Green spaces in cities save lives and dollars: study

A new study looks at the link between green spaces and human health in urban centres. CTV science and technology expert Dan Riskin reports.

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Green spaces in cities save lives and dollars: study


  1. If all Canadian mayors had to go to Amsterdam for 3 months before assuming office, our Canadian infrastructure wouldn’t be such a disaster.

  2. out of all of canada 80% is covered by forests, fresh water and mountains. i don’t think its hard to find green spaces. nice reporting.

  3. @ whom ever curates this channel. An epic event is happening on YouTube, on Monday, May 31st. 😨😆 Stuff Made Here Vs The LockPicking Lawyer.. the lead-up has been goin for 6 months. 😂its drivin the internet nutty.

  4. Yes put in bicycle lanes and give electric vehicles a free ride, then put a carbon tax on fuels to pay for it. When are political correct environmentalist going to start paying and stop passing the buck.

  5. Want to cure diabetes? Stop shopping at chain grocery stores like walmart. Start paying the true price for food by buying local. Eating less and less processed foods will do more that green spaces will.

  6. Please do build a hospital And get more family doctors because healthcare is pathetic. There Is empty land everywhere in Canada.

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