Great-granddaughter of lynching victim becomes first Black woman justice on MI Supreme Court

Kyra Harris Bolden made history when she was sworn in on the Michigan Supreme Court as the first Black female justice in the court's 185-year history. She sat down for an interview with CNN anchor Poppy Harlow. #CNN #News


    1. @Chris I’ll ask you again, why does the USA get the most flack for slavery when they used slaves the least out of most countries in the world? I’m ready to answer everything you throw at me, but FIRST ANSWER THIS QUESTION I ASKED YOU!

    2. @Chris I’m also waiting to hear what I said that was racist since you called me a racist. Are you 10 years old?

    3. @Chris said “his white privilege was damaged.”
      When my white Italian ancestors were lynched, how come their make-believe white privilege didn’t kick in?

  1. Man, I wasn’t ready for that story. To think such evil went on as to do that to someone that asked for a receipt. There are people keep saying we lack God these days, but stuff like that was going on and accepted back then when things were more religious. They even walked free for doing that.

    1. Exactly. I’m old enough and widely experienced and read enough to know we weren’t ‘more godly’ in the least. More closets were closed, mouths shut etc, but better people? Don’t make me laugh.

    2. This sh*t was happening in the 1930s! Shocking for such recent horror.
      (A trip to the deep south would reveal that this sh*t is still going on. Beatings, assaults, chasing people down. Even nutter racists killing people. It’s never going to stop but at least we can prosecute the nutters these days. They don’t often walk free any more. I visited in the mid-80s and found racism alive then. Ugh)

  2. this is a wonderful thing. congratulations. break down the walls of injustice and lead the way for millions. my prayers are with you

    1. @Dedrick Lucious 
      Corporations want the best of the best. They tend to lean towards Asians in that regard because their college/university accepting standards and skill sets are very high. They aren’t accepted as a means to diversify a campus through lower standards of acceptance.

      Now before you call me “racist,” just know that I believe that everyone should be held to the same standards and shouldn’t discriminate based on race.

    2. @Dedrick Lucious
      This “voter suppression” narrative is absolute garbage. It isn’t a thing. There are so many ways to vote that you’d have to be a complete moron to believe that you’re being targeted to reduce your voting numbers.

    3. @Dedrick Lucious 
      If you have the financial means to live in a particular neighbourhood, you’ll be just fine.

      Why are you fighting to be a victim? It’s ridiculous.

    1. @turnne You know they have try many times to domesticate the Zebra ? But with no success. It’s not in their DNA. FYI 🤨🤨

    2. @Bill Barr I have got a better one
      Lets not pretend that ” all men are created equal”
      You might want to educate yourself

    3. @Writtenhouse Security You know ” all men are created equal” was penned by Thomas Jefferson etc in the Declaration of Independence in 1776…Being that Jefferson was a slave owner himself its become clear written words/laws havent always been the same for all no matter what is written

    4. @Writtenhouse Security Under the law that was supposed to be the situation.
      But I do agree with you..there is little merit in that sentence associated with what was actually going on and what continued for more than 150 years

      Its even more clear when you take an advanced college level history class that dives into the huge economic impact and which people benefitted from it

  3. This inspiring young Lady brought me to tears. For a White person to reach the top of any field in America they have to be good. For a Black person to do the same they have to be spectacular, like Justice Bolden.

    1. @Bill Barr There’s no affirmative action. She definitely earned her way there. Plus, US Supreme Court struck down affirmative action almost a year ago. Affirmative Action never even benefited many black people in the real world. It was only in the law in name only, but never benefited black people. Affirmative action benefited LGBT and Asians more than it did black people.

  4. What do you say to people who see this progress, on racism, in America & think that its not enough?
    “It’s not!”

    1. Yes when consider lynching was essentially entertainment for sick white people and a lot of that twisted personality hasn’t changed a whole lot.

    2. I agree. Racism is getting much worse in America. The sheer levels of anti-white hatred and propaganda from major networks and channels is a very big problem and needs to be addressed.

    3. @PC 4MLC
      “To Those Accustomed To Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression!” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
      I KNOW you won’t understand this quote; but maybe, someone with intelligence will….

  5. “Enpower yourselves with a good education, then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise.”

    ~ Michelle Obama, ❤️ America lawyer, writer, activist, and humanitarian who served as the First Lady of the United States 🇺🇸

    1. @Writtenhouse Security so instead of just allowing progress to be something good, you decide to speak as a hater because you choose to, correct? That’s your own choice, correct?

    1. Congratulations for what? She was literally given the job because she’s black. She didn’t earn it at all. Congratulations to Sonia and Clarance, minorities who actually earned the job.

    1. @Miki van Duyn AGREED! She should only be commended on her achievement nothing else…….. CNN and MSNBC make everything about race when they clearly don’t have to!

    2. @Sean McCartney You didn’t do anything. She however, worked her butt off in the legal profession and earned her place on the state’s Supreme Court.

  6. Thank you for reporting on this bitter sweet story. Congratulations Ms Bolden. Together we might just be able to stop the attempted removal of rights for all groups.

    1. @Aisha bint Abu Bakr you never speak the truth…
      you are a sad troll who cant be happy for others…

  7. That’s great after what happened to her great-grandpa especially, but we still need justice for the people in Flint. The governor at the time and previous government officials need to be held accountable.

  8. You can see on her face how proud she is of her accomplishments, and she should be proud! Way to go, girl!

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