Green Party Interim Leader Amita Kuttner discusses their plans to rebuild the party after the resignation of Annamie Paul.
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Oh nice… Diversity
Oh… she must be anti Semitic if she is going to unify the party. Yay racist environmentalists!! Hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to inclusiveness
Annamie was put in to destroy the party, $$$$ was misapropriated.
One space cadet for another, seems about right for the biggest joke in Canada
Trust me, that title is still reserved for the PPC
@DTY1 This “leader” is a space cadet, yes…..but Amamie Paul was not…. she was a racist thug.
@glenn hankins Amamie Paul was not a racist thug.
@glenn hankins you’re only saying that because she’s Jewish… you’re gross!
Slow news day who cares
Oh, brother…or sister…or….
So who in the party is still doing this? We need names… if we ever want to fix this we have to give names and specifics. Yet another person saying this but will not say by who.
Proves she’s a liar.
Lets see how this diversity hire does.
Great answers to some difficult questions. They need to take advantage of the ndp moving closer to the center and take those progressive votes that want more change.
Token hire
Please listen to the Government of Canada. Afghans who have been transferred to Canada with military Canadians who have served have been waiting for three months. Everyone is waiting, including myself, Mohammad Daud Afzali.
Too bad she was picked by insiders like all parties maybe the greens should have supporters select the leader. LOL!
Why does the news always focus on non issues about the green party then ignore CFP all day long like they don’t exist.