Green Party of Canada members have chosen Toronto's Annamie Paul as their new leader.
Paul won a bare majority of votes in the eighth round, defeating Dimitri Lascaris.
Paul, who is Black and Jewish, took the microphone in an Ottawa art gallery after her win was announced and declared herself the descendant of slaves and an ally of those, such as Indigenous people, who are fighting for justice.
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Irrelevant party elects irrelevant leader. MSM: she has melanin.
Sure hope your grandchildren will need air to breathe, and clean water to drink, and the forest doesn’t burn the house down, or floods and hurricanes don’t drown them.
@Deborah Hennessey the green party is a joke and does nothing but suck money . And give fools something to rally around.
Guess the stereotype of Canadians being nice is wrong
Melanin lives matters.
@Marcus V yup Canadians become extremely ruthless when someone messes with stuff we’re passionate about. In ww2 Canadians were one of the most feared soldiers on the battlefield who could pull off missions other countries couldn’t
LOL..was the convention held in a classroom?
Dow E-mini that’s as much as the Green Party has done in Canada.
I listened to her for couple minutes and she already turned me off. I’m not interested in anything she is selling
She’s seeking social justice
Has the Green party ever done anything ? Legit question.
Yes, they can; in desperate situations when a major party needs an ever so slight edge to overcome another major party.
Doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.
Waste tax payer money for their salaries.
Sure elevated environmental science and the need to reduce emissions based on support from the entire science institutions and thousands of peer reviewed papers. But I sure that doesn’t mean much to you and your minion.
Jake the Pitador yes, private members bill for a national Lyme disease response strategy. I know it’s not a lot, but ask anybody with Lyme disease, it’s some thing.
I voted for the Green Party when I was young and stupid. Then I got smart and voted for Doug Henning of the TM Party.
I have to agree with May time for a new face . But same old same old preach about climate change but jump on a flight to Ottawa or Spain all in the name of climate change. Total hypothesis
Well she doesn’t look like she’s been drinking, so she’s got that over Lizzy. But still a party of flakes.
The most useless party on earth
I voted for the natural law party over them
And Elizabeth May rides off into the sunset in a Dodge Viper.
“The green party increased it’s membership by nearly 50%”
So they went from 100 to 200 members?
That would be a 100 percent increase.
Justin really tried here
16 other idiots liked this comment and didn’t even think about it
@Ethan B Shows you how dumb and gullible most supporters are lol
Trudeau wears panties
*The Hippie Party*
Did they legalize weed?
bryan Masson Kind of like the conservatives
She’s running in Toronto Centre…Liberal strong hold….the lIberals could run a chicken and the Toronto Centre voters would elect it…. she isn’t going to have a seat in Parliament.
I’d rather vote for a chicken just to show my wokeness
This is surely a winner. Right in there with the times.
The comment section here is atrocious
Diversity is our strength
Don’t know why this Party even bothers..
Don’t need them after the population collapse.
China Spy Agency had Attacked to more than 20 cities in usa from June.1.2020 & now.
For more than 3 months for now.
If she becomes the prime minister then, we will all become jobless and penniless.
If that happens then I’ll convert to Judaism