her skin, she did a complete 180, disavowing QAnon, her claims of false flag school shootings, 9-11 conspiracies, seem pretty spineless to me, and she still got the boot LMAO! She’ll get “primaried” in 2022
Maybe the next President her ideas will fall in line with the leftist
@Sequoia I think Sandra sibley is a fake account
14 District GA is no better than Korangal Valley, Afghanistan.
@TexanforTruth TossTrump let’s hope the snake is a
“One off”. Georgia stay BLUE…..
@Rian Draegon build bridges with mentally ill, low key racists… yeah, that’s the America I want.
@Gelatin Skeleton honestly I think we should allow red states to secede.
@Steve Sh Sorry..Let me clarify then.She did not have a democratic opponent on the General election ticket because he withdrew. Her true colors were beginning to show and he was gaining ground. Unfortunate situation all the way around. You are talking about the primary and the Georgia GOP screwed that up and they know it….Dont get so angry.
Well said!
disgrace an humiliation is a cancer in the republicans party
So they double down by smoking 8 packs a day. I wish them good luck with that idea.
Does conservatism means to be lunatic? Ms. Marjorie Taylor Greene shouldn’t have any place in mainstream politics.
At this point it means racist
I like the way wrote that
Conservatives’ brains are wired differently than most people
Fazlul Hoq; she shouldn’t have a place in civic life, much less making policy.
(Sp. edit)
What can anyone say? That’s the real face of GOP.
Greene: “I was just too stupid to know these were fake conspiracies.”

Space Lasers:
She doesn’t have to worry about being crucified with the tin hat she wears to ward off knowledge.
@soaringvulture oh FFS why would anyone use a Jewish Space Laser to light a wildfire when a match would do…….crazy
Never let facts get in the way of a good story. That is the GOP’s motto.
If you get your news from social media and platforms that only agree with your opinions. Something is not right.
Maybe if this lady had an actual High School Diploma and not just a GED. She might understand that when discerning facts you need at least three independent sources. That means you have to go out and maybe purchase a Newspaper, Magazine and find a news article that proves your point. However you’re not supposed to use free paperwork i.e wikipedia, facebook etc… These things are not trusted
@Coemgen Goodnough you’re assuming she can read, or at least read critically. Come to think of it, she’s probably of the mindset that reading scrambles your brains.
Thanks Greene for helping Georgia turn darker blue faster than Dems could have hoped for. In fact she’s doing the same nationally. AWESOME!!
@Dave Fields – And, speaking of ‘colors’…
’s always *so*
…he’s hiding his chronic skin inflammation.
The reason *why* #45
America is a democrat country. All this noise is just Republicans in a death rattle. America hasn’t been a Republican majority country in 70 years
Seriously. Since the early 2000’s, projections have put Texas going blue sometime around 2032. Trump and Greene are doing their best to speed up the transition.
Ttis that
oh yes
@Huey Long Admirer Trumplican cultist.
If they are worried,why didn’t they do something to hold her accountable.
@Emily Casanova nah like I said I wouldn’t take anything that comes from a democrap if they gave me a million bucks I would donate it to a charity taking anything from a low rent democrap ain’t in my playbook
@proud kam than you’re rich
@proud kam you probably won’t get anything cause you’re rich higher income
@proud kam yeah , but ya kept the two that our greatest president of all time gave ya . right???
@J Han Also previous checks, unemployment extensions, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, child care credits anti- socialists don’t grouch about if it’s for them.
Georgia and America don’t need people like this in our democracy !!!
Not a democracy, more like dictatorship!
The GOP is filled with conspiracy. It’s what drives their fundraising.
They have nothing but conspiracies, lies, and slanders. They have no principles or policies. They have nothing useful to say at all. Vote every Republican out of office
What? You mean Obama wasn’t coming to take their guns?

@T D Obama has a long term plan to come and take away their guns and make them muslims.
She just got voted out of the committees. Give her a few days and she’ll start that quackanon garbage back up. Just watch.
Great. Let her take the entire GOP down in flames for all I care.
She already did that in the last 24 hours. She is a deranged psychopath
She lies and, after being confronted, she still lies. She must be held accountable for the lies.
Yup, and worse, most of the GOP is OK with her lies. Same with Trump and his lies – I guess, if you’re a liar, you fit right in with the Republican party.
America you must vote for any American that is loyal to no one , but for his country. She is angry and dangerous and must be removed
The only way i want to see her face is from the back as they are escorting her OUT.