Legendary Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein reacts to revelations about President Donald Trump in Bob Woodward’s new book. #CNN #News
‘Greatest presidential felony’: Watergate journalist sounds off on new Trump tapes

Legendary Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein reacts to revelations about President Donald Trump in Bob Woodward’s new book. #CNN #News
His enablers in the administration are just as guilty as he is! LOCK THEM UP!
@Rocket Mann huh? Who’s Barry? The only one I know is my daughter’s adorable but incredibly dumb ShihTsu.
@Marcos Filho maybe a good idea but not relevant to the discussion. Are you a bot? Or replying to the wrong comments section?
Trump did the right thing…Leftards can’t handle the truth about anything..Leftards are dangerous when grouped up in their blm murderous mobs…Never ever trust a leftard, never.
What Trump knew in February, the Republican party knew exactly what he knew, but look their behavior and compare that with the Democrats. Republican party knew Trump’s game plan was to suppress the vote, break USPS and they signed onto the plan. The Democrats were on top of the Covid-19 immediately, while the Republican party called them “Snowflakes”
And some of these enablers are doctors and they let this happen with this pandemic instead of sitting donnie down and telling donnie you are making a big mistake by not preparing and keeping the American People and the Health Workers SAFE
donnie didn’t do doodle
and they allowed him to do nothing 
He knew it was lethal and contagious, he told everyone to ignore it. He knowingly made things worse and is directly responsible for those deaths.
Datruth Btoldy REALLY
Allan Gregory @ thanks and be okay forever more.
Allan Gregory @ post script: the intensity of everything today is surreal and I am not wild about the internet platforms. I try to avoid it. Then.. I listen to certain videos. But in general I am no longer political. It’s gotten so out of hand since the pandemic. Be safe and be hopeful . Have a great day today!

The Truth the delusion is strong with you.
Jason Kara @ sorry but it’s a sick what you do. Not interested. Stop.
Trump needs to resign and be HELD accountable for his actions
@Fur Ball I repent every day the Lord convicts me for sure.
@TexanforTruth TossTrump is that a serious question?? All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory for sure. Those without sin should throw the first stone or just repent and realize we are all in need of forgiveness.
He should get what Saddam got. No less.
@edgardo martinez Nope. What the Nation needs to see is the judicial process working despite the notoriety of the defendant, i.e., former president. SDNY and EDNY and the NYSAG and the NYCDA and prosecutors from at least half a dozen states — state and federal — already have indictments drafted and secured in office safes. Ready for the moment the Orange Faced Flim Flam Man becomes a private citizen, a status which is the man’s greatest fear. Prosecutors will be falling all over themselves to see who gets to a court house first and gets first dibs on him on an arrest warrant. That’s a race I will relish.
VOTE to save your life, the lives of others and the only democratic republic experiment in the history of the world which has lasted as long as ours.
@Cathy Kale that’s why it’s fake news. He has done nothing wrong. He is not one of the swamp.
Sucker: Someone who voted for Trump in 2016.
Complicit: Someone who will vote for Trump again in 2020.
@Redsky Eagle Lol.. who said I was miserable? As if you know anything of religion.
@Brian Smith I know enough. What do you know?
Sucker: A person who props up an incompetent dementia patient.
I find myself pretty unapologetic for record unemployment, record stock market levels, rebuilt military, revamped VA system, historic peace deals, renegotiated trade deals, standing up to China, and giving the decades old illegal immigration problem the attention it deserves…even if the wall is not complete. At least he had the balls to propose an actual solution instead of kicking the can down the road..again. I had low expectations of Trump but he has been pretty great.
@TX Kevin Well said… stealing this.
Hes literally killing us deliberately… make him resign period!
Woodward didn’t believe Trump was trying to mislead the public. These liberal elites are lying to the public because they don’t believe Biden, oh I’m sorry Kamala, to win. Why didn’t Woodward report this a long time ago? This is being taken out of context.
@ohsevenone You idiot. Did you not hear him say he lied to avoid panic?
Morgan Brandy Panicing is better than DEAD!
Does Dump not realize who he was even talking to? He is more stupid than we think. This is pathetic what he is doing to our country.
He thought he could charm Woodward. Get Woodward to write a positive and applauding book, reporting all of Trump’s triumphs and excellence as the leader of the country. A real positive book like the one he got a ghost writer to compile titled, The Art of the Deal. Which he didn’t write while claiming he did.
He doesn’t understand the obligations and ethics of journalism. The attempt to shift the blame to Woodward is no surprise.
@Square Hammer We have to hope that between now and next January, he doesn’t succeed in blowing up the country. We must have confidence in top military leadership that the armed forces will be ordered to remain in barracks when he attempts to use our military to prop up his ego.
He is terrified — justifiably so — of the consequences of becoming a private citizen again. The indictments have been drafted and secured in safes located in the offices of state and federal prosecutors.
@Emma Willard ethics of journalism what a joke, like how they never report his historic achievements that past presidents failed to do or even try. You are to blind and stupid to know half of Trump’s great acomplishments
@rich5817 <<<< It's a Trumpite for sure! If the content wasn't a tip off the illiteracy certainly is! Very common amongst Trumpite cult members. The inability to compare and contrast facts is a skill usually learned by the early part of high school. Maybe have a do over? Let's all notice the repeated claims of great achievements and the complete failure to mention even one! Instead we have the usual hand wringing and winging and emoting and irrational thought processes and childishness and willful stupidity all of which traits are mandatory for entry into the Trumpite cult. Congratulations! You've earned today's championship ribbon and trophy as the Best Easily Gulled and Gullible Fool of the Day.
@rich5817 Incidentally, oh wise Trumpite, given your claim that journalists “never report his historic achievements” or “great accomplishments” how, exactly, do you know of same? Telepathic connection to Trump’s brain? Special tweet account he operates just to keep you informed and no one else?
Do tell. We are all waiting with bated breath to know the exact source of your exclusive knowledge and special treatment. Don’t disappoint!
Yet still Trumps polls won’t drop much below 40%….there are too many stupid sheeple in america….we need better critical thinking taught in school.
@mark balmer Your comment, racism and logic don’t merit my time.
This country has not only lost its moral compass, it’s lost its mind! Over 40% still want to vote Trump back in! Trump rallies are like Jonestown, where the cult followers pour poisoned Kool Aid for each other.
Wowwww what a clever sentence and self consciousness reflexion. It needs to be a collective reality .
@Jerry CNY but you watch CNN even you know it is completely bias?
let me guess? if you vote for Biden then your a critical thinker?
Listening to American Icons whom have seen Historical Corruption describe The Current situation Lets me know my Fuming Anger at Trump is Not unjustified. Trump is a Mass Murderer!!
PROVE IT and while you’re at it read the Executive Order that Cuomo wrote and sent covid patients to nursing homes! about half of actual deaths are due to Cuomo DEATH ORDER FOR NURSING HOMES… THAT IS A MURDERER!!!!!!!
@American Movement adjust your tin foil hat. Obviously your reception is not functioning.
What ELSE does he have to do for the people who can actually get this idiot out right now to wake up?
@Emma Willard You obviously didn’t meet him personally, therefore you don’t know him like you proclaim to know him. Mostly just hearsay from a bullshit source I’m sure. Besides that people can change and he has. You know as well as I do that when people emerge into the limelight there will be those devil-hounds like our main stream manipulative media that want to expose his dirty laundry at every opportunity and they will lie to do so! Everybody has a few failures to go along with their successes, which he has a lot more of than failures. If You’ve changed your political affiliation from Republican to Democrat, then you are the one that doesn’t have any excuses! That’s just sheer unadulterated stupidity on your part! You would think with all those high level post graduate degrees and high ranking government positions you would be able to see all the good this man is trying to do for us. He has been under constant scrutiny from well before day one! Just constant lies about him each and every day and you’re well aware of that, but you don’t care. My father was a college professor by day also with multiple graduate degrees and a farmer by afternoon when the teaching day was done. My family has medical doctors and optometrists and several registered nurses in my sisters as well. I am married to a Registered Nurse. Me…….I’m just a lowly old refrigeration Mechanic with a 2 year degree that works at a mid sized university in the midwest. I have run my own HVAC Business in the past and still do it part time. If you want to call me willfully stupid because I am a conservative then that’s your prerogative. I’ll feel free to reciprocate to you in a like manner. I think what really pisses me off about all these thugs on the left that we waste our tax dollars on is that they have been an impedance for President Trump because he’s not going to let them get away with “business as usual”.
@celtic journey Oh, look! No surprise! It’s a Trumpite exhibiting all of the common Trumpite traits!
Hatred of education and educated people. Doesn’t read. Barely literate. Disdain for critical analysis. Embrace of fear mongering spewed by others and a fear monger spewer too. Racist language and belief. White privilege obvious. A self-identifying Christian ideologue bible thumping harridan who believes in sky spooks and other fictions to use as part of the whole fear mongering rage and spew. Holds the most common fascist prejudices well-known in this ilk. Evangelical whose thought process are nothing like the words of Christ. Happy to genuflect before and worship the fascist “savior” who never had a moral compass in his entire life and makes his entire life one of cheating, abuse, self-aggrandizement and the pursuit of lucre above all else. This one forgives all of that immorality while claiming to be a Christian and shoving its pseudo-Christianity in the face of others.
Yep, a Trumpite!
@celtic journey <<< This is a liar like so many Trumpites are. The headquarters of our company was in NYC. We knew him and his father too. And many of his business associates and his wives too. How many more lies are you going to tell about others when you have no basis or knowledge? It's what Trumpites do. Changed? He's changed? Exactly in what respect? Got ANY objective, reliable, credible source-referenced FACTS to support that allegation? I thought not. Trumpties never have substantiation for what they assert. It's another Trumpite trait: their "savior" never has substantiation for his allegations either. Because so much of what he says is mendacious. He's the model for his followers: no moral compass. He can't even hold a bible right side up. You'll forgive everything he does, offer excuses for his behavior and abuse and are too obtuse to realize he hates you other than for your vote and purchase of MAGA hats. Thugs on the left? While you claim to be a Christian and excuse the Liar in Chief and worship him. As Gandhi once offered: so many Christians are so little like Christ. Almost 200 THOUSAND people have died while your "savior" lied to the entire nation. And you love him, genuflect before him, worship him and don't have Clue One that he knows you and your ilk of fascists are sucker and losers he will bleed dry at everyone opportunity you provide. The Nation will never forgive you.
@Emma Willard Oh poor baby. I’ve struck a chord of anger in the so called educated one. Now the so called educated one has been reduced to having to pontificate in such a disdainful manner. Barely literate huh! God that’s original. Anyone that reads these comments outside of us can clearly see otherwise. White Privilege? Yes I am white, but whatever privilege I have, I’ve earned it all by myself. Don’t hold my skin color against me. I can’t change that. Yes I am a Catholic Christian as well. Are you Atheist or Agnostic? I read scripture every day. It comes to me in my e-mail. I’m not Bossy (harridan) Usually not even grumpy. I don’t fear monger, but I am God fearing. You’re attempting to make this a personal attack, which is well beneath your supposed stature. It’s clear to see your gibber spewing antics are not winning you favor here. You accuse me of having a disdain for critical analysis and like all communist fascist liberals you have presented nothing of the sort that makes any sense. I’m laughing at the so called intellect. You and your ilk wouldn’t know come here from sick’em about my relationship with Christ because you’re kind is nothing more than the devil’s minion and that’s a pretty worthless position! When one talks with such insanity perhaps moral compass isn’t even recognisable anymore.
@Emma Willard Maybe you’re the liar like so many communist fascists are. I mean you haven’t stated the name of your business. You can’t even interpret the difference between a lie and an opinion. I don’t even know you, why would I believe anything you have to say. Change? Yes, he’s changed. Exactly in what respect has he not?! Just because you refuse to want to see it doesn’t make him the pariah you make him out to be. I’ve got enough objective reliable credible fact-based sources to away my opinion to the yeah column. I gave you a lot of substantiated fact filled links earlier! Don’t be an idiot! And You’re alternative is who again?? Biden? That’s a disaster in the making and you’re foolish enough to go down that unwarranted path. What kind of substantiation do you have for your candidate?! What has he ever done in his 48 years of nothingness? There is strife and division in this country all by design and look where it’s taking place. All in democrat cities and states. It’s true we are Christians and Christ was the perfect being on this Earth. We will always fall short of the graces of God, but that doesn’t mean to stop trying. Almost 200 thousand people have died because China let a virus get out of hand and then made damn sure they sent it abroad! Trump had nothing to do with the creation or the escape of the China Virus. One thing is for sure, my vote will cancel yours out and vise versa on election day. Believe you me, I’m not asking for your forgiveness or anybody else’s for that matter and you won’t get mine! If all you can do is hate us Trumpites as you call us, then go speak your problems to the Devil!
Dear Trump supporter:, By now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that in 3.5 years,
Only 3 miles of penetrable wall were built,
Mexico isn’t paying,
Hillary is not in jail,
Obamacare wasn’t repealed,
North Korea and Iran are building nuclear weapons,
There’s no China trade deal,
The deficit has skyrocketed,
The middle class didn’t get tax breaks,
Unemployment is rampant,
The armed forces are disrespected
The economy is in a deep recession,
Government hasn’t shrunken,
Services were cut but no money back in your pockets
, We’ve more COVID-19 deaths per capita than almost any nation,
The Democrats are not in retreat
and The GOP support is shrinking!
Good luck with that sweeping landslide victory…
@TX Kevin Trump: any soldier who is captured by the enemy and become POW is no hero..
Blatant disrespect of military.
America see through Trump and they are going to hand him his walking papers in 2 months
@Symon Templar specifically he was insulting John Mccain. Still, I do agree that this was an example of “punch drunk” Trump. It is a character flaw of the President and not very noble behavior. I can however separate poor behavior and a phenomenal achievement record. Obama for example had great behavior with the exception of divisive racial narratives. However, his agenda was abysmal overall.
@TX Kevin you can use Obama as your personal punch bag all you want. Trump is the one who is on the Republican ballot and in this election, the people will have the final say instead of all the spin. See ya on Nov 4th.
@txkevin let me ma!e this short and sweet. My entire family has or is in the military. They are disgusted by being called “babies”, ” suckers”, and “losers”. Many of them voted for him as I did in 2016. Not this time around. He is a weak, impotent and loathsome man. What happened to honest and strong leaders? What happened to leaders that were loyal to the constitution and the laws of the state. I pray fervently on my hands and knees that he is removed from office in January. He is garbage and I blame him and his sycophants for destroying the Republican party that I loved.
@Adam Roberts as a lifelong democrat. I miss the old Republican party. I would today bote for that party before giving trumpism a thought.
If anyone is still surprised, they have not been paying attention.
But the STDs (Slobbering Trump Dimwits) will dismiss it all as fake news and a smear against the self- appointed Savior Of Us All, aided and abetted by the lying sack of
occupying the Oval Office.
friscobob56 Ignorance is bliss…I wonder if it will sink in if he lands in prison or loses everything to stay out of prison.Either way, I want to see who’s going to have the courage to say that they voted and supported trump during this fiasco
And they watch fox news, i have a sister that will not watch anything but fox and it’s really kind of sad to hear her thoughts on it all, she truly does not know, blames it all on dems and how they are the ones causing all the problems and have been after trump from day 1
@SILVER BRITCHES It would be nice to see him in prison for life and have him watch everything that is his dis assembled and distributed to fix all his arrogant mistakes and not be able to do a thing about.
Trump has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands.
@TX Kevin actually the China virus mutated into the Trump Virus – 20 in early February.
@Christopher Barrett The tragic part is.. he really doesn’t care about the deaths. He just sees it as a statistic that he needs to manipulate
in order to stay in power.
@Symon Templar Thank you Symon for saying that because that right there should be more than enough reason for Trump to be defeated in November. This country is in dire need of capable leadership and it is more than apparent that Donald Trump is not it.
@TX Kevin , the task of a leader is to directly address to the american people and show them what needs to be done to solve the crisis. W. did it during 9/11. This president downplayed and lied to american people months ago when he knew the truth about how deadly covid was..
Your spin and attempts to rewrite history ain’t workin’!!
The people see Trump as the incompetent that he is..
@Symon Templar We definitely have different views of leadership. I agree it is the duty of our leaders to share relevant information with Citizens. it is also the duty to avoid panic, unnecessary financial hardship/damage and to manage a timely response. I do not agree that it is the Presidents job to share unknown, unconfirmed or speculative information with the public that has not been validated. For example, Do you realize that the CDC and WHO did not confirm that Covid 19 was transmitted airborne until sometime AFTER JULY 8th? Do you realize that the Jan Travel ban Trump imposed in was criticized as unnecessary and “overreacting” by the head of the WHO, Faucci and Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and other prominent Democrats? Do you recall just how little we knew about the virus in March? Do you recall that the medical scientists were telling us that masks were not necessary and they do not adequately protect against the virus? I know hindsight makes is seem like we have always known how deadly the virus is and more important, the best ways to prevent it. These things were not known at the time. The Chinese Government was withholding information and manipulating information. So yes, Trump seems to have known the virus was potentially deadly….just like everyone else watching CNN or Fox news who had been covering it in China. A pandemic is very different from a terrorist attack. In fact, if you want to compare Covid 19 to the Spanish flu, we have done exceptionally well. So if one is honest about how things have gone….Medical…. I say Trump gets a B+. Perhaps we should have had more tests available earlier but I am not sure it this would have actually changed anything without massive testing and forced isolation given the incubation period and the presence of asymptomatic transmission. They thought it would follow flu spread models…it does not. When we have a vaccine in record time, this will go to A-. Economy…..that is easy….A. Frankly I am stunned at how well our economy is doing. Avoiding panic and shortages….A. No one has died due to not having facilities or equipment and grocery stores have been able to manage the demand relatively well. Overall, outside of the partisan desire to blame and “get Trump” he has done quite well given where we started and what we knew at the time. Take away the virtual execution of people in nursing homes in New York (est 40,000+ deaths) and we have done exceptionally well.
Can anyone from a legal background advise on this:
190,000 thousand cases (so far) of negligent homicide simply have to be put forward as a charge.
Trump said he knew about covid and played it down and he officially lied to the public numerous times during public briefings, enabling Americans to carry on assuming there was not much of an issue.
As a scenario comparison, if I was a company boss and it was recorded on tape that I knew that all my heavy equipment in my warehouse was faulty, but I continued to downplay the equipment safety in my company briefings, and then one day 100 of my workers died due to heavy equipment collapse, I would be charged with negligent homicide.
I can’t see this being any different for Trump
@bdegrds EXACTLY right! The Dorn’s comments come from the brain of a Trumpite cult member, a sucker to and an apologist for Trump’s abuse.
@David Dorn’s life matters <<<< Wrote: "Trump is the one that shut down travel while there were just a handful of cases on Jan 30th." That's the same outright and intentional lie Trump mouthed to the American populace at the time. While thousands of people poured into the US -- citizens and foreign nationals too -- while knowing full well that the risk posed to the Nation by the virus was one of extreme danger. Lying is a trait required for membership in the Trumpite cult. This one earned its cult membership medal long ago and it continues to show it off as a Trump apologist and excuser.
@william johnson One fact to note in terms of litigation against Trump’s fascist governmental operations: career civil servants who have been fired or demoted or re-assigned after objecting to administration polices are — justifiably — suing the federal government. Those cases do not have an impact on Trump directly but the facts which will be revealed during the discovery procedures will become public.
@David Dorn’s life matters <<<< Wrote and bitched: "Yes, he says a lot of things but so do the mainstream media that 93% negative against him. Yes, there is always left and right, but the 93% of the media is always acting like the spokesman of the democrat party. " Must live under a rock where it cannot get Trump's Faux News channel and OAL and QAnon and Limbaugh and others of the same ilk. Hasn't cited as much as one instance where the Right -- including the Alt-Right which owns Twitter and FaceBook -- has been barred from the establishment of whatever outlet is wanted to offer apologies and excuses for its Fuhrer. So much bitching and emoting and hand wringing. So lazy. So little effort to solve what it claims are problems of interest. Easier to blame others. Trumpite!
@David Dorn’s life matters <<<< Got complaints about the tech industry? Go start your own which suits your fascist leanings. Or join one of the thousands of such outlets and air your fascist views there. You'll be among friends whose fascist racism is well known and treasured. So much bitching and so lazy. Wants the world to make things "right" for it and according to its preferences and terms. Don't like something? Do something. Even well-raised five year olds can sort their toys to suit their play inclinations. No one owes you a damn thing in this life, much less owes you a world already made and operated according to your specifications.
The real dereliction of duty is the Republican Party not making him resign
@Mz. Amazin Trump deserves no mercy only condemnation for his inhumane actions and blatant disregard for the lives of his fellow human beings. He will burn in hell for his actions which he richly deserves.
@Upper 90 Stop pivoting to the Democrats all the time and try to focus on who’s in office now.Everything that has happened under the Trump administration fall with Trump himself. You’re a pathetically desperate individual trying to grasp at straws in order to divert attention away from the facts.
What matters is that, Nov 4th will be simply known as “The Massacre”. Nov 5th we will need Noah and his Ark. The Liberal tears will begin to raise the water level to epic proportions! Trump 2020
@Christopher Barrett LoL uneducated Demoncrats create chaos then blame someone else
that is called ignorance 
Where is Adam Schiff and his witnesses for Ukraine? We are still waiting for him to bring out that evidence…. And if he doesn’t have it, why isn’t he in jail yet?
The GOP has absolutely no interest in the truth.
Can you imagine if this had been Obama? No I can’t because he would have kept America safe.
These anal cavities have enabled disgusting, REPULSIVE WH behavior & are up for re-election: VOTE THEM ALL OUT!! McConnell (KY), Graham (SC), Collins S.(MN), Tillis (NC), Cassidy (LA), Cornyn (TX), Cotton (AR), Capito (WV), Daines (MT), Enzi (WY), Ernst (IA), Gardner (CO), Smith (MS), Inhofe (OK), McSally (AZ), Perdue (GA), Risch (ID), Kansas open, Rounds (SD), Sasse (NB), Sullivan (AK), Isakson (GA), Loeffler (GA).
@Taylor .Cline Do you believe that crap you’ve typed? You’re an idiot.
Everyone in this White house repeatedly and openly lies to the American people. Even things Trump admits, the VP and everyone in the Whitehouse, say it’s not true. They are Cult members, they will lie, cry, whine, deflect, deny facts and make excuses for their Cult leader Trump. They have followed Their Cult leader Trump into the gates of Hell, dragging the rest of the USA with them, They will continue to follow their Cult leader Trump, to the Destruction of EVERYONE! Romans 1:25 ” They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the Creature more than the Creator”, “The liar’s punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.” George Bernard Shaw
@mauritiusnoah Make no mistake: while Trump knows that he lies in order to manipulate, his targets and marks are the easily gulled and gullible fools who genuflect before and worship him and assert that he can do no wrong.
@Taylor .Cline you’re just an absolute sukerfish!
He needs to be removed from Office ” Immediately” He is, as his Niece says ” The most Dangerous man in America.
Damremont18 exactly and Howard Stern warmed us about this.
@Baby C So sorry that you are Butt Hurt but there is help for you if you seek it
@Damremont18 Wow what a ignorant statement, demo craps never learn anything about working together! Were you born a moron or get it on your own?????
Nov 4th will be simply known as “The Massacre”. Nov 5th we will need Noah and his Ark. The Liberal tears will begin to raise the water level to epic proportions!!!
@celtic journey You really are that delusional aren’t you. Hopefully nobody close to you came down with this Virus or died as a result of it because if that’s the case then you wouldn’t post such a comment. Part of the problem with Trump supporters like you are that they don’t think twice about anything or anyone unless it directly affects them,which only proves how incredibly selfish and thoughtless they really are. So I hope you can live with yourself because in the end, you will reap what you sow.
It already is a catastrophe. A small but growing number of Republicans are disowning this president.
trump, And his enablers, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
The Senate?
TDS is curable. HCQ and zinc. Take it and choke on it. Heheheh
@kickatree17 <----- estimated IQ 78 - 83. Not smart!
T rump’s
S upporters
Where is Adam Schiff and his witnesses for Ukraine? We are still waiting for him to bring out that evidence…. And if he doesn’t have it, why isn’t he in jail yet?
Feb 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
Feb 7: “You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus….This is deadly stuff.”
Feb 10: “I think the virus is going to be — it’s going to be fine.”
Feb 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
Feb 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
Feb 25: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
Feb 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
Feb 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Feb 28: “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
Mar 5: “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
Mar 6: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it … Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
Mar 6: “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”…
Mar 19: “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down because I don’t want to create a panic.”